Shame |w.v|

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Mina and I have been dating for a few months now. We haven't really announced it to anyone, I mean there's really no one to tell. Of course the bosses know and we got teased for the first month and a half. Mostly because they were relieved we finally admitted our feelings for one another. Word spread from there and basically everyone knows now.

Still though, Wilhemina takes pride in her work and reputation. Which means no displays of affection at the office. I don't really mind it much, I mean I knew who she was when I met her. She's not much of an affectionate kinda person—at least not in public. I was a bit surprised to see how clingy she is in more private settings.

I respect the fact that she wants to uphold her reputation. Though I try to tell her it won't make a difference. Tonight there's a work event we have to attend and we're currently getting ready together. I feel like it's worth mentioning that we've never had sex. Which is why I'm currently getting dressed in the bedroom and her in the bathroom.

"Damn it" I hear and I shuffle over to the door as I pull up my dress, "something wrong, my love?" I ask softly. "No i-it's nothing" she answered quickly, "you sure?" I continue as I lean my head against the door. I can hear shuffling and soft curses through the barrier and my eyebrows furrow.

"Yes, I'm fine" she insists, her tone not really leaving room for arguing. "Ok well... whenever you're done—I need help zipping up my dress" I state and move to sit on the bed. I swing my feet gently back and forth as I wait until finally the door opens. Her gaze is directed at the floor as she stands in the doorway and I stand up.

I can immediately sense something is wrong as I begin to approach her. "What's wrong, baby?" I question, "I umm I need hel—can you zip up my dress?" she asks quietly and I nod. "Of course! Turn around for me" I say happily and she hesitantly obliges. My eyes flicker down to the zipper and as I start pulling it up, my eyes graze her spine.

My eyebrows furrow but I continue, a little gentler so I don't accidentally knick it. As soon as I'm done, she turns around and gestures for me to do the same. I'm frozen for a moment, confused on what she's asking for. Then I feel goosebumps prickle my back as a little draft passes by. I turn around and she zips me up as well before walking away.

It occurs to me then that maybe the reason she isn't as intimate with me is because of her back. I knew she had issues with it but this is the first time I've ever seen it. I grab my little purse and follow behind her to the car, slipping in the passenger seat. She doesn't mention it and neither do I, it's obvious she'd rather not talk about it.

As for me, I couldn't care less about that. I love her and I don't care if she's not 'perfect'. We arrive at the event and I wait for her to come around as valet takes the car. She goes to walk past me and I take her hand, interlacing our fingers. Her head turns to me quickly and her eyebrows furrow.

We enter the building and as we approach the crowd, she takes her hand away. I sigh to myself and clasp my hands in front of me, putting on a smile. As Wilhelmina gets caught up in conversation, I spot the bar and make my way over. I order my drink and sip on it every so often as I observe the room. "Hey stranger" I hear and turn my head to see Billie.

I smile widely and welcome her arms to wrap around me. I hold on to her a bit longer than necessary, wanting the comfort. Of course she notices this and motions with her head towards the patio. I glance around, my eyes catching the redhead talking to some execs. I nod to Billie and follow her out, heading to the edge of the pergola.

The medium pulls out a cigarette, offering me one but I decline. She leans against one of the support beams and gracefully blows the smoke out her mouth. In all my years, I've never met someone else who makes smoking look so good. "So? What's going on?" she asks softly as she turns to me and I shrug.

"I think... I think maybe Wilhemina—doesn't wanna be with me anymore" I sigh quietly, "why do you say that?" the blonde asks in shock. "I don't know. She just doesn't like for me to touch her in public and that's not bad I guess. I just get the feeling that she's hiding something from me. Call me crazy but... my feelings are never wrong" I mumble.

"I don't think you're crazy. I mean, I talk to dead people" she teases and I chuckle a bit as she pulls me into her side. She puts out her cigarette, wrapping her other arm around me. "I think you should talk to her about it. I don't think it's what you may perceive it as" she advises and as I'm about to reply, I hear the door open behind us.

My eyes lock with the infamous woman and I feel Billie's arms float away from me. "I'll give you two some privacy" she mumbles, nudging my gently. Mina hesitantly comes over, her cane barely making any noise with the lightness of her steps. "What were you guys talking about?" she asks, "you" I really honestly.

Her gaze snaps to me and I can see the confusion written on her face. "Mina... we need to talk" I mutter, "yeah, we do" she replies and I sigh. "Maybe you should go first" I suggest, "you seemed eager just a few moments ago" she counters. I look down to the floor, playing with my hands as I try to conceal my nerves.

"Look... I really—" I stop myself, taking a deep breath and preparing for the potential pain. "I really love you and... I understand if you don't feel the same. I would just appreciate it if you would be honest with me. I can tell something is going on—though I'm not sure what—and if you don't wanna be with me anymore... just tell me" I mumble, keeping my gaze low.

"What?" she breathes out and I look up to see her staring back at me in shock. I just stare back at her, not knowing the reason for her confusion. "W-why would you think that I- that I don't want to be with you?" she asks incredulously. "Well... you never let me touch you—in public. I guess I just assumed you were... ashamed of me" I whisper shakily.

"No, no, no. I'm not!" she exclaims, stepping closer to me and taking ahold of my cheek. I see tears filling her eyes quickly as she struggles to find words. "I just—it's quite the contrary. I want to protect you" she states and I tilt my head in confusion. Her gaze leaves my face, her hand dropping to rest on top of her other on her cane.

"You've... seen my back now. I mean it's obvious something is wrong with me" she chuckles sadly as she momentarily lifts her cane. "You're young you have... your whole life ahead of you. I don't want you to be known as the girl that dated—whatever I am" she sniffles and I feel tears fall down my cheeks at her confession.

"I don't understand" I whisper, "well-" "hush for a second" I interject and she closes her mouth. "I don't understand how you see yourself this way. There is nothing 'wrong' with you" I assert and she shakes her head as I come closer. I take her face in my hands, looking her directly in the eyes as I speak.

"These lights..." I glance for a moment at the fairy lights laced on the slated roof. "They shine brighter when you're here. In fact, everything looks better when you're next to me. I don't need protecting, especially from you. Unless you plan on fighting off the love I have for you" I tease and she cracks a smile.

"And yeah, I am young but, that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing. If dating you 'ruins my reputation' then I don't want it. To hell with them. All that matters to me is that you're happy... and I'm happy" I grin, "really? Y-you meant that?" she whispers and I nod enthusiastically. "I do. I could never be ashamed of you. I love you" I stare firmly and she smiles widely.

"I love you too" she sighs contently, leaning in to place a kiss on my lips. I pull away and rest my forehead against hers, smiling like a dork. It just makes me so happy that I get to be this close to her. "Let's head back in" she proposes and I nod, pulling away to adjust my dress. I hold the door open for her and as it closes behind us, she takes my hand.

I look up at her and she bites her lip shyly as I smile. "I love you, Wilhelmina Venable" I sigh, "I love you too" she echos giddily.

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