Listen Carefully |w.v+b.d.h|

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Ever since I started working for Billie, it seems she's gravitated towards me. We're always spending lunch breaks together and she always wants me near her. I think it's just because the people that work for her are incompetent. She's also been inviting me to events as her plus one.

Winnie has not been happy about our progressing friendship. She sees these little outing as dates, even though it's strictly business. I'll admit, Billie has been touchy but... she's like that with everyone. She's just a friendly and sociable person, I don't think she means any harm. Wilhemina on the other hand, she thinks she can see through Billie's 'tricks'.

It's something we've been having disagreements on for the past few weeks. So much so that, she won't even touch me. I mean, cuddling when it's time to sleep is mandatory but sexually? She won't even get undressed in front of me and I'm so frustrated. I came home today after an interview Billie needed me for and headed for a glass of water.

I basically just went over the topics with her beforehand and also as emotional support. She sometimes feels a bit out of place and that's understandable. There's so many people watching and judging her, she just needs a friend. As I'm taking sips, I hear Mina coming down the stairs. I turn my head to face her and she walks past me to the fridge.

"You're really not going to speak to me?" I ask, I've been playing along with her game because I know she's just feeling jealous. Yet, this has to end sometime soon or I'm gonna lose my mind. "Hello" she says, pouring juice in her cup while still not looking at me. "I have some work to finish up. I'll be in office if you need me" I say, "ok" she mumbles.

I can tell by the sound in her voice that she's almost reached her breaking point. Mina loves to think she's in control all the time but she underestimates my stubbornness—or stupidity, either works. I walk to the office, sitting down and opening my laptop. My phone rings and I pick up without looking, already knowing it's Billie.

I put her on speaker and lay my phone on the desk. "Hey, Billie" I voice as I log in to the computer, "hi, sweetheart" I hear float through the speaker. That's another thing I think Wilhemina hates. Billie never uses my name, not that she doesn't know it—because I've joked with her about that—I think it just makes her comfortable.

I don't mind it. In fact... I find it rather cute. "What's up?" I ask, opening up my email and Billie's schedule for the month. "Nothing, really, I wanted to get your opinion on some dresses" she mumbles, "oh ok... send them over" I reply. My phone dings and I swipe off the call so I can open text messages. I click on Billie and I's chat and my eyes widen like saucers.

This isn't her usual 'America's Sweetheart' type of dress. This one is tight, skin tight, and she wears higher heels than normal as well. "I'm thinking to get it in all the neutral colors and maybe red?" she voices and I can't speak at all. I've never really noticed her curves before now. I fear that they'll never leave my mind after this.

I hear the door open and I turn to see Winnie coming in the door. "Y/n? You still there?" Billie voices and I open my mouth to speak but Wilhemina beats me to it. "Go on" the redhead voices with narrowed eyes and I reciprocate the look. "Who's that?" Billie asks and Mina raises her eyebrows waiting for me to go on, all the while getting closer to me.

"My umm—my girlfriend, Wilhemina" I answer, "oh... tell her I said hi" Billie states. I watch as the redhead gets on her knees in front of me and unbuttons my pants. I shake my head and she just smirks, tapping my thighs for me to lift my hips. "So... what do you think of the dresses?" Billie repeats, "right! They're lovely..." I mumble as Mina bites her lip while spreading my legs.

"Lovely? Like... am I on speaker?" she asks and Mina shakes her head as she pushes my panties to the side. "No..." I lie, "ok... but 'lovely' as in... cute? I was going for a bit more... you know—sexy" she mutters. "Oh!" I exclaim in response, mostly because I felt Wilhemina's tongue brush my clit.

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