Ryd |s.m|

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Inspired by 'Ryd' by Steve Lacy

Sally and I are just sitting on the bed, watching tv, when she suddenly turns to me. "Do you wanna get food?" she asks which makes me giggle because I swear she's always hungry. Even if she doesn't need food, she's always wanting to eat. "I could eat" I shrug but then, an idea pops in my head.

"Actually... I'm starving" I pout and she frowns, "why didn't you say anything?" she asks worriedly. "Well I wasn't sure if you were in the mood" I say, trying to see if she's getting my double meaning. "Baby... you can always tell me whenever you're hungry—or anything else for that matter" she mumbles, her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Whenever?" I echo, "of course! Bunny, I don't understand-" she stops mid-sentence as I straddle her, her hands instantly finding my hips. "Well, I'm very hungry, mommy..." I whisper as I lean closer to her, "oh..." she breathes out, a blush covering her cheeks. "Can I eat now? There's really only one thing I'm craving" I mumble, my hips beginning to grind down on hers.

"Y-yes" she moans softly, her nails gently digging into me. "You're so sweet for not making me wait" I whisper before connecting our lips and she whimpers quietly. I lift my hips slightly as the kiss gets deeper, pulling her dress up higher. She automatically spreads her legs a little wider and I smile against her lips.

I place my palm on her pussy and feel that she isn't wearing panties. "Oh? Seems you were waiting for me, huh?" I tease and she whines softly, "aren't you going to answer me, mommy? And you're so wet too..." I whisper as I rub my fingers through her folds. "Fuck me" she whispers under her breath, "what was that? I didn't hear you" I taunt.

"Fuck me" she repeats a little louder, "now is that any way to ask for things we want? You're the one who taught me that manners matter" I pout mockingly. She whimpers loudly as I circle her clit but never quite touch it. She squirms, trying to move her hips so my finger brushes it.

I smack her clit and she gasps before a little cry leaves her lips. "Stop being a slut and ask for what you want" I demand, "p-please fuck me" she begs as she looks me right in the eyes. "Good girl... that's what I like to hear" I smile widely and her cheeks get even redder. I pull her dress over her head and place a peck on her lips before moving down to her neck.

She tilts her head to give me more access and I bite at the exposed skin, causing her to moan softly. I move down to her boobs, looking up at her through my eyelashes, as I take her nipple in my mouth. Her hand comes to the back of my head and she sighs, her head tilting back. "Shit" she whispers breathily as I switch to the other.

I kiss my way down to her panty line before pulling the waistband and letting it snap back. Her stomach twitches in anticipation and my smirk widens. "Can I take these off? They're just... in my way" I mumble as my index finger traces her lips through the soaked lace. "Please—god please, take them off" she whimpers, "oh, am I god now?" I chuckle as I hook my fingers onto the thin fabric.

"Well you own me don't you?" she whispers with a smirk on her face, "hmmm I think you're the god here... but not because you 'own' me" I smile innocently as I slowly drag her panties down her legs. I toss them behind me, kneeling and arching my back so she can see my ass. Her eyes immediately dart to it just like I knew they would.

She tears her gaze away as my breath ghosts her clit and I stare into her eyes. "And umm w-why's that?" she asks, her eyes filled with lust. "Worship is better shown than told, isn't it?" I mutter before taking a long lick up her slit and her mouth falls open. Her breathing shudders as I do it again before focusing on her clit.

"Oh fuck..." she moans, her hips already beginning to slowly roll. I smile to myself just before wrapping my lips around it and sucking harshly. Just as I expected, she squeals in surprise which quickly turns into loud moans. I slow down and she goes to complain but stops herself. I speed up again and continue to edge her a few more times.

I place my fingers at her entrance, rubbing them gently against her to gather her arousal. I see her tense in excitement and I pull away which makes her groan. "Awww don't worry, mommy. I'm going to make you feel so good... you seem eager. How bad do you want my fingers inside you?" I smirk and she lifts her head to look me in the eyes. I can see the desperation before she even parts her lips.

"So bad... please, baby. Please..." she begs, her voice wavering as tears come to her eyes. "You're being such a good girl for me... you deserve a reward" I smirk and she nods quickly. I push three fingers into her and her back immediately arches off the bed. A loud moans escape her as hips meet my thrusts.

"I-I'm gonna cum" she breathes out, chanting it over and over, begging for permission. "Go ahead. Cum for me, princess" I mumble, immediately returning my mouth to her clit. I close my eyes to take in that moment, just before she falls over the edge. Her breath hitches, the room falling silent—for just a few seconds—everything is still.

"Fuuuuck" she yells as her body shakes and I moan as my reward comes. I slowly remove my fingers from her, watching as she contracts around nothing. I slowly move up her body, peppering kisses along the way. "You we're so good for me, darling" I whisper, placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiles softly as she tries to catch her breath and I lay down beside her.

I pull her closer to me and she moves to rest her head on my chest. "That was really good" she mumbles, "it was indeed. Are you tired, love?" I ask and she nods her head. "Sleep. You deserve it" I mumble as I run my fingers through her untamed hair. "You'll still be here, right?" she whispers, "of course I will. Waiting for you to wake up" I promise.

She sighs contently as she allows her body to relax more into mine. I've always loved how soft and clingy she is and other times possessive over me. "I love you" she whispers, holding onto me tighter and I push her hair back to see her face. I know she's hiding because she's always a bit shy after we have sex.

I gently kiss her forehead and tilt her head back so she looks in my eyes. "I love you too" I say and she smiles widely. She moves her face to my neck to place innocent little kisses there which make me giggle. Soon enough her breathing evens out and I smile to myself, drifting off along with her.

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