Bittersweet Tears |s.m+w.v|

302 14 5

CW: addiction, violence, choking, yelling

A few months ago, Wilhemina stumbled upon the Cortez on one of her nightly walks. She rarely ever went that far from home so, it was almost a miracle she'd even found the place. At first she wasn't going to go in but something pulls her closer. She figured she would just take a little break there before heading back home. Little did she know, she would meet a very special girl at that bar.

Y/n wasn't too talkative at first but upon looking into the fiery woman's eyes she lost herself. They began a very in-depth conversations about their lives. A little too deep for the frizzy-haired woman in a booth not too far away. She approached quickly but confidently and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist.

Y/n turned around and giggled at her possessiveness, introducing her to the woman clad in purple. At first Sally was hesitant, recognizing that look in y/n's eyes all too well. The red-head stood her ground, however, being a little feisty herself. Before it got too heated, y/n suggested they all hang out the next day.

Disgruntled, both women agreed and they did met the very next day at the same time. And then again. And again. Until Wilhemina finally stayed the night and from then on out they were known to be together. They were rarely every apart from one another and if they were, they were right on each other's heels.

Unfortunately, there was Sally's addiction which caused a lot of problems between the three. The most notable being that it seemed the blonde's precious heroine was more important than those she was supposed to love. But that's how it goes sometimes and they beared with her. Until...

Reader's pov
I swing my feet lightly back and forth as I sit on a stool at the bar. One of my elbows leaned on the counter with my head resting on my palm. "You sure you don't want a drink?" Liz asks me again, "you know Mina doesn't like it when I drink" I sigh. "True, but she's not here right now" she whispers funnily, "but she will be soon and I'd rather not have her in a bad mood after work" I giggle.

"Fair enough. You really love her, don't you?" she asks, "a LOT" I say widening my eyes. Liz chuckles at my antics and slides me a shirley temple to sip on. Just as I predicted, a few minutes later, I hear the familiar steps of one of my girlfriends. I turn around and she's frowning at first but quickly smiles softly at me.

I run into her arms and she picks me up slightly off the ground and spins me. I giggle and bury my face in her neck as she puts me down. "How was your day, little one?" she asks as we walk towards the elevator, "it was ok. How was yours?" I ask excitedly. "About the same. How long have you been down here alone?" she asks concerned as the doors close.

"A few hours? But you know Liz and Iris... they won't let anything happen to me. You shouldn't worry so much, love" I giggle but she doesn't even crack a smile. I know how much she hates when Sally isn't attentive to me. Hell, I hate it myself. Mina doesn't really care for much affection or attention, well that's how she acts anyway.

I know she loves it from me, I just don't think she expects much of Sally. Maybe that's why instead of being disappointed, she gets so angry at her. I try my best to lighten the situation before we get to the room but she isn't having any of it. Insisting to me that I deserve to be doted on and cared for every second of every day.

She's always telling me how she wishes she could always be with me. That she would never leave me alone and I love that about her. However, it also just further proves the fact that she doesn't think Sally is good enough for me. And sometimes, though I hate to admit, I even agree. But I love Sally and I can't picture ever leaving her here alone.

Even though, that's basically what she does to me every day. We enter the room and I see Sally sitting on her phone, laughing at something. This doesn't surprise me as I expect this by now. Sally can be very loving when she wants too it's just that... some things get in the way of that. She doesn't understand what she's doing when her mind is so clouded.

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