A petite name |j.m|

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Janice McCarthy (Cracker 1997 ep 1 & 2)

I'll tell you right now that it's twisted but this is mainly an introduction to her character for those that haven't seen it, in the future they won't be so dark.

TW: 'undertones' of childhood SA, mention of murder by electrocution

I'm about to clock out for my shift at this new job when I decide to take one last customer. I simply couldn't resist the opportunity to talk to such a beautiful woman. Her curls bounce very gently as she slowly walks over and I can't take my eyes off her. "Hi" she greets me with a smile and from that one simple word, I'm captivated by her.

She could tell me to get on my knees right here in front of everyone and I'd do it. "I'll have... two tacos and... a rootbeer" she states, "alright" my fingers linger as I think about putting it in the computer. I realize I never had my free meal for the day so I decide to exchange it for hers. "Actually, it's on me" I say softly as she's taking her card out, "really? You don't have to" she looks at me with these doe eyes and I melt.

If I wouldn't get fired, I'd say she could bring all her friends too. "I insist" I grin before telling her it'll be out in a minute. I clock out and grab my things, dropping the food off by her table on my way out. "May I?" I ask as I gesture to sit and she nods without hesitation. We get to talking about the most random things and I mostly listen as she rambles.

I can tell that she's very smart so I ask what she does, to which she replies that she's a lab technician at CULA (California University: Los Angeles). I'm not surprised, someone as bright as her should have their intelligence recognized. "Would you maybe want to hang out later tonight?" she asks and I meet her eyes to agree, I'd be an idiot not to.

She gives me the address, telling me to meet her at 6pm before she kisses my cheek and leaves. I'm right behind her, turning to go the opposite way to retrieve my car. In really excited about tonight, getting to spend more time with her is borderline making me want to bounce off the walls.

a few hours later

I arrived not too long ago and she met me at the door, leading me to a little bungalow in the back. I took a seat on the couch while she opened the wine and brought it over. She started asking me more things about myself and it was now my turn to ramble. Whenever I get nervous or get asked questions about things I'm really interested in, I can go on for hours without stopping.

As I take a sip of wine, having finished my latest spiel, I wait for her to fill the silence. She scoots closer to me and I place the glass down to put my hands in my lap so she can't see how they start trembling. She places her hand on my thigh and leans in closer as her other hand raises to my cheek. Her fingers dance on my skin causing my eyes to flutter closed at her soft touch.

As I'm about to open my eyes, I feel her lips press against mine and it takes me by surprise. I unconsciously return the kiss, succumbing to her advances. Her tongue slides between my lips, demanding entrance which I give without hesitation. Her tongue swirls around mine, marking its place and her dominance over me.

She soon pulls away and takes one of my hands, pulling me up and towards her bedroom. Her hands roam loose on my body, pulling hips flush against hers before taking my face in her hands and kissing me passionately. My hands rest on her waist, more than a little stunned when I hear her moan softly.

Her hands travels down towards the button of my pants and my arms outstretch, hands still holding her hips, to put some distance between us. "I... I'm not ready" I mumble and her eyebrows furrowed and she tilts her head cutely, "why not, baby?" she coos while playing with the hem of my shirt. "It doesn't feel right" I answer, "well, what's wrong? Am I not good enough for you?" she asks in an almost defensive tone but I can hear the insecurity under the surface.

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