Welcome home |s.m|

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I walk through the doors of the Cortez, searching for something unknown. I feel like I've been here a thousand times and yet everything feels new. Every detail catching my eye as the light reflects off the golden fixtures. The setting sun projecting a narrow path onto the red carpet.

I make my way over to the front desk and ring the bell. A short grey-haired woman emerges from the back room and rolls her eyes at me. "Here" she grumbles, tossing a key on the counter which slides over quickly. "Um... thanks" I say before turning away and venturing further in the hotel.

I glance down at the number on the key as I take careful steps towards the elevator. The lights flickering and the hallway suddenly going cold. I look up to see a blonde woman standing in front of me, her hair untamed beyond words. The elevator dings and opens shortly after, urging me to get in.

The woman follows me inside and I stare at her through the reflection of the door. A blurry and distorted picture of her staring back at me. "First time?" she asks causing me to turn at the sudden break of silence. "Here? Yes" I answer, "well what else would I be talking about, doll?" she smirks.

I don't answer and just return my gaze to staring straight ahead. As much as I hate strangers, I feel an odd attraction to her in particular. She feels... familiar; talking to me as if we're more than acquaintances. The ding sounds yet again and the doors open to a hallway. I get out realizing I didn't even select a floor.

The woman exits behind me and gestures down one end of the hall. "69, right?" she utters, more of a statement than a question it seems. "Excuse me?" I counter in disbelief, "room... 69" she clarifies. "Oh... yeah" I chuckle at my dirty mind, "sorry I'm a bit on edge. What's your name?" I ask.

She seems hurt by my question but maybe I'm just reading into it. "Sally" she replies quietly, "well hi, Sally. I'm y/n" I state. "I know" she mumbles, "hmm. Do you work here? Since you know where my room is and all" I ask. "Something like that" she answers vaguely, taking the key out my hand and unlocking the door.

She motions for me to enter and comes in behind me, shutting the door directly after. I can see the change in her eyes as she tosses the key onto the chair and approaches me. I back away slowly and end up falling onto the bed. "W-what are you doing?" I ask, "shhhh" she replies as she straddles me.

The blonde takes my wrists firmly and places my hands on her boobs. Laying hers overtop them and squeezing roughly. She moans softly and starts grinding down into my hips. "S-Sally" I whisper, "yes?" she replies breathily. "Take off your dress" I mumble and she opens her eyes quickly.

I move to sit up and pull at the back of her dress. I pull it over her head and she stares at me intensely. Her arms come around her waist and I slowly take them away. Glancing down to see the scars littering her pale skin. As I reach out to touch them she pulls away and tries to get off my lap.

I thoughtlessly place my hands on her hips and pull her back down. She gasps softly and raises her eyes to look into my own. "Why do you that? Blemishing such a beautiful body" I mutter quietly, "I'm already damaged on the inside anyway, might as well make it match" she answers.

"You are not damaged" I tell her, "easy for you to say" she scoffs turning away from me. I take her chin between my fingers and turn her head to face me as I speak. "If I've just met you and I can see your beauty, then why can't you?" I ask, watching how her eyes fill with tears. "You really don't remember. And still you make me feel like the only girl in the world" she cries.

I pull her even closer and wrap my arms around her. Cradling her slim frame as she clings onto my shirt. She pulls away and brings a hand up to caress my cheek, a sad smile on her face. She leans in hesitantly and I watch her for a moment as she starts to breathe faster. "Kiss me" I demand and she closes the gap, her lips pressing harshly against my own.

My hands on her hips slide down to her ass and pull her further against me, if that's even possible. She moans softly into the kiss and rests her hands on either side of my neck. As I kiss her, series of images and scenes flash through my mind. I pull away quickly and pant, whether it's from the kiss or the shock I can't tell.

I slowly raise my eyes to look at her own and she observes me with an expression I now recognize. "Sally..." I whisper, "yes?" she replies cautiously. "Sally McKenna" I state more confidently this time, "yes" she nods starting to smile. "I love you" I smile widely, she simply wraps her arms tightly around me.

Tackling me back into the bed and giggling into my chest. I squeeze her tighter and turn us over so we're on our sides. "I love you so so much" she whispers as she nuzzles her face in my neck. "I love you more" I reply softly, pulling back to look at her face. She looks up at me, her big brown eyes shining in the dim light.

I lean down and place gentle kisses on her face until I reach her lips. Connecting them in a loving embrace as I caress her cheek. "I'm never leaving you again" I promise, looking into her eyes so she knows I mean it. "I don't ever want to forget this... how happy I am with you" I add.

I discard my clothes and we get under the covers. Holding each other close and whispering sweet nothings. I haven't been sure of a lot in life, but I know one thing to be absolutely true. "There's no one I'd rather spend eternity with, other than you"

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