For You |c.g|

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It's not unusual for the girls to go out on the weekend but this time they were actually going on a trip. I opted out because I just didn't want to be partying. Cordelia authorized for them to go with the supervision of Myrtle but honestly... that doesn't mean anything. The redhead will simply make sure they don't die or kill anyone; anything beyond that is free game.

I've always like Myrtle though, she's very laid back and doesn't pry much. Cordelia on the other hand... well she's a natural worrier. I think it's cute how much she cares for all the girls. It's just the two of us for the whole weekend but I've barely seen her. She's been busy in her office with god knows what and I've left her to it.

Today I decided to go out and pick up something for her. Just a little token of appreciation and maybe an expression of love; she doesn't have to know it's not platonic. I was almost appalled with myself when I realized I had feelings for the supreme. It's hard not to fall for a woman like her, yet at the same time it felt beyond wrong.

Not for the typical reasons either. It's obvious she likes women and I don't think she's so myopic as to be opposed to having a younger lover. It's the fact that I'm simply not on her radar. She's polite, of course, it's in her nature to be sweet and kind. However, our interactions are brief and far in between. It's not that she avoids me but she's a busy woman and I respect that.

I do often feel jealous when I see her converse with Zoe or Queenie but they are teachers after all. Then there's Misty; the bane of my existence. She's a sweet little witch with the cutest accent and messily styled hair that perfectly falls on her shoulders. Her hippie vibe and love of Stevie Nicks only adds to her allure and it drives me insane.

I see the way the supreme looks at her and it makes my heart ache. The southern blonde was here long before my arrival and so I understand their closeness. Cordelia has formed a meaningful attachment to the woman and I have to admit it's impossible not to. Misty is a beautiful soul and is always there for everyone.

At first, I presumed Cordelia and her were just there for each other. Both of them seem to take on so much and I assumed they balance the load with their friendship. Until I noticed the lingering touches and wandering eyes. They look at each other with such admiration it was impossible to deny the connection between them.

So as I search through the shop for the perfect gift for the blonde, I know my innocent subterfuge is futile. I don't have to be secretive about my intentions, she won't notice anyway. I'll simply give her the gift and go on about my day. I find a little charm bracelet, gold—the only jewelry befitting her.

I stare at it in the case, a little heart cradled in the dent of the velvet. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I turn to see an older woman with grey hair pinned into an elegant style. Little wrinkles show on her face as she smiles and I feel a warmth come over me. I learned long ago that first impressions really are important. Not in terms of demeanor but in the energy a person carries.

"It is..." I sigh, "is it for a special someone or for yourself?" it's a simple question but I find myself hesitating to answer. "Neither. She's just a friend" I say, not even knowing if it's appropriate to call her my friend. "I have a feeling you may not be satisfied with that" I turn to her and see her lips slightly upturned to a smirk. "This isn't a gift that catches the eye of a person shopping for a friend" she adds and I chuckle dryly.

"It's just the way it is" I mutter, "I think that might change" her vague statement puzzles me but I don't have much time to dwell on it. I check the time to see I've been gone for 3 hours and my eyes widen. "I'll ring it up and wrap it" she states before I can even open my mouth and I thank her. She makes quick of it and I pay, thanking her once more before heading to the bus stop.

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