cherish the day |w.v + c.g|

361 16 46

Summary: you struggle to find the perfect gift for your sophisticated lover until you finally ask for some guidance...

7k words it's a long one ya'll

The days leading up to Wilhemina's birthday were filled with secrecy. The redhead hated to be the center of attention but she accepted for this one day of the year, it was just customary. Although she's never been traditional in any sense, she learned that you two cherished the silly little things. The woman had to admit that it was cute how you two took it so seriously and though she would never say it, it warms her heart.

You in particular had been very quiet about whatever you had planned for the redhead. She tried following you around to find out what it was but you were just as secretive as the blonde. She could gauge what the blonde would do, as they'd known each other for over a decade, but you only recently joined them within the last two years. You had spent one birthday with both of them, allowing the two to lead the other's.

This year you were taking action and it particularly excited Wilhemina to see what you would come up with. Despite not knowing you for that long, she had grown to love you just as much as she loves Cordelia. It was odd and jarring for her, falling for you as fast as she did. It took years for her to admit her feelings to Cordelia and, in reality, she never really did. The blonde was the one to approach her after feeling frustrated with the flirting games.

The day is finally here and as the redhead stirs from sleep, she immediately feels the absence of both her lovers in bed. She reaches out her arm and surely enough, both of you are gone. Before she can start overthinking, the door opens and not one but two heavenly scents waft through the room; Cordelia's expensive but subtle perfume and another one the just awoken beauty can't quite place.

"Good morning, baby" Cordelia whispers as she rounds the bed with a tray in her hand; allowing the woman still in bed to sit up before placing it on her lap. Wilhemina looks down at it and sees pancakes, the top one having chocolate chips in the form of a smiley face which causes her to shake her head in amusement. The blonde leans down and slowly captures the woman's lips "happy birthday" she whispers against them before pulling away, only to sit on the edge of the bed beside her.

Wilhemina smiles dreamily, allowing herself to be fully content for a few moments. Soon her thoughts get back on track and she once again notices another absence. "Where is she?" she almost didn't ask but it's an unspoken rule that on this special day she won't hold back; voicing her thoughts and concerns without fearing repercussions. Both you and Cordelia would love if she did this year round but she's slowly getting better at it, so there's that.

"I actually have no clue... she left this morning while I made breakfast and I was too distracted to ask where she went. Maybe school?" Cordelia presumes, it is after all a weekday. The redheads frowns to herself as her head fills with unpleasant thoughts. Had you forgotten about today? Maybe she was right all these years and it's really just another day. How could she have been so foolish as to think you actually cared? Maybe all those nights you snuck off were just to study.

The blonde can sense that something is bothering her lover but before she can think of how to approach it, a paper catches her eye. She narrows her eyes and stands up which gets the other woman's attention. Cordelia takes what is now clearly an envelope in her hands and flips it over to see your handwriting. She smiles softly and extends it to the redhead, "I think this is for you" she smirks at her lover's confused yet surprised expression.

"Umm Miss Cordelia?" she turns her head at the sound of one of her younger student's timid voice and hums. The girl doesn't meet her eyes, hating having to bother the supreme in the privacy of her bedroom and on such a special day. "Madison-" "say no more. I'll be right there" the blonde sighs. "Ok... and uhh happy birthday, Miss Venable—I hope you have a great day" the girl mumbles out quickly before leaving.

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