Come Again? |w.v|

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CW: (slight) degradation, praise, mistress kink, overstimulation, edging, choking
(I swear it's pretty soft though 😂)

We've just gotten home after going out for dinner tonight. Wilhemina has been teasing me all day and I've just about had it. If I don't cum in the next hour, I feel like I might die. I close the door and lock it behind us after she passes me.

We walk up to the bedroom in silence as my frustration grows. She starts undressing and getting ready to go for a shower. I watch her as she pays me no mind and takes her sweet time. Once she was down to her underwear, I'd really had enough.

"Wilhemina" I say as I turn around, she turns to face me and raises an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" she says, asking me to repeat myself since I never use her full name. I just stare back at her defiantly as she takes careful steps towards me.

"On your knees" she demands, "no" I reply firmly. "No?" she questions, trying to intimidate me with the look on her face. "You heard me" I tell her as I step even closer. "Matter of fact, how about you get on your knees" I say crossing my arms.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me" she scoffs shaking her head. "Does it sound like I'm joking? On. Your. Knees" I repeat, she narrows her eyes at me before relaxing. "What are you gonna top me now? Seriously y/n" she chuckles.

"It's mistress for you, and yes. Now on your knees. I won't repeat myself again" I say standing my ground. "Y/n" she says again as she looks at me trying not to laugh. "Do you want to be punished then? I will be sure to make it unpleasant" I state. She looks at me surprised, hesitating for a moment before getting on her knees.

"Good girl" I say smiling down at her, I see her cheeks turn a nice shade of pink. "You're cute" I say running my hand on the top of her head until I reach her ponytail. I wrap my hand around it and pull it so her face angles up towards me. She lets out a sharp gasp and her face contorts in slight pain.

"Here's how this is gonna go. You do everything I say, and we both end up happy. Got it?" I ask her and she nods quickly, I smile and let go of her hair. I walk over to the bed and she stays in place. "Come" I say, she turns around and starts to get up. "Crawl" I instruct and she puts her hands on the floor crawling over to me.

By the time she's in front of me, I've already taken off my clothes. "I hope that first course didn't fill you up too much" I joke and she smirks. I stand up in front her and remove the remaining covering on my body. Her hands reach for my thighs but as soon as I look down at her she returns them to her sides.

"Look at that... so obedient" I praise her only to see her cheeks flush once more. I sit back down on the edge of the bed and lick my lips. "Go" I say simply and she doesn't hesitate to push her face into my center. At the first contact of her tongue I shiver and reach for her hair.

One of her hands come up to caress my waist as the other teases my center. "Fuck" I moan softly as she deliberately circles my clit. "That's it... just like that, princess" I moan softly and feel the vibrations from her own moan as well. "Shit" I whimper, "you're doing so good for me" I breathe out.

As she pushes two fingers in I squeal a little, my hips starting to immediately meet her thrusts. "Come here" I state, pulling her by her hair so I can kiss her. In the absence of her tongue, she uses her thumb to stimulate my clit. "Ohhh—I'm gonna cum" I whine as she speeds up her movements, "cum for me, mistress. Let me feel you" she whispers.

I grip onto her tightly as my orgasm washes over me. As soon as I'd finished I begin to kiss her neck. "You've been a bad girl today, baby" I mumble against her skin, "ignoring me... teasing me..." I continue. "I'm s-sorry, mistress" she moans quietly, "oh I'm sure you are... but I'm not confident you've learned your lesson. I'll make sure you never do it again" I mutter.

I flip her onto the bed and she gasps as her back comes in contact with the sheets. I quickly rip her clothes off and hear her breathing pick up. "Is my little slut excited?" I smirk and she nods slowly, a blush invading her cheeks. "Words, my love" I order, "yes, mistress" she whispers.

I start kissing her neck again, my hands roaming over every inch of her skin. She wriggles beneath me as my kisses drop lower and lower. Providing her breasts with ample attention before falling to the place she wants most. My fingers easily slip through her folds as they get coated with her arousal.

An idea pops in my head and I smirk, starting to gently stimulate her clit. "Does that feel good, baby?" I ask softly, "yes... so good" she whines. I continue, not teasing her, eventually entering her with two fingers. I slowly pump them in and out, my other hand caressing her waist. She moans at my every touch and sends tingles up my spine.

"Are you enjoying yourself, honey?" I tease, "y-yes, mistress" she moans and I can tell she's a bit confused. This is supposed to be a punishment after all, but I've got a trick up my sleeve. I speed up a bit, quickly bringing her to the edge. "A-aghh can I cum, mistress? Please" she begs, "go ahead, baby" I permit and feel her clench around my fingers.

I allow it to partially subside before speeding up again. "Fuck! Wait—" she says, trying to push my head away. "Uh uh uh. No touching, princess" I demand and she quickly takes her hand away. "You'll give me another one, right? You'll be a good girl for mistress" I taunt, "o-ok" she obliges. I smirk and proceed to harshly suck on her clit, pulling a guttural moan from her throat.

"I-I'm cumming" she whimpers before releasing into my fingers once more. "I'm sorry" she mumbles as she comes down, "don't apologize, baby, I don't mind" I assure her. Again, I speed up before she fully relaxes and feel her body tense. "Relax, darling. Just feel the pleasure" I mutter, raising my torso to plant a kiss on her lips.

She moans softly into it and now I've got her right where I want her. I knew going soft on her would trick her into thinking she was in control. Little does she know, she's just played right into my hand. I watch as her hips meet my thrusts, her stomach rolling beautifully. "Are you close, baby?" I ask, "fuck... yes" she pants.

"Hold it" I demand as I go faster and she whimpers. Her fingers twitch against the sheets as she fights to obey my rule. "Why were you teasing me today?" I ask and she bites her bottom lip to suppress a moan. "Answer me" I command, my voice quiet but firm so she knows I mean it.

"I-I don't know" she lies, "the more you lie, the longer this will take" I remind her. She whines loudly as I my thumb flicks her clit back and forth. Her mouth falls open and I can tell she's close. I slow down my movements and she groans in frustration. "You thought you could get away that easy? Cumming without permission again... don't make the same mistakes twice, baby" I tut.

"Y/n please..." she begs, "why. Were. You. Teasing. Me" I state in time with my thrusts. "I. Don't. Know" she replies mockingly and I scoff incredulously. I wrap my free hand around her neck, applying gentle pressure. She opens her eyes and stares up at me as I smirk. "Try again, sweetheart" I state and she looks away from me.

"Look at me" I say softly, not being able to keep it up. She turns her head and whimpers as my thumb brushes her clit with more pressure. "Tell me" I demand, "I-I just wanted a-attention" she confesses. I speed up and allow her to cum, slowly bringing her down to get the most of it.

Afterwards, I clean her up and then lay down to cuddle. She snuggles into my side as my mind drifts to what she said. "Baby?" I say, "mhm" she hums softly in response. "I want you to know that—if you ever feel like I'm not being attentive enough, just say so" I voice sincerely as I stroke her hair.

"I was just being needy" she sighs dismissively, "honey, I don't mind that. At all. In fact, I often try to give you space because I know you're not the lovey dovey type. So if you ever need more, I wouldn't hesitate to give it to you" I reassure her. "Thank you" she whispers, placing a kiss on my bare chest.

"You don't have to thank me for that, it's no trouble honestly, but you're welcome" I mumble as my eyes flutter, "I love you so much" she breathes out, "I love you too, baby" I whisper as I allow my eyes to close. "Good night, sweetheart" she giggles, "mm, goodnight" I yawn.

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