Take a rest |c.g|

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I wake up a bit parched so I decide to head down to the kitchen to get some water. As I'm on my way back, I see light spilling from the crack of Cordelia's office door. I shake my head softly and sigh, knowing she's up late doing work again. I hate when she does this, doing all these things while everyone else is sound asleep.

I knock softly on the door before opening it and my gaze lands on her. She glances up at me and I can see the tiredness in her eyes. They're more droopy than usual and even her usually comforting smile appears weary. "Hi, sweetheart. What are you doing up?" she asks, "I could ask you the same thing" I smirk. "Touché" she replies while chuckling softly.

"Come on, it's time for bed" I state as I walk over and straighten up some papers on her desk. She's always so organized but I think she just has too much to do. Even when she manages her time to the last second, there's always something unexpected popping up. "But-" "not 'buts'. Wrap it up miss supreme" I state firmly and she sighs.

She types a bit more on her computer before shutting it down and closing it. She tidies up some things on her desk before standing up and brushing out the nonexistent wrinkles in her pants. She smiles tiredly at me in a silent thank you for me opening the door. I follow her up the stairs and to her room before she stops.

"Good night" she mumbles, "oh no, no. I'm making sure you actually rest" I say and she furrows her eyebrows confused. "Go on" I gesture for her to open the door and she shakes her head amused but does as I asked. I follow her into the room and take a seat on one of the chairs as she watches my every move.

"You're serious?" she chuckles, "mhm" I nod and she rolls her eyes playfully. She goes into the bathroom where her closet is and closes the door. I glance around the room, taking in all the neutral colors. For such a bright soul, she sure does keep things simple. I like that about her, how she's so sweet and caring; her space reflects that.

Though I think she often cares about others more than herself. I suppose that's what I'm here for, friends make sure their friends are ok. However, I sometimes wish she saw me as more than just a 'friend'. "Damn it" I hear her mumble from behind the door and I get up to go over to her. "What's wrong?"'I ask quietly, "nothing" she answers quickly.

I decide to leave it alone and I go over to the bed and get it ready for her. I fold back the comforter so it'll be easy for her to get in and I hear the door open. I turn to see her standing shyly in a short nightgown. It's bordered with lace and honestly fits more like an oversized shirt on her. "I didn't umm... have anything else" she mutters, "you look beautiful" I assure her.

She smiles softly and come over to the bed, gently sitting on it. She swings her legs over and I tuck her in before sitting on the opposite side. "I'm not a child" she giggles, "you're right; but I also know you. I know you'll try to get up again" I reply and she sighs. "Well—if you're gonna stay—you should get under the covers or you'll get cold" she mumbles and I smile to myself.

I slip underneath but make sure to keep my distance a little. "I'll know if you get up—I'll feel the bed move" I heed and she giggles softly. The lights turn out and I lay on my side to face her. I see her turn over as well and I can't see her face but I can hear her smile. "Thank you... for always taking care of me—even when I'm stubborn" she whispers.

"That's what friends are for..." I reply under my breath and I hear her softly sigh. "I'll help you if you need it. I don't like that you're always up when we're fast asleep" I offer and she takes a deep breath. "That'd be nice" she whispers, "consider it done" I respond. It's quiet between us for a while, just the sound of her soft breaths that are like music to me.

"You're too sweet for own good" she mumbles tiredly and I smile as I know she'll finally get some much deserved rest. "Anything for you" I whisper and I feel her move closer to me. I decide to just go for it and I scoot until our fronts are almost touching. "Flip over" I order and she does so without question. I move even closer until my front is touching her back and I drape my arm over her.

"Now I'll be sure you don't move" I whisper and she shivers. "Is this ok?" I ask seriously, "perfect" she mutters as her hand rests on top of mine. "You know... I don't think I thank you enough for all you do for me" she mumbles, "that's ok. I know you appreciate it and even when you don't... I'll still do it" I reply. "No, really. I'm so grateful for you" she stresses, "I'm grateful for you too" I echo.

"You're the best person in my life" she whispers shakily, "hey... it's ok" I mumble while holding her tighter. "I really don't wanna lose you" she continues, "why would you think you would? I'm right here" I promise her and she sniffles. "I love you so much" she whispers, "I love you too" I mumble. It's the first time she's ever said that to me and it sets a frenzy of butterflies loose in my stomach.

Even if she doesn't mean how I do, it's still nice to hear. "No... I love you" she repeats with emphasis and I hear her begin to cry softly. "Why are you crying?" I ask quietly, "because... you're gonna leave me now" she mutters. "Why would you say that?" I ask incredulously and she turns back over to face me. The light of the moon frames her from behind, allowing me to see a vague picture of her face.

Her eyebrows are furrows and she gently bites her lip as her hand comes to rest on my cheek. One of my hands still lies on her waist while the other is underneath my head. "I may lose you for this... but I need you to know how I feel. You are... the best thing to ever happen to me. You've always been there—whenever I needed you—even if I didn't know I needed it at the time" she whispers.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't help falling in love with you" her lip trembles lightly and I can feel her breath ghost my lips. "I just wanna know—if only once—what it feels like..." she moves closer, her lips brushing my own. "What it feels like to be so close to you... even if it's not real" she mumbles as she closes her eyes. For a second I think she's fallen asleep until I feel her lips press just a bit more against mine.

I close my own around her bottom lip which starts a gentle kiss. It last mere seconds before she pulls away, taking her hands off me. "I'm sorry" she mutters, "stop apologizing" I demand as I pull her impossibly closer. "I love you too" I assure her and her eyes quickly meet my own. She smiles softly, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth.

"Are you sure this isn't just a moment of sleep deprived delirium?" she giggles, "no, baby. It's real" I reply funnily. "Mm good" she breathes out as she nuzzles her face in my neck. "Good night, sweetheart" she whispers, "good night Delia" I mumble.

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