Dark Nights |s.m|

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I finally managed to get a vacation from my job, thank god. The hours have been killing me and—even though I love what I do—I just needed a break. Everyone and their cousin had a recommendation or suggestion, whether it be for hotels or excursions. I really just want a laid back time though.

So I found this really cheap but beautiful hotel to stay at. Hotel Cortez. I push the revolving door and fight the urge to spin myself in it. I go up to the counter, checking in with a quite disgruntled older woman. I pay her no mind and drag my bag behind me, up to the bar for a drink before hitting my room.

I meet another older woman, this one being a lot more friendly than the last. "What can I get ya, honey?" she asks nicely, "umm I suppose a martini will do. I heard you have the best in town" I smirk. "You heard right, darling" she winks before turning around to make it. "Well good luck, I'm not much of a martini girl" I warn her, "sweetheart, after this... you will be" she promises.

I chuckle softly, taking in my surroundings, the art deco style filling my veins with excitement. "May I ask your name?" the woman inquires, "y/n... and yours, madam?" I counter which makes her chuckle. "Liz. And what brings you... here?" she asks cautiously, "vacation" I shrug.

She glances around the room before leaning closer to me with her elbows on the counter, hands folded in front of her chest. "Listen... I just want to warn you. This isn't a place for a nice, young girl like you. There a souls trapped here, dangerous ones, ones that seek to bring you down with them" she mutters and I narrow my eyes skeptically.

"I'm sure I'll be fine" I dismiss, "I can't force you to do anything but, whatever you do, just please, stay away from Sally" she sighs. "Sally?" I echo, "not so loud" she scolds me quietly. "Ok..." I chuckle, "you do not want to get involved with her. She's sweet but she's one of the worst ones here to get attached to. Just... be careful" she heeds.

"I'm sure she can't be that bad" I say as I take the final sip of my martini. "She's a ghost. She doesn't care about the things you do. Life, out there. She has her charms and she uses them to her advantage. You trust her... you're already a goner. So stay away, I want you to make it out of here" she pleads and I nod to satisfy her.

"Well, as nice as this was... I should be heading up. Martini was great by the way" I comment, "thank you. Be safe, honey" she says and I nod again. I head upstairs, not meeting anyone on the way. I shake my head to myself as I chuckle, I can't believe I was worried. I get in my room and do my routine before heading to bed.

2 days later...

I've been thinking about this 'Sally' woman a lot. I have no clue what she looks like even if I did believe Liz's ghost stories. How thorough of her. I have felt like someone or something has been watching me but that's not alarming. I'm not the bravest person I know by any means so, paranoia is common. As I'm heading to the elevator, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I turn around to see a woman with frizzy blonde hair standing behind me, looking down into my eyes. My eyes trail her leopard print covered form. A worn purple dress with ripped fishnets concealing what I just know is a perfect frame. "Well...? Are you gonna speak or just stare at me?" she smirks, "sorry" I answer as I shake my head.

"Who are you?" I ask, "your wildest dream..." she whispers as she steps closer. "And your name?" I add, "Sally" she mumbles as she runs her hand down the center of my shirt. "Mm... Sally. Well, nice meeting you" I say before turning around and continuing to the elevator. "Aren't you gonna tell me your name, pretty girl?" she taunts from behind me, her footsteps echoing quickly.

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