Freak or Foe? |b.t/d.t|

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As I walk around the show lot, I kick up dust to distract myself. Most of the time I get along with everyone, well, as long as they don't know my secret. Once that's out, there's no telling what the reaction will be. Sometimes they run away, sometimes they stay; but either way, it's never the same.

I was hesitant to come here when I first heard about it a year ago. Not for fear of being accepted, really, but because I was afraid to leave my life behind. It's not like I had many real friends—or family for that matter—but still. The show travels from place to place all the time. Sometimes earlier than scheduled, for particularly slow towns.

So leaving my somewhat structured life, to willingly participate in what could be seen as utter chaos was terrifying. Yet, at some point, one gets tired of living in constant fear of exposure. So I made the decision, a few months back, to take the leap of faith. It's been one of the best choices I've ever made.

Well, until today that is...

*an hour ago*

It was any ordinary day to start off; I woke up and ate breakfast with my fellow mates. Then I went to change before it was time to practice, that's when this all happened. So my 'talent' is that I can read minds, amongst other things but, that's the one with the biggest 'wow' factor.

I approached the stage as I was set to be on right after the twins. Of course there's no one in the audience, since the show doesn't start until later. So I just walked up the steps and I noticed they were still on, though they weren't singing. By this time, they're usually back in their tent or just coming off.

"Hiya" I greet them both as I approach and they momentarily turn to face me. I, unfortunately, haven't learned to fully control my little power yet, so my mind immediately links with theirs.

D: Christ in heaven

"Oh, hi y/n" Bette chirps with a soft smile on her face. "How are you guys?" I ask as I stand in my place, not wanting to get too close to them. Even though Bette seems open and responsive, she's always that way. Dot seems tense and I don't want to invade her space.

D: I wish she would shut up, she's making my head throb!

B: Dorothy

D: oh don't 'Dorothy' me. She is! Her voice makes me want to-

B: Dorothy Ann Tattler!

D: Jesus Christ, Bette, what?!

As I hear them arguing with each other, over me, I feel a pang in my chest. The twins and I aren't extremely close but we've hung out a few times. The most memorable being when they accidentally got drunk and I helped them to bed. They'd never drank before and Ethel, having forgotten, gave them moonshine like everyone else.

It was—and still is—the most adorable thing I've ever seen. From that night on, I began to develop a little crush on them. I tried to fight it but, in the end, it was inevitable. They're just too precious for me to ignore my affection for them. Though I hide it in my heart, as I would rather them be my friends than nothing at all.

So to hear this, from Dot, it's heartbreaking. As they were going back and forth, I turned on my heels and walked away. Exiting the tent and going wherever my feet would lead me.

*back to the present*

Which leads me to now, walking in circles around the very perimeter of the camp. My legs are beginning to tire a bit, but I have no desire to return just yet. I know it's passed my time for practice but what do I really need to practice for? It's not like it's going to magically go away or like I'm going to forget how to do it.

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