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Reader's pov
As I'm tinkering around, the door opens up revealing none other than the blonde witch herself. I pay her no mind and walk to another section once I've finished in mine. "You know, it's not nice to call people a 'cunt'" she starts, talk about nice. "What are you up to?" She asks, what does it look like?

"You're really just not gonna speak to me? At some point you'll have to talk" she points out. I'll talk when I please. "Y/n this isn't funny" she grumbles, it kinda is now that you're throwing a tantrum. I giggle softly to myself and I feel her get closer. Pinning me against the wall "fuck me" I breathe out.

Luckily I think she takes it more as an exclamation than an actual request. "Talk to me" she demands and my mouth just falls open. I take in all her features up close and feel my body getting increasingly hot. Get your shit together, y/n. I gather myself and subtly reach into my pocket.

I empty the vile in my hand and quickly blow the dust directly at her face. "What the fuck?!" She exclaims, "language Ms.Supreme" I joke. "Now what was that for?" She asks innocently, "pay back" I answer simply. "Payback..." she acts confused, "I know you gave me something" I tell her.

She walks slowly towards me, trapping me against the wall yet again. "And how else do you suppose I should've done it? You refuse to talk to me" she admits, "you ever think there's a reason for that" I reply. "Then what is it?" She asks, her voice wavering slightly. "What's wrong with you?" I ask softly, trying not to let my anxiety get the best of me.

"What's wrong with me? You're the one that goes mute in my presence" she argues defensively. "You gave me a truth serum so that I would talk to you. Yet I'm the crazy one in this scenario" I say incredulously. "I am not crazy" she mutters looking deep into my eyes. "Why did you do it?" I ask her, "I-" she closes her mouth knowing she can't lie.

I flip us so she's on the wall instead of me, my hands near her head, causing her eyes to widen. "Why, Cordelia?" I ask her and she stares at me with slightly teary eyes. A soft smile on her face probably because I don't use her name often. "Because I'm in love with you" she whispers almost inaudibly.

If we weren't practically nose to nose I easily would've missed it. "What?" I ask confused, she brings her hands up to my arms. Caressing them and pulling softly to adjust herself so she's standing straight. "I love you, y/n" she repeats, "that's why it hurts me so when you just act like I don't exist" she shrugs sadly.

I look down and pull my arms away, quickly taking them off the wall. Slowly pulling them towards my body but she stops me by taking my hands. "Please, y/n. Just tell me why you do it, I'll leave you alone after" she pleads. I don't say anything, I can't bring myself to tell her.

What if it's not the same? What if she doesn't really mean it? What if it doesn't work? What if- "Don't think so much. Just be honest with me, I can take it" she whispers shakily. I look up into her eyes and she looks so hopeful. Yet she also looks terrified and I know it's my fault. "I'm sorry" I mumble, "for what, darling?" She asks softly, squeezing my hand.

"For causing this" I whisper, "shhhh. Don't you worry about that" she assures me. "Now tell me what's on that pretty mind" she commands softly as she unconsciously puts her hand on my cheek. "I- I ummm" I stutter, "it's ok, sweetheart. Just take your time" she voices.

"I feel the same" I state, her smile grows wider which makes me smile too. "So your way of avoiding it was avoiding me" she assumes and I nod in agreement. "Silly girl, you could've just told me" she giggles, "well you didn't tell me either" I counter. "You have a point there" she agrees, the room falling silent after.

It's only now that I realize my arms have found themselves around her waist. I start to pull away but she holds me there, pulling me closer even. "I like it" she reassures me in a whisper, "you drive me crazy" I confess. "Same here" she chuckles, "that was really funny in the kitchen earlier" she giggles.

"God I'm surprised she was cool about it" I sigh, "she likes when people step up to her. That girl is something else" Cordelia rolls her eyes playfully. "I love you" I say, "I love you too" she replies blushing. Without thinking, I press our lips together and she quickly responds. Her arms come to rest on my shoulders as the kiss deepens.

She pulls away quickly, trying to catch her breath. "If we don't stop I'm afraid we might end up fucking in here" she looks taken aback by her own choice of words. "Oh you're a bit naughty, aren't you? Can't say I didn't expect it" I chuckle as she hits my arm. "Kinky. I like that" I whisper in her ear and I feel her shiver.

"Bedroom. Now" she moans, "you could at least buy me dinner first" I joke. "Oh there'll be plenty to eat" she whispers, "cute that you think you're in charge" I quip. "I don't care who's in charge... just please" she begs, "please what, baby" I tease her. "Fuck me" she voices, grabbing into my shirt.

"Your wish is my command" I utter before transmutating us both into her bedroom.

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