Only friends |x.t|

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Tonight Xandra has offered to host at her house. Every so often all of us are free and she loves to get us together. Though she and I have been friends for a while, I only met her other friends recently. It was mostly due to work conflicts or trips they were going on and she wanted me to meet them all together; something about them being better as a whole than individually. I mean what good is charcoal without a grill or fire I guess.

I arrived early as usual to help her set things up and the other girls came a little later, some in pairs and others by themselves. By the time everyone has been accounted for, there's ten of us. Xandra told me before that she wouldn't be drinking much since she's the host and I told her I could take care of things since I'm not really a drinker but she insisted. "Let loose for once" she joked which of course made me roll my eyes.

"Do you want more wine, Marie?" I ask since her glass is empty, "that would be great, darling. Thank you" she replies and I grab another bottle because she and Gretchen are drinking the same kind, the latter being almost out too. I reach for it but unfortunately Xandra put it on the top shelf. I'm just about to climb up when I feel a body pressed against my back, effortlessly grabbing the bottle and placing it on the counter.

I turn around knowing who it is and surely enough it's Xandra. She smirks down at me and I roll my eyes, something I do more frequently with her than anyone else. "Why do you insist on putting things where I can't reach them?" I quip, "I'll be sure to make things more accessible when you move in" she teases. Xandra and I's relationship is funny in that we flirt like high schoolers but our friends would say we bicker like an old married couple.

I just take the bottle and narrow my eyes, grabbing the corkscrew to open it before heading back over. The blonde slaps my ass, slightly starting me, when I turn around she isn't even looking at me. We both sit down and I top off both Gretchen and Marie's glasses. Conversation resumes and I find my eyes drifting to Xandra. I often look to her when I don't know how to react to something or if I hear someone say anything weird; usually an unintentional hint at one of our inside jokes.

I hook my phone up to the tv and play some music just because I need some other sound besides the talking. I sort of zone out until I feel a tap on my shoulder, "may I have this dance?" she smirks "why of course madam" I joke. It's not a slow song so we kind of just sway our hips, the girls joining in amidst conversation. The blonde presses her hips into my ass and moves them side to side with me following her lead. Just before she pulls away, her hand finds my boob and squeezes it making me squeal quietly in surprise.

"Oh here they go again" Madeline sighs funnily and I hear Xandra chuckle lowly in response. "Just tell me again that you guys haven't fucked — and make it believable this time" Stephanie giggles, way past tipsy at this point. "We haven't" I insist, "oh tell them the truth, baby — many times" Xandra answers and I narrow my eyes at her. "I can never tell if she's serious" Ophelia giggles, "she's not. Why don't you tell them truth, which is that we have not" I state while trying not to smile.

"Oh... are you ashamed of me, sweetheart" the sitting blonde smirks, "Xandra" I say firmly and she rolls her eyes. "Fine. We haven't" she shrugs before taking a sip of wine, "but she definitely wants to" Amber whispers not so quietly in my ear. Everyone close to us hears her but because Xandra is sitting on the couch, she doesn't perceive the words. The little group giggles and Xandra looks at me with narrowed eyes to which I can only look away.

I excuse myself to the kitchen and kneel as I look in her liquor cabinet, lucky for me the hard stuff is on the lower shelves. I'm searching for what I want, nothing looking or sounding good to me. "I have whiskey in the freezer if you want it — it'll probably go down easier that way for you" I lift my head to see Xan, it seems I can't escape her. She leans against the counter carelessly, wine glass still in her hand. She's only on her second glass and it's been hours — practically unprecedented for her.

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