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Jeff, Mutt, and I have been friends for a long time now. So when they started their company, I was their biggest fan. They even offered me a position there, which I didn't take at first. I mean it was basically a dream, a front, really. I'd have some fancy title but didn't actually have to do anything.

I declined at first because the whole nepotism vibe just made me feel weird. Then I realized how much of an opportunity this really was. I could focus on my passions and have more than enough money to sustain me. So I took the job and now I'm making shitloads of money, barely lifting a finger.

As I walk through the halls, I sigh to myself. I've been coming here more often than not recently, purely out of boredom. Oh, who am I kidding? There's this gorgeous woman who works closely with the knuckleheads. They think I've been dropping in to visit them, whole time I've been coming for her.

As I get closer, I start to hear commotion and I pick up my pace. "Oh, come on. Don't be like that, beautiful" I hear, rounding the corner to see someone at her desk. I can't see her from this angle so move to the side. She stares down at her desk, not making eye contact with the other person. Is she nervous?

I approach slower, trying to gauge the situation. "You're really not gonna talk to me?" they poke. I come up behind them causing their head to turn as I stop next to her desk. "What seems to be the problem?" I ask, glancing between them. Wilhemina briefly glances at me before returning her gaze to her hands.

"Oh, nothing. We're just talking" he says and I look to see that she doesn't agree. She won't even look at me and we always talk every time I'm here. "I think you should leave. She obviously isn't interested" I voice, "and what do you know, huh? Do us both a favor and stay outta this" he quips.

"I thought I was doing all of us a favor by stepping in, considering your pebble-sized brain can't read the room" I assert, "why don't we let her speak for herself, hm?" he smirks. We stand in silence for a moment as Wilhemina just glances to me once again. "She's not into you, dude. What part of that do you not get?" I sigh frustrated.

"I'm sure she can speak on her own behalf" he sneers, "and I'm sure you've lost your fucking mind. You look like an idiot right now, I hope you know that. Now get the fuck out" I state. I take a few steps closer to him, letting him know I'm serious. "Fuck you, bitch. I'm gonna report you to HR" he warns and I chuckle amused.

"Wow. This whole time you didn't know? You really are stupid" I scoff and he looks at me confused. "Considering the fact that you've been practically harassing the head of HR, you might wanna rethink that statement. Now, as I said before: get the fuck out, before I fire you" I smirk, "you don't even have the authority" he challenges.

"She does. And so do we. You're fired, douchebag" Jeff chimes in, I turn my head to see him standing at the office door with his arms crossed. "But-" "one more word and I promise to blackball you so well that you'll have to move countries" I threaten. "Y-yes ma'am" he stutters before running off to grab his things.

By the time I turn to where Jeff was, the door is closing again. I roll my eyes and smile lightly at his timing. My smile fades as I turn back to see Wilhemina still staring at her hands. I kneel beside her and take them into my own. "Hey..." I mutter and she lifts her head slightly to meet my eyes.

"Thank you" she mumbles, "of course" I say dismissing it as nothing. "I was so weak... I don't know why I-" "hey. You are not weak. He was a fucking asshole and people like that are good at making others feel small. You did nothing wrong" I assure her. "But you stood up to him... I should've been able to defend myself" she argues.

"Wilhemina... I did that for you. I didn't care what he had to say, as long as I could get him away from you. You would've done the same for me" I state softly, "true" she whispers. I smile softly and brush some hair behind her ear that had fallen. "Your hair... it's different. I like it" I mumble as I look into her eyes.

"You noticed..." she whispers with a shy smile on her face, "of course I did" I giggle. "Y/n..." she mutters, "mhm" I hum as I stand up. "Would you... like to go to dinner with me?" she asks nervously, as if I would ever say 'no' to spending time with her. "Absolutely. It's a date" I wink, "a-a date?" she stutters making me smile widely.

"Unless you had something else in mind" I tease, "No I like your idea better" she replies as she blushes. "I'll see you tonight then, 8 o'clock" I state, "ok" she agrees. I grin as I turn and make my way in Jeff and Mutt's office. Waiting until the door is closed to do a little happy dance.

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