Ride the waves II

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Edith's pov
Cordelia ended up texting me yesterday, asking if I could come over tonight for dinner. I of course said yes and so I'm heading that way now. I chose a casual outfit for the occasion, some nice fitted jeans and a cute crop top with sneakers. I didn't think I needed to dress fancy considering it's at their apartment.

I arrive to the building and I look up, my eyes just going and going until they finally reach the top. I don't think I've ever seen an apartment building so big and also so fancy. I too live in an apartment but it's a shack compared to this. I park my car and go through the front, as I don't have access to the side door in the garage area.

"Good evening ma'am, who will you be visiting?" the nice receptionist asks me, looking me over a bit. "Ummm Billie" I say unsurely, not remembering if she ever told me her last name. "I'll need a last name, sweetheart. As pretty as you are... it's still protocol" she tells me with a smirk and I smile politely as I nod.

I take out my phone to see that Delia texted me again with the name and apartment number. "Howard, apartment 52" I tell her and she types on her keyboard, picking up the phone I assume to call and check. "Hi, Miss Howard. Oh... yes ok, I'll send her up immediately" she says quickly before slowly pulling the phone from her ear and placing it back in the groove.

"Just through there" she says politely and I head towards where she pointed which leads me to an elevator with a guard standing by it. "Which floor?" he asks as it opens and I stumble a bit over my words, "uh it's apartment 52" I mumble as I hope he knows the floors. "Howard. Top floor" he says with a funny smirk and I chuckle nervously.

"I assume you'll be here more, as she rarely has guests; so it's just for next time you come, in case I'm not here" he clarifies and I make an 'oh' face. "Thank you" I say, "no problem. I'll let you ride up alone, you look like you need it" he chuckles and I nod gratefully. The doors close and it starts to go up. I remain calm, talking myself through deep breaths.

I'm not necessarily nervous of seeing them again because I really want to, it's just general anxiety of being in a new place. The elevator just keeps going up and up and I'm so confused. It's apartment 52 isn't that supposed to be on lower floors? He said top floor but I guess it didn't register until now. It finally stops and I sigh as the door opens; until I open my eyes and am met with an entryway.

I remember seeing the guard swipe a keycard for the floor, it didn't really cross my mind at the time but now it makes sense why he's stationed there. I step in nervously and the door closes behind me. I stand there, not knowing what to do as I look around. I feel like I've just barged into their home somehow because I didn't even have to knock.

"Edith?" I hear my name to the left and I cautiously take a few more steps because there's a wall in between me and the voice. I see a shorter lady who smiles at me and I smile back confused. "Miss Howard is in her office right now, it's just that way" she says as she heads to the elevator and leaves. I thank her as the doors close and then I head down the hallway she pointed to.

I've never seen an apartment so grand—in fact it's not even an apartment, this is a penthouse obviously. The way she just invited me here... I don't know I thought it was some regular place; I didn't know she had so much money. I pass a door that's cracked open and I recognize her voice. "No, Frank... I said no and you're not convincing me otherwise!" now I really feel like I'm intruding because it's obviously a heated and private conversation.

"I specifically asked for this weekend free and I'm not doing it. You should know better than to argue with me..." she states firmly, "oh hi, sweetheart" I turn to see Cordelia and I'm taken aback for a moment. She wears a nice pair of jeans with a cute blouse, barefoot against the wood which makes me realize I forgot to take my shoes off.

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