Anything |a.t+b.d.h|

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I'm laying on the couch, watching tv, when I hear a voice. I pause it for a second and recognize it to be Audrey's voice. I think she's just on the phone or something, so I resume my show. Billie comes to sit down next to me and I lift the blanket to share it with her. "Is Audrey practicing for something? I thought she didn't have any work for today" I ask Billie.

"Oh yeah she's umm... she's practicing, alright" she chuckles softly and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "For what? I thought she just wrapped shooting" I inquire, "you'll have to ask her yourself" she smirks and I roll my eyes playfully. I pause the show and stand up, "you better not watch without me" I state while pointing a finger at the blonde.

"Yes ma'am" she answers, saluting me with a mocking expression. I roll my eyes again before following Audrey's voice to the office. The door is cracked open and I don't want to interrupt her just yet so I lean against the frame and listen. "... so I was thinking... maybe—if you wanted to—you could- fuck... no I can't say that" she sighs and I narrow my eyes in confusion.

What is she doing? "So... I've just been having a hard week, right? You know that—no I don't wanna make her feel bad. Ok... let's try again..." I watch as she paces around the room and I smile softly. She seems so nervous but I still have no clue what about. "Baby? Do you think you could... maybe make me tiramisu? It's just that—well you make it the best and- geez I sound pathetic" she sits in the chair and lets her head drop into her hands.

I knock softly on the door and smile as I enter. Her head darts up and when her eyes meet mine she smiles shyly. "Yeah?" she asks timidly, "whatcha doin?" I ask with a growing smile. "Umm practicing, why?" she counters, "what are you practicing for?" I ask softly as I smirk. "How long have you been standing there?" she asks quietly, "long enough to know you want tiramisu" I giggle.

She sighs dramatically and her head falls in her hands again. I walk over and tilt her chin up and she pouts. "Why didn't you just ask me, honey?" I question, "because... I-I didn't wanna bother you" she whispers. "You're never 'bothering' me, baby. I'll make you 10 tiramisu if you want it" I reply and she tears up a bit, "r-really?" she whispers.

"Awww" I say, leaning down to pull her into a hug, "of course, darling" I mumble as I place a kiss on her cheek. "It's just been a week, you know? And your desserts always make me feel better" she confesses, "I'm glad. How about I make you one tonight? I can go to the store and grab everything" I offer. "I umm I already got the things—just to make it easier" she mumbles and I pull back to smile at her.

"Well aren't you a sweetheart" I smirk and she blushes profusely which makes me giggle. "Oh my goodness, look at youuuu. You're such a cutie" I pout and she turns her face away from me embarrassed. "Stoppp" she whines, "how can I? You're just so adorable, honey" I gush and she groans softly. "Billieee!" she exclaims and I chuckle softly, taking her face in my hands.

"Such... a... little... cutie" I say as I give her kisses all over her face, "BILLIEEEEE" she yells. "Yes?" the other blonde chuckles as she enters the room. "Tell her to stoppp" she whines while pouting, "stop what?" she asks confused. "S-she's embarrassing me!" she accuses, "embarrassing you? How?" Billie asks. "Pinching my cheeks and giving me kisses and stuff" she pouts.

"I don't see a problem with that" Billie says confused, "Billie!" she whines. "Well, darling, it doesn't help when you're acting this way" she chuckles. "Right! She's just so adorable!" I exclaim before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Ugh! So you're just going to—to gang up on me?!" she asks, gesturing her hands in the air.

"You know... she came to ask me, before she asked you? She wanted me to do it for her. And then she pouted so much when I said no, it was the cutest thing" Billie tells me, "awwww, my little honey bunch" I pout and Audrey just gets redder and redder. "Stop it! Please..." she pleads and I finally give in. "Ok ok I'm done" I state and she looks up at me uncertainly.

"I promise" I assure her, placing my hand over my heart and she sighs in relief. "I never said I was..." Billie trails, "BILLIE!" Audrey yells. "Fine, fine, I'm done too" the blonde sighs, "thank you" Audrey mumbles. I tilt her head up to face me and place a soft kiss on her lips. "Almost as sweet as that tiramisu will be" I whisper against them as I pull away.

She bites her lip and the blush returns to her cheeks but this time she doesn't complain. "Goodness, how can we not just love all on you when you're so cute like this?" Billie asks as she comes behind her to place a kiss on her cheek. "Ok ok enough. Don't you two have an off switch or something?" she asks exasperated.

"Nope. I was created without such a thing" I state proudly, "me too. Never even heard of it" Billie plays along. "You two will be the death of me" Audrey sighs, "death by kisses? Not a bad way to go" Billie whispers as she plants a kiss on the actress' neck. "I agree" I mutter, leaning it to place a kiss on the other side of her neck.

She raises her shoulders to push us away and giggles softly. "So... you'll take a bath while I make your little treat, hm? Then after... we'll cuddle and watch movies until it's ready" I state and she smiles shyly. "I'll run the bath" Billie offers, "then it's settled. Today is declared to be Audrey day" I whisper. "You guys spoil me too much" she mumbles.

"It's never 'too much' when it comes to you, sweetheart" Billie whispers, "I second that" I affirm. "Are you going to carry me up the stairs too?" she jokes, "oh absolutely" Billie states seriously. She turns the chair around and picks the blonde up who squeals in surprise. "Billieeee put me down!" she whines, "no way, darling" Billie mumbles.

I walk around the desk and give Billie a kiss on the lips, my hand on her cheek. She leans into it and follows me as I pull away. "I think we'll be having some fun tonight too, based on the look in your eyes" I teases and Billie just smirks in response. I turn to Audrey and kiss her gently before pulling away. "Have a nice bath, baby" I tell her and she nuzzles her face in Billie's shoulder to hide her blush.

We all exit the room and I watch as Billie whispers something to the blonde that makes her giggle in delight. I go to the kitchen and pull out all the ingredients for the sweet dish, quickly putting it together. By the time they come downstairs I'm setting it in the fridge. I wash my hands and enter the living room to find them already cuddled under the blanket.

I join them, having Audrey between us. We watch a few movies, occasionally giving her kisses in between scenes. It brings me unexplainable joy to see that big smile on her face. After the credits roll in the third movie, I get up to check on our dessert. It could definitely sit a bit longer, which I usually prefer, but it's ready now.

I take it out and cut her a big slice, grabbing a fork, and taking it over. I take my place next to her and giggle as her eyes widen in glee. I take a forkful and lift it up to her mouth, reveling in the way she blushes at such a simple gesture. She takes the fork in her mouth and moans at the taste. I smirk as she covers her mouth and swallows.

"It's that good, huh?" I tease her and she nods slowly. "You know she's a sucker for sweets" Billie chimes in, "oh yes... I know" I smile mischievously and she giggles shyly. "For the record..." I start as I get a forkful, "I would do anything for you. All you need to do is ask, my love" I mumble as I feed her another piece. "Anything?" Billie echos, "anything" I whisper as I stare into Audrey's eyes.

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