Payback |b.d.h|

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My lovely wife and I went out to dinner last night as a treat. She's been filming a lot more recently and said she wanted a night with just us. So we left out phones home and did just that. I know that she doesn't drink often due to all the filming so she really wanted to let loose. Though I warned her to take it easy as well but, as usual, she didn't listen.

Which led to me having to drive us home and help her upstairs and into bed. Now I don't mind that at all, I love taking care of her when she lets me. It's usually the other way around so I cherish those times. She's always extra clingy and it's the cutest thing. My issue is the principle of the situation; I told her not to do it and she did it anyways.

Therefore, I felt the need to teach her a little lesson. I'm shaken awake and I groan loudly as I turn over. "Get up. Right now" my wife exclaims and I whine as I slowly open my eyes. I turn over to see her face and instantly feel awake, a giggle escaping my lips. "This isn't funny! I have to be on set in an hour, how do I get this off?!" she complains, "they can take it off before doing your makeup" I point out with a wide smile.

"I can not go to work looking like this" she sighs dramatically as she makes her way to the bathroom. I get up and slightly stumble from sleepiness until I'm leaning in the doorframe. I watch as she leans closer to the mirror and stares at herself with a frown on her face. I drew a little mustache on her with little freckles on her cheeks and two hearts on each temple.

"Take it off. Now" she demands but I can see her trying to hide her amusement. "I don't know how to do that" I lie as I shrug my shoulders which annoys her even more. "You did this! Now fix it" she whines, "I would never do that. The ghost did it!" I exclaim. "There is no ghost!" she counters, "just because you're a fancy medium doesn't mean you know all ghosts" I smirk.

"What's their name?" she deadpans with crossed arms, "Henry. An 8 year old little misfit, he is" I state confidently, "Henry..." she replies incredulously. "Well, you know what? Henry is about to get a friend" she smirks and I furrow my eyebrows confused. "Because—if you don't take this off in the next minute—I'll turn you into a ghost" she chuckles darkly.

My eyes widen slightly before I regain my composure and cross my arms. "You'll kill me, hm?" I taunt, "don't challenge me" she warns while moving closer. "You won't. I bet you won't" I continue, "willing to bet your life" she counters as she takes more steps and I start backing up. "Mhm" I hum a little less confident than before, "fine. So be it" she state before lunging at me.

I manage to escape her and I start running, out the bedroom then down the stairs. I can hear her right on my heels as I fling the front door open. I hear it hit the wall as my bare feet make contact with the grass. "Get back here this instant!" she yells and I can hear her voice sounds a distance away. I turn to see her still standing on the porch, barely out the door.

"Awww are you shy?" I tease her as I come a bit closer and she scowls. "Get your ass in this house. I'm not joking" she states firmly but I can see the way her lip twitches. She finds this just as amusing as I do but won't admit it. I try my luck and move even closer, hoping she won't step out the door. Once I get close enough, I realize she isn't going to come any further so, I decide to tease her even more.

I gently kick my foot out close to her and her gaze shifts down to it. She meets my eyes again and frowns deeply. "This isn't a game" she sighs frustrated, "seems like one to me" I giggle as I kick again. This time she tries to grab my foot but I'm too quick. We do this for a little longer before I just stand still in front of her. "It's only a few inches, babe. Come on... no one will see you" I point out and she groans.

"I mean... if you really want me to come back that is" I shrug as I back up a little. "I'll tell you one last time—get your ass in this god damn house" she orders and I give her a side eye. "You know... I want to—but I'm a little afraid now" I confess, "it's ok, darling. Come here. I won't do anything to you" she utters sweetly. There's a soft smile on her face but a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Ehhhh" I say uncertainly, "would I ever steer you wrong, baby? It's me... Billie—your Billie. Come on..." she urges and I narrow my eyes. "Swear on your life you won't kill me" I state, "oh honey... you know I don't swear" she answers. "You were swearing a few minutes ago, what's different now?" I counter. She forces her smile wider out of sarcasm and sighs softly.

"I'm not going to kill you, don't be ridiculous" she lightly scoffs and I keep my eyes narrowed as I approach her. As soon as I'm within arms reach she snatches me by my shirt and inside. She lock the door and immediately pins me against it. Her delicate hand wraps around my throat, her nails gently digging in. "Now, silly girl, you're going to take this off. Understood?" she demands and I nod slowly as I don't trust my words at the moment.

"Good girl" she rasps, leaning in to place a kiss on my lips. "I love you" she whispers as she shakes her head amused, "I love you too" I breathe out. She smirks and her grip on my neck gets tighter as she stares into my eyes. She leans in close, her breath ghosting my ear which causes my eyes to flutter closed. "I hope you know you're getting a proper punishment for this when I get home" she whispers, "yes, mistress" I reply quietly.

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