If you die, I'll kill you |s.m|

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CW: drugs (marijuana), peer pressure, mention/description of death, LOTS of cussing

Today I've decided—ok my friend decided that we should do something. She skipped school, as I already graduated early with my fast-track degree, and basically came to my apartment to drag me out. We went out to eat and as we go back in the car she started pulling something out her bag. "Aaliyah are you out of your mind?!" I exclaim and she smirks, "it's just a little weed, what's the problem?" she says as she rolls her eyes.

"The problem is that I can't smell like that shit! You're not smoking it in here and stinking up my car either" I state firmly, "I was going to suggest we go somewhere safe to do it duhhh. I would never smoke in your car... unless-" "don't test me" I interject and she chuckles. I allow her to give me directions to some place she says is secluded; apparently people smoke there all the time.

When she says we're getting close I look around and I see a shit ton of buildings, so much for secluded. "Honey do you know what secluded even means?" I ask and she nudges me gently as she points. I wait for a few cars and then I turn up into a parking lot. "That one right there" my friend points out, "what is that?" I ask confused; having never seen this building in all my time living here.

"It's a parking garage" she answers simply, telling me to go all the way to the top because there's never any cars or people there. When we arrive I realize she's right, I don't even think the parking spaces are lined up here. She opens the door and I take that as my signal to get out too. It's a really nice day out; sunny, a few clouds but minimal chance of rain "god it's so fucking windy" Aaliyah exclaims and I giggle.

I come over to see her struggling more than she honestly should be. I take the things from her and turn to face the car, sitting criss cross. I do all the necessary work, rolling it as well, then I turn around and hand it to her. "And where the hell did you learn to do this?" she asks skeptically with one hand on her hip, "this isn't my first rodeo young buck" I tease as I get up and pat her cheek.

"We're the same age AND I've definitely smoked more than you so don't call me 'young buck' young buck" she says funnily and I just chuckle at her antics. "So that means you're gonna hit it, right?" she asks, "do you think I would've brought your ass all the way over here with no gas money and not hit it? Duh" I quip.

She sparks it, covering the flame with her hand, and soon I can smell it in the air. For a while we just pass it, minimal conversation about whatever comes to mind. I start to feel the effects and I smile as I think about my girlfriend. She's so pretty—and talented and smart... god I love her. "Helloooo" I turn my head with eyes wide to see my friend is trying to tell me something.

She's standing now so I get up too, tilting my head curiously. "I asked if you were hungry" she giggles, "yeah... yeah I could go for some food" I reply while nodding to reinforce it. "Alright, come on" she ashes the joint, placing it in the resealable bag before returning it to her backpack. She sprays some perfume on both of us and then takes my arm as we walk god knows where.

My mind is still preoccupied with thoughts of the blonde, a permanent smile on my face. I know I'll see her tonight but there's nothing more I want than a hug from her in this moment. Sally's hugs are something different; they're magical. To be a person that's almost always crying, she's one of the happiest people I know. She tells me all the time that I changed her life and gave her a reason to smile, which I think is so cute.

Now she has her own passions and hobbies, things that bring her joy which in turn brings me joy too. We come to a stop and I look to see we're at the edge of the building. "I thought we were getting food" I say, "we are" she states, climbing up the edge and sitting on it. "Ummm correct me if I'm mistaken but you're not a hunter, right? This feels like some DreamWorks thing here" I think aloud.

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