Dinner Bells |a.t|

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A few weeks ago I was scrolling on insta and I saw that Audrey Tindall, one of my favorite actresses of all time, had posted on her story. Naturally, I clicked to watch it immediately and forgot everything else I was doing. It was a post about a holiday fundraiser for children in the foster care system.

They're raising money to buy them presents and have a little party for a local home. It reminded me of a friend I had once and although we no longer talk, it still pricks my heart. Not to mention the fact that everyone deserves to have a nice Christmas, at least once. As I continued to read over the information to see where I could donate, a bit of text caught my eye.

'Any of my fans that donate have a chance to win a dinner with me'

She'd put a cute kissy face on it too and I thought it was the most adorable thing. I planned to donate anyway but that was even more incentive. So I placed in all my information and then resumed what I was doing before...

the present

I'm sitting on my couch watching 'Blue Jay' for the hundredth time when my phone buzzes. It's right at the part where Amanda is reading the letter Jim wrote in his journal and I think it's the cutest thing. 'My lips said hello my friend but my heart said hello my future' I say with her. I watch for a few more minutes before remembering the notification and I pick up my phone.

My eyes widen when I see what it is and I have to blink a few times to make sure I'm not seeing things.

Message from MsAudreyCatharineTindall

I scramble to open my phone and click on Instagram, quickly going to the message.

'Hi, sweetheart. I just wanted to personally tell you that you won the contest! You'll be getting an email about it soon but I figured it might be best if I tell you first 😊'

My eyes widen as I continue to stare at the text, really not believing my eyes. My hands tremble as I struggle to type a response, my nerves getting the best of me. Fuck, what do I say?? I don't want to embarrass myself! I think about it for a few moments and I realize I've just been staring at it and she'll be able to see I opened it.

I don't want to keep her waiting so I come up with the best thing I can think of.

'Hi, omg that's the best news ever you have no idea! I'm so excited!! 🤭'

I know it's probably the most generic thing I could say but can you blame me?! It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that she's even talking to me let alone that I'll get to see her in person just the two of us! Oh my god... it'll be just the two of us. I don't have much time to freak out though as my phone buzzes again and I see she's texted.

'That's good to hear! I can't wait to meet you 😌'

I have to remember to breathe because this is insane! I heart her message and say I can't wait either and then I get the email so I go check it. It has all the details for the flight to LA as well as the hotel I'll be staying at. I look it up and it's so fancy! I don't think I've ever stayed in a place that costs this much.

I never thought I would actually win the contest, I mean imagine how many people donated. I almost felt bad because I couldn't give much and now I'm getting the chance of a lifetime for the smallest thing. Then again, there are people that donated only for a chance to see her instead of the actual good of the cause.

I suppose I can't really judge them either, though, like I said it's a very slim chance this will ever happen again. Anyways, I give a confirmation to the email and then I fall on my back to the couch. I really can't believe this is happening...

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