Daily Life |s.m|

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I've been staying at the hotel Cortez since I started dating Sally. For one, it's wayyy cheaper. I don't have to pay rent and most times Lizzie, the countess, just buys me food. Even so, the biggest plus is that I get to be around Sally all the time. I decided, since I don't need money, that I would focus on my writing.

Really putting my all into it and seeing what comes of it. As I'm religiously typing on my MacBook to meet my personal quota for the day, Sally walks in. I glance up at her and see her state which makes me set my laptop aside. "Hey baby, you look like shit" I comment, "thanks, babe" she replied sarcastically.

She makes a beeline for the decanter filled with scotch on the table. She chugs a glass before turning to me. "I prevented a murder today" she voices as she pours another glass. "Really? How'd you do that?" I ask surprised, "self control" she replies seriously. Taking another sip directly after her statement.

"Awww. I'm proud of you, honey" I say, going over to wrap my arms around her. "Stupid fucking John" she mutters, "don't worry about him, baby. He's an asshole and if he wouldn't be stuck here, I'd say you could kill him" I whisper in her ear. "Him and March really just piss me off" she mumbles.

"I know, baby. I know. How about we watch some movies and forget about it?" I suggest, "ok" she agrees. We head over to the bed and lay down. I close the tabs I had open for writing and open netflix. Sally decides on 'Ava' an action movie starring Jessica Chastain.

"You really have a thing for redheads, don't you?" I ask, considering the last 4 movies we've watch had redheads. Bandits, Cinderella, The Curious Case of a Benjamin Button, and the Woman in the Window. "No... I just like good movies" she counters, "come to think of it, most of the movies have Cate in them" I think aloud.

"Not true. The last one we watched had that girl, Amy Adams in it" she in says. "Ok but the other 3 had Cate" I argue, "she's hot, y/n. You think the same thing" she chuckles. "Ok, fine. You're right. The point is, I think I know someone you might like" I smile. "Should I be worried? I feel like I should be worried" she smirks.

"No no. In fact, she's been asking to hang out with me and I think she should come over tonight" I decide, pulling out my phone to text her. "You never told me about her... I didn't even know you had friends" she voices. "Ouch Sally... that hurts" I joke and she nudges me while trying to get a peek at my phone.

"Ah ah ah. No looking" I scold her, "well can I least know the bitch's name" she sighs. "Diane" I answer, "and why are you texting her exactly" she asks. "I met her recently while I was out and we talked for a bit s-" "you talked? Does this Diane know you have a girlfriend? If so, she shouldn't be hitting on you" Sally grumbles.

"If you'd let me finish, grumpy pants, I could tell you about it. I told her about you and my writing and whatnot. She said she'd love to meet you sometime and hang out, all three of us. So we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up at a later date. I haven't had the time to tell you yet. So I kept declining cause I told her I wanted you to be prepared" I explain.

"Oh" she mutters, "yeah. Oh. Anyways, she said she could come over to tonight, if you're up for it" I tell her. "Sure. What's she like? She's not crazy, is she?" she asks funnily, "well..." I joke. "Y/n" Sally deadpans, "what?! I thought that's why you guys might get along" I smirk.

"Y/n" she warns, "ok ok. I don't think she's like full blown psychopath crazy but she's got a few loose screws in her sugar tank, if you know what I mean" I chuckle. "So you thought it was a good idea to make friends with a psych patient" Sally says. "I mean, they're the best though. All the best people are a little off their rocker" I reason.

She just stares at me with a blank face and I giggle. "I mean you tried to kill me the first time I met you and look at us now" I point out, she thinks and sighs. "Ok you very well might have a point" she mumbles. "Well, we should be able to get through this movie and then she'll be here" I voice.

Sally nods and starts the movie, pulling me into her side with her arm wrapped around my waist. We soon get sucked into the film and start yelling at the screen.

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