My purple poodle |w.v|

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CW: mention of scoliosis

Working at Kineros is certainly an interesting experience. This building is filled with of all sorts of people from all walks of life; one of the most intriguing being Wilhemina Venable. Now, Miss Venable is what you might describe as a bitch but honestly... it's pretty hot. I haven't had much interaction with her but from what I've seen, she's a difficult woman to please.

However, there's also quite a few ways to get on her good side. One of which is just doing everything she says without question, which is pretty easy for me. Still, we rarely speak to each other because we're on two different sides of the building but today is one of those special days where I get to pass her office. As I'm approaching, I hear someone raising their voice at her and I slow my pace to listen in.

"I am HR bitch... and everything else that matters around here too. Now do me a favor, and get the fuck... out of my sight" she says and I stop just before her door, glad I did because the girl comes running out without even looking up. "For fucks sake, she's even too incompetent to close the door" she mumbles and before the wheels of her chair can drag across the floor, I step forward.

"That was hot" I smirk as I look into her eyes before closing the door for her. I'm not sure what came over me in that moment but I felt she needed to know that. I deliver the papers and see I'm needed in this department for a while longer. I text Jeff and Mutt to let them know, not that those two crackheads will see it anyway.

After about an hour, I head to their office because they requested I help them with a project. When I first started working here they would hit on me constantly but I put a stop to that rather quickly when Jeff decided he preferred touching over looking. I made it clear I was there for a job, not to be one of their whores, and we've been friends ever since—despite me not agreeing with their lifestyle at times.

I enter and lucky for me, the purple poodle is in here too. People call her the purple dragon but she just seems so fluffy to me, poodle suits her better. "Don't ever call me babe" she states firmly as she taps her cane harshly on the ground, "oh come on, babe. It's not that big a deal" Mutt chuckles before snorting a line.

I see her tense and before she can add bite to her bark, I step forward and announce my presence. "Stop being dickheads, she has a name and it's not babe—I'm sure you know that" I scold them and they roll their eyes like children. I turn to Wilhemina and smile softly, she simply leaves without a word and I notice her pace is a bit different today.

I help them with their project and ask them to give me something to take somewhere on Wilhemina's side of the building. They don't question me because they did need something taken over there and were too lazy to do it themselves. I pass her office and hear a small sound that makes my ears perk up. I quickly drop of the part off that they had me deliver and slowly walk back towards her office.

"Fucking hell" she mumbles, I knock softly on the door and wait for her to reply. "I'm busy" she calls out, "I just have a quick question" I say in hopes that she recognizes my voice. We're not friends but she's never yelled at me, so I figure she must not hate me too much. "Come in" she mutters and I quickly open the door, shutting it behind me.

"Yes?" she sighs and I can see how she's tensing up, as if she's in pain. I debate on how to approach this and I know I don't have much time to think. "I wanted to ask if you needed anything since I'm heading back to finish up with Jeff and Mutt" I offer and she stares at me blankly, showing no signs that she's going to reply.

"Ok... I really just wanted to check on you" I admit and her eyebrows furrow, not a good sign. "I'm fine. Is that all?" she forces out, "no. I'm kinda bored and just wanted to talk" I say coyly with a shrug. I know my best option is to wait it out, hope she shows an obvious sign of pain so I can work my way in.

"I don't have time for your games" she sighs tiredly, "Alright then... I'm sorry. Do you have extra staples? I need a few and then I'll be on my way" I state and she closes her eyes as she takes a deep breath. I think if I can get closer to her, I might be able to get it out of her. She stands up slowly, hiding it well, and walks over to the file cabinet.

I follow her and get really close, pretending to look at something sitting on top. A risky idea comes to mind which might get me slapped but it's worth a try. I lean up on my tip toes and place a hand gently on her lower back. She inhales sharply and groans, "are you ok?" I ask innocently as I turn to look at her side profile.

Her jaw is clenched as she holds tightly to the box of staples. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm fine" I've annoyed her but I'm getting there, "until I believe it" I reply firmly. Her gaze shifts to focus on me and I see her falter for a second. I see a piece of hair that's fallen out of her usually perfect ponytail, a sign that it might've been a rough morning too.

I carefully move it behind her ear and she stares into my eyes with no expression, her eyes just seemingly endless pits. "Take your staples... and get out of my office" she closes back up again and I sigh, "why won't you let me help you? All I want is for you to feel better" I argue. "For the last time..." she stops and I can see it on her face, she must've gotten a sudden sharp pain from standing so long.

"Come on" I take the staples out her hand and drop them back in the drawer, softly closing it and taking her arm to help her back to her chair. I know she wants to protest but she doesn't for now. I get her seated and then head over close to her little fridge and grab one of the room temperature waters. I open it then hand it to her, crouching beside her chair.

I put the cap back on and set it down, "has it passed?" I ask and she nods without a word. "Alright. Up" I pull her chair back and wait but she just looks up at me in defiance, which I knew would happen. "If you like pain that's fine, I can get down with that too" I shrug and it takes her a few seconds but she moves.

"Now... how do you let these shades down?" she instructs me on how to do it and soon the floor to ceiling wall is covered, casting the room in darkness. It's not pitch black, just enough light to see. The walls of her office are frosted glass but this will make it harder to see shadows. "I'm going to show you a yoga pose, ok?" I say, "I don't see how this is going to help" she scoffs and I simply narrow my eyes before doing the pose.

"Your turn" I say, happy that she wore pants today for the first time ever. "I'm not doing that" she states, "if you wanna feel better... then yes you are" I quip. She looks down and I see her facade fall, she's nervous. "You can do it" I whisper as I raise her head, "it'll be pressure at first but it'll feel really good after—that's what she said" she rolls her eyes and sighs deeply.

I help her get down on the floor and then support her as she does it, making sure to keep her steady but not hurt her. "Ohhhh" she moans as she feels the relief and her face goes red, "feel good?" I smirk. I have her do it for a few more seconds before helping her up. "It'll help if you do stretches like this every morning, just start small — not for too long so your body gets used to it" I suggest, "how did you know that would work?" she asks as she sits down without looking at me.

"You mean how did I know it wouldn't hurt you? There are yoga poses that specifically help with back pain" I say and that's when she looks up at me, "yes... I know" I reply to the question in her eyes regarding her scoliosis. "I suppose your statement from earlier was just your way of making fun of me then?" she scoffs and I have to think a bit before I remember.

"Oh, absolutely not. You're smoking hot" I stress, she simply rolls her eyes and I sit on her desk which makes her glare at me. "You really are beautiful, Miss Venable. It's not a joke or a game... I'm serious" I reassure her and I can see the internal battle happening in her eyes. "So much so that—if you want to of course... I'd like to take you on a date" I mumble uncertainly, not sure how she'll respond and for a while she just doesn't.

"If you don't want to, that's ok too" I assure her, "I want to" she whispers. I smile widely and she blushes lightly as she returns it, though on a much smaller scale. "I might not be able to take you anywhere super fancy but I can promise you a good time" I say, "that sounds nice" she sighs contently. Once we've made the plans I leave her office, practically skipping around the building for the rest of the day.

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