My savior |x.t|

221 13 14

CW: mention of dv, bruises, a little violence,

Today I'm supposed to be servicing a client at home. It's not often I take house calls anymore but she's a friend of a regular so I made an exception. I've never actually met her so this will be my first time. We have texted back and forth a bit and she's told me that this will be her first real massage; so I'm prepared to explain things to her more than I usually do.

I arrive at her house and knock on the door, waiting patiently with my kit in hand. A blonde opens it and I'm immediately in awe of her. This can't be the girl... maybe it's her daughter? But Amanda didn't mention that this lady had kids. "I'm here for Xandra, I'm y/n" I say politely and she gestures for me to come in, "you're looking at her" she says. "You're Xandra?" I ask, not trying to hide my surprise "yeah... what were you expecting?" she asks defensively but I can tell it's just to mask her anxiety.

"Someone older I guess. I thought you might be her daughter" I admit, she blushes a little and chuckles nervously. "You certainly know how to flatter a woman" she mumbles, "I'm serious. How old are you? If you don't mind me asking, of course" I say as she silently leads me further into the house. "I just turned 40" she says, "wow... I need to know what you use on your skin because you seriously don't look a day over 25" say sincerely.

"Yeah, yeah" she waves dismissively and I can sense she's getting shy so I stop for now. I look around to see we're in her bedroom, "this is where you wanna do it? Ok that sounded weird, even for me" I giggle. My relaxed nature seems to ease her nerves and she nods her head with an amused expression. "Alright so I assume the bed is ok?" I ask and she nods, "I'll need you to take off everything but your underwear and lay on your stomach" I say slowly and her eyes widen a bit.

"Don't worry the towel will cover your butt and if you want me to work on your thighs or stomach, I have another towel for your chest" I explain and she seems to relax a lot more. "So I can turn around while you undress and once you're ready we can begin" I say, turning around and listening carefully as she gets undressed. "I'm ready" she says and I turn to see her laying exactly how I asked.

I can see the freckles spread across her back and the muscles barely move as she breathes. "So if at any point you're uncomfortable with the area I'm working on, don't hesitate to tell me and we can move on or end the session" I explain, "and if there's any areas you feel I missed or want me to go back over you can also voice that of course" I add and she accepts; asking me to skip her thighs and stomach.

I grab my belt and put it around my waist, it holds everything I'll need. "Do you mind if I kneel over you? It's just my table at the office is a bit lower and I usually have a step stool too" I chuckle, being so close to her is making me nervous. I can see so much when I'm up close and it doesn't help that she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. So you can imagine when I'm straddling her ass, trying not to sit on it, I'm internally gay panicking.

"It's ok if you wanna sit... you won't hurt me" she mumbles and I blush a little, thankful that she can't see me. I slowly lower myself until I'm resting on her thighs, making sure she's not uncomfortable. I start to kneed her lower back, using my thumbs to alleviate the tension. She moans softly and I see her face turn a bright shade of red moments after.

I listen carefully and realize she's holding her breath so I ease up. "Does it hurt?" I ask softly, "no... it feels really good" she breathes out. I hit another spot and she moans again, which is when I notice she's holding her breath to stop herself. "It's ok if you make noise, it lets me know I'm doing a good job" I assure her and she nods.

As I continue up her back, having to lean forward slightly, my hips are pretty much pressed against her ass. So when she moans as I work on her shoulders, it sends a tingle through my body. "Oh, fuck... that feels really good" she moans, "I'm glad" I reply as I simply don't trust myself to say more. I sit back to a kneeling position and move down her body, starting from her ankles.

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