One hole is fine, yes |a.m.r|

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CW: mention of trypophobia

Today is Saturday and Ally has decided to take off for the day so we could do something together. I suggested we go shopping for some clothes and also because we need a few things for the house. We choose to go to the mall first in case we buy anything refrigerated, it'll just be easier than going back to drop them off in between.

We walk and talk, going into a few stores but not finding much. There's a break for food and then we get back to it. Upon entering one of my favorite stores, I spot something that I think would be really cute on Ally. Another item catches my eye though and I just usher the brunette to a different rack, in hopes of distracting her.

As she searches through the rack, I slip away to the next one over to see if she's paying attention. After a few seconds, I notice she doesn't raise her head so I move on to the one I really had my eyes on. I see the other shirt out the corner of my eye and frown a bit to myself. Ally had told me all about her fears and phobias, which I always try to keep in mind.

So when I saw this sweater I thought was cute, that shirt stood out to me too. I'm not really sure the exact things that trigger her as it changes a bit depending on her mood before seeing said object. Sometimes her reaction is mild and other times a bit more severe. The pattern on that shirt could very well be the thing that turns this amazing day into a not so good one for her.

I surely don't want that to happen, so I just tried to avoid the situation altogether. This particular phobia of hers is called trypophobia, a fear of holes or rather clusters of them. I'll admit it's a bit creepy to me but nowhere near how anxiety inducing it is for her. As I thumb through the sizes, trying to find hers, I hear rustling nearby and my head shoots up.

I see her walking over and panic just a tiny bit. "No" is the first thing that comes out my mouth and she frowns but stops anyway. "Why?" she asks sadly, "because umm... there's something over here that might trigger your trypophobia" I explain quickly as I don't want her to think anything is wrong. She pouts a bit but it's more of an endearing look than sad, "ok" she whispers as she waits patiently for me.

I hurry up and retrieve her size, also grabbing one in mine. I bring it over to show her and she smiles softly. We end up buying them and a few more things before leaving the mall. I notice as we shop that she's a bit absent, however, I don't think of mentioning until we're home. When we get there, we put the little bit of groceries away and then head upstairs to put the clothing away.

"Baby?" I ask and she looks up at me from her position on the bed with raised eyebrows. I sit down next to her and take her hand cautiously, she squeezes it a bit and smiles tiredly. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask softly, "do you do that all the time?" she counters and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Do what..." I prompt, "the... thing in the store" she mumbles and I'm still confused.

"With my phobia" she whispers and I think about it for a moment before I realize what she's referring to. "Oh... yeah" I say softly, hoping I didn't offend her because I was really just trying to help. "Why?" she asks, staring at me curiously and I'm really perplexed at this point. "Because I hate to see you in distress, especially if I can help" I answer.

"And... I know sometimes we can't avoid it but if I can then I will. I just care about you is all, if you don't want me to do it anymore I can stop" I offer, to which she shakes her head. "Is that what's got you so shaken up? You've been really quiet" I point out and she shrugs. "I just... didn't realize you remembered or—that you were mindful of it I guess" she whispers, "of course I am! These are important things about you" I say with a little passion.

"Do you love me?" she blurts out and I just stare at her for a second because I can't really believe that came out her mouth. It's not something we've said to each other considering we've only been dating for a few weeks. Of course I've stayed over here a few times and we've been on dates, et cetera, but this is a bit different.

"I- well yes... I do love you" I answer as my gaze travels back to hers which is fixed on me. "And I know that you may have a hard time believing it, but it's true" I add, "I trust you" she whispers. "Just please... don't make me regret it" she breathes out, "I won't. I promise" I say firmly. "I love you too" she sighs contently, "gosh if that's all it took I should've done it ages ago" I joke.

She giggles and pushes me down to the bed, placing a kiss on my lips. We move further up and her head is placed on my chest as I wrap my arms around her. "I'll always look out for you, ok? No matter what" I assure her and she tilts her head back to look up into my eyes. I can't help but be enamored by the sight of her, from this angle or any angle for that matter.

I move one of my hands to caress her exposed neck and she shivers as she smiles. "Cold?" I tease her a bit, "uh uh... hot actually" she whispers as her eyes darken a fraction. "We should take care of that" I smirk and she bites her lip while moving up my body a little. She places a kiss on my lips as she straddles me, her hands working to unbutton my pants.

I soon feel the cold air hit them and I shiver both from the temperature and her short nails dragging across my skin. My shirt is off right behind it and I move her so her back is on the bed. I remove her clothes as well, taking time to rub my fingertips over every piece of skin I can reach. Her stomach ripples like the ocean as my index finger draws mindless shapes and I'm mesmerized.

"Hold me" she whispers and for some reason this, to me, is the sexiest thing she could've said. Sexiness isn't always explicit or bold. Vulnerability can be sexy. When someone fully opens themself to you in any way, ready to show themselves bare, trusting you with every fiber of their being and giving you all they have—that is sexy.

"You're the sexiest woman alive" I whisper in her ear as I lay next to her, pulling my body flush against hers. She giggles as my hand runs across her ass, feeling the lacy texture of her underwear beneath my fingertips. "Thank you—for saying it... but also making me feel that too" she mumbles, her breath ghosting across my bare chest.

This has to be heaven, there's no other explanation.

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