Silent mode |c.g|

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I'm sitting in a tree in the backyard, a book in hand to pass the time. I tend to come out here just to busy myself while Delia works. I know she needs her time to focus, so I leave her be for a while. As I turn the page, a pungent fragrance meets my nostrils. My nose twitches as I don't want to smell it but I'm curious as to what it is.

I notice it's coming from below me so I glance down to see one of the new girls stood below me. She looks to be smoking what I can only assume is a joint. Now, I'm not a stickler for those sorts of things—as long as they're not done around me. "Umm... Emily is it?" I ask and her head tilts back against the trunk.

She eventually turns her body around, never taking her eyes off me. "Oh yeah... you're that uhhh—the teacher's bitch, right?" she teases, "can you not smoke that right here, please?" I choose to ignore what she said. "Why? Got a problem with herbs? Wouldn't have guessed, considering your little innamorata stays in the greenhouse" she smirks, I just sigh and close my eyes.

I close my book, placing my finger to keep my page as I talk to her. "Cordelia has nothing to do with this. Please, can you move over there? I don't like the smell" I ask again, "hey! Let me hit it" I hear. I see Madison walk up and take a hit, tilting her head back to blow it out.

"Oh shit! Hey, y/n" she waves, "oh my gosh can you believe she was asking me to move?!" Emily asks dramatically. "Yeah she doesn't really like the smell... let's just go over there" Madison suggests and I smile softly, getting ready to open my book again. "Why should we have to move? If she hates it so much why doesn't she leave" the bitch argues.

"She was here first and besides everyone knows she sits up there all the time, it's kind of a thing" Madison chuckles, "so what? I'm not moving" Emily decides. "I think you should-" "what's going on?" I hear my favorite voice ask. She steps into view, glancing up at me curiously as if to ask what's going on.

"This-" "Em" Madison warns her before she starts but she brushes it off. "No she is a fucking cunt-" "who?" Cordelia interjects with confusion evident on her face. "Y/n! She's a bit-" I hear her suddenly stop taking, muffled protests are all to be heard. I look to see Madison giggling as Emily pats the area where her mouth used to be.

"What happened?" Delia asks, looking between me and Madison. "I wasn't here the whole time" Maddie admits and they turn to me. "Well, I was just reading and she started smoking so I asked her nicely to move" I can hear her muffled screaming as I continue and I have to suppress a giggle. "She got mad about it and then Maddie came over" I gesture to her.

"Yeah... I tried to convince her to move, cause we all know y/n sits here basically every day. She never bothers anyone so I thought the least I could do was get the girl to move, but she wouldn't. Then you came over and—well here we are" Madison chuckles, blowing smoke out her mouth. "You know I hate when you guys smoke" Delia groans.

"Oh don't act like you haven't partaken in the flower" Maddie scoffs, "what? N-no I haven't" Delia lies. "Uh guys..." they continue to bicker, "guys!" I exclaim and they turn to me. "Very cute arguing but you have a mouth to unseal" I giggle, "oh, right" Delia remembers and releases the spell. "You're just gonna believe her?! T-that's special treatment" Emily yells.

Should've kept it on. "Emily... you were wrong" Delia says softly, "no I wasn't!" she argues. "You were, Em" Madison speaks up, "you too? Jesus, what are you both-" "I suggest you stop while you're ahead" Delia warns. "I'm the supreme and it is my job to take care of all my girls, you know this" she reminds her, "but you can't deny that y/n gets special treatment" Emily says crossing her arms.

"Of course she does, she's my girlfriend" Delia states with furrowed eyebrows, "and that's not fair!" Emily exclaims. "Honey... it's ok if you have a crush on me-" "UGH" Emily storms off and we all look at each other as we try not to laugh. I hop down out the tree and Delia pulls me into her arms, looking down into my eyes.

"That's my cue to go" Madison says before transmutating inside making Dee and I giggle. "Hi, sweetheart" she whispers, her hands circling my waist and pulling me closer. "Hey" I whisper back funnily, her smile rising to her eyes after. "That was kinda hot" I confess, "oh yeah?" she mumbles against my lips.

She gently presses her lips against mine and I know she's only seeking to tease me. As she pulls away, I bite her bottom lip and she lets out a quiet whimper. "I like protective Cordelia" I mutter as I place a hand on her chest, "and I like protecting you. Not that you need it" she replies. "Oh but I do... I need you to protect me" I stress and she smirks.

"It's nice to be wanted like that. I'll always protect you, no matter what. From Emily to the thing you're most afraid of, I'll always be right there" she promises, "thank you and I feel the same about you" I remind her. "I know, darling. It's quite obvious" she giggle, "how so?" I ask with a fake gasp.

"Well... that's a long conversation" she teases, "I have time" I point out as I pull her towards the house. The rest of the night is filled with loving words and innocent but meaningful touches. "Good night, sweetie" she mumbles, "night night" I reply as I cuddle closer to her.

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