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I wake up and stretch my arms, yawning before rubbing my eyes. After a few seconds I realize I haven't opened my eyes yet so I reluctantly pry them open and sit up with a sigh. I look around, quickly remembering where I am, and notice the absence of Xandra. I can hear muffled voices and I slip out of bed, quickly brushing my teeth before heading towards them. By this point the voices are further so I head downstairs to see them near the door.

Xandra is sending them off, so I join her in the light conversation as the girls make sure they have all their belongings. The blonde places a kiss on my cheek saying good morning and leaves to grab some aspirin quickly. "You really haven't done it yet??" Opie nudges me and I almost fall into the wall, that bitch is strong. "Oh girls, just drop it. If they haven't done it yet — it's not happening" Maddie waves her hand dismissively, "you're just mad you're not getting laid" Steph smirks.

Maddie side eyes her and smiles mockingly before rolling her eyes. "Lesbians, am I right?" Steph says and I shake my head in amusement. "Girl seriously... she wants you so bad! It's like she wants to pounce on you and I know you like her too — go for it!" Amber whisper yells and before anything else can be said, Xandra reenters the room. "Do you guys wanna stay for breakfast?" The blonde offers but looks relived when they say they have to go.

"Go for it" Amber mouths as she closes the door behind her and I wasn't paying attention but Xandra couldn't have seen because she was too busy staring at me. "Finally" she's sighs softly as she locks the door without looking and gently pushes me against the wall. A gentle kiss quickly turns heated and we're making out in the entryway. "Well good morning to you too" I giggle a bit nervous as I had pulled away from her a bit, as much as I could given her body is practically pressed against mine.

"It certainly will be..." she mumbles, her lips moving to my neck. I get lost in the moment before putting my hands on her chest, not quite pushing her away. "Wait" I verbalize so she understands, I don't want to be forceful and push her making her think I don't want her. "Yes?" She lifts her head and stares at me hungrily, damn near making me change my mind but I quickly snap out of it. "Do you think we could wait?" I ask softly and I see so many things flash in her eyes in such a short period.

"Oh yeah, definitely" she nods along with her statement which almost sells it a bit too hard. She backs away and removes all contact which makes me a bit sad, "I'm sorry..." I whisper. "You don't have to apologize. Are you hungry?" I'm not too eager to continue talking about it either so I go along with the subject change. "Yeah I could eat" I shrug and she offers to call us something in because she doesn't want to cook.

I offer but she insists it's not necessary and that she'll pay for it all. I've always loved how charming she is like that, chivalrous even. Well, it's a love/hate relationship because I love being pampered but I also have to trick her into letting me pay for anything. "I'll just order us some TooJay's?" She suggests and I nod, "sounds good. I'll grab a banana or something in the meantime" I reply. She jogs up the stairs, taking them like two at a time, to make the call but I don't pay mind to it too much as my stomach growls.

an hour or so later...

We're sitting at the table and Xandra has been awfully quiet so I decide to speak up. "You ok?" I ask carefully, "yeah" she doesn't even look at me when she says it so I know she's lying. "You sure? I can see your wheels turning up there" I try to lighten the mood and it works a little as she produces a small smile. "Just silly thoughts" she shakes her head, "like what?" I eye her curiously and she still doesn't meet my eyes which only furthers my concern.

"No like... very silly thoughts" she laughs nervously and I place a hand on hers which she thankfully takes. "I wanna know. Tell me please" I beg and she still seems hesitant but prepares herself to speak. "I was just thinking about... why you didn't want to, you know? I didn't wanna ask cause it didn't feel right and you don't have to have a reason I was just curious" she finally glances at me and I can see how fearful she is but before I can speak, she continues.

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