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Cordelia's pov
I know y/n has been ignoring me. At first I thought she was just really shy and maybe needed time to adjust. I mean she does seem like a person that enjoys their alone time. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, which is why I gave her space.

Choosing to let her open up on her own. After a few weeks I couldn't help but to be a little concerned. She wasn't even interacting with the girls, only during meals. Even then it was a rare and very brief transaction. So I started to observe her and try to find out if there was an issue.

It seemed like she might just not be a people person. Then I realized after thinking back that she only seems to avoid contact with me. She'll tolerate the girls, but whenever it came to me she was like mute. It hurt because I sense a kindred spirit in her. If I could only get her to talk to me for a few minutes I feel like we'd get along well.

So I started coming up with ways to get her alone. Sounds a bit creepy now that I think about it but I wanted to make her feel more at home. Yet every time I get within like ten feet of her, she finds the closest distraction. With all the obligations I have as supreme it's been a struggle to find any free time.

However, I've managed to set aside a whole day with nothing for me to do. So I've got only a few hours to make this work. I mixed up a truth serum of sorts as a last resort. I don't want to use it but I need a backup as I assume she'll just dodge and evade as usual.

I come out of my room at the time I usually hear her come out. We meet each other in the hallway and she smiles then turns and keeps walking. I pick up my speed a bit so I'm next to her and glance at her face. Gosh she's beautiful. "Good morning y/n" I say happily, "morning" she mumbles.

I sigh a bit but put on a smile and decide to try again. "Anything planned for the day?" I ask softly, "nope" she answers. "Please talk to me" I beg, not intending for it to come out, let alone sounding that desperate. "Am I not talking to you right now?" She questions sarcastically, "an actual conversation, y/n" I clarify.

She just shrugs and walks into the kitchen ignoring me. "Y/n come on" I plead while she simply acts as if I don't exist. Zoe walks in behind me and says good morning before going to stand next to y/n. "Morning y/n" she says, "morning Zoe" y/n replies with a smile. What the actual fuck?

She walks over to the fridge and leaves her tea unattended. So I go over and discreetly slip the potion in her tea, mixing it gently with my finger. Wiping the remains off on a nearby hand towel. Y/n turns around to see me and stops for a moment before continuing her activities.

I standby as she drinks the tea in its entirety and I smirk to myself. "What's up bit-witches" Madison corrects herself as she sees me. Everyone mumbles a response expects for y/n who seems to be deep in thought...

Reader's pov
I feel this tingly sensation but aside from that, everything else is weird too. Cordelia has been trying to talk to me since I practically opened my eyes. I don't know what's going on with her but I really want- no need her to stop. It's creeping me out a bit because it's like she's determined to get me to talk.

"Still a weirdo I see" Madison quips, directed at me as I stare into space. "Still a cunt, I see" I reply quickly, shocking myself as I didn't intend to say that. "What did you just call me?" Madison questions angrily, "a cunt" I emphasize and she looks taken aback. In fact everyone does, including me.

What the fuck is going on?? "You know what..." Madison mutters, walking towards me. "You should come out with us tonight" Madison smirks, "hmm no" I reply. "Well why not, newbie?" She asks taking a bite of toast, "so I can get drunk and-" I knew what was about to come out of my mouth so I stopped.

"Go ahead, continue" she urges, "just no" I reply. I get up and put my dishes in the sink and start making my way upstairs. I glance at Cordelia and can immediately read her face. She looks guilty but also surprised and it makes my mind spin. I get up to my room and lock the door. What is happening to me?!

I start to think about any possible logical explanation for this. Then it dawned on me... she wouldn't. There's no fucking way she would do that, right? RIGHT?! She must've given me something like a truth serum. But why? I'm so confused and I just can't stay cooped up in this room.

I also can't be around people right now either until this shit wears off. I transmutate to the greenhouse and start getting to work on some plants. Distracting myself from my racing thoughts with the flowers and greenery. I glance over and see a book open on the table. A closer look shows me she left the page open. Dumbass.

I skim over it and see that it only takes a few hours to wear off. So I just have to avoid literally everyone for a few hours? No problemo. I start to go back to what I was doing previously, then I get an idea...

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