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praise and mommy kink

Her kisses trail down to my neck as one of her hand travels up my shirt. She palms my boob since I don't have a bra on and starts playing with my nipple. Her slim fingers working magic on it without even using the real thing. I start to grind on her thigh and she chuckles.

She pulls away from my neck and brings her face close to mine. "Oh you want it bad, don't you? Poor little thing... so desperate for my touch" she whispers against my lips before kissing me softly. Afterwards she pulls away and sits me up to take off my shirt.

She continues her kisses down my body until she reaches my panty line. "Let's take these off shall we?" she asks, "yes please, Miss Cordelia" I reply. "Uh uh. It's mommy to you..." she whispers and I nod slowly as I stare into her eyes. "Say it, baby" she commands, "yes please, mommy" I say obediently.

She smirks and drags them slowly down my legs. Tossing them behind her as she runs a hand up my thigh. She wastes no time getting to where I need her. I feel her fingers run slowly through my folds; coming up to rest on either side of my clit. She gently squeezes it between her fingers and my body shudders in response.

"I've barely even touched you, darling" she chuckles and I just sigh. I open my eyes to look at her as I feel her pull away. I watch intently as she sticks the tip of her thumb in her mouth. A little line of spit following it before she places it directly on my clit. As she starts rubbing slow circles in it I whimper and squirm.

"You're a sensitive one, aren't you?" she giggles, "I'm gonna have so much fun with you" she whispers. I look up at her in anticipation and she softly caresses my thigh. Her fingers moving to tease my entrance causing me to whine. "I'm getting there, sweetheart. Don't worry" she mutters.

Seconds later I feel her ease a finger into me making me moan softly. "You're so tight..." she comments, I close my eyes and smile at the feeling. "Let's see how much you can take" she suggests, quickly but carefully adding another finger. I clench up at first, tensing as the pleasure hits me fast.

After a few strokes of her hand I start to let go and am rewarded with a smile. "That's it, sweet girl. You just relax for mommy" she mumbles, "anything for you" I moan softly. She picks up her pace a bit and I start matching her thrusts. "Open these pretty legs wider for me" she orders but I'm too into the pleasure to really listen.

"Come on, y/n. Be a good girl for mommy" she says, getting my attention by using my name. "Don't make me tie you up" she adds and I spread my legs more, her words quite literally making me weak. "There you go... just perfect" she praises, "I think you can take another, no?" she asks. I know better than to think that's an actual question.

I arch my back as she inserts her third finger, a strangled breath escaping my throat. "Beautiful..." I hear her mutter, my eyes flutter open as I feel her breath on my face. She bites her lip and smiles as she increases her speed. "You like it rough, right baby?" she smirks, "y-yes mommy" I pant.

"You know... I'd see how you look at me. Hear your thoughts... imagining me doing all sorts of things to you. Taking you on my desk... fast and hard" she whispers. I start gasping for air as I buck my hips into her hand. The sound of her fingers plunging into me making it hard to hold it together.

"Awww. Are you close, little one?" she asks playfully, "you wanna cum for your mommy, hmm?" she adds. "P-pleaseee mommy! Please let me cum..." I beg, "you're so pretty like this, you know that? I get the perfect view of your gorgeous face... your body... your pussy" she voices.

"Ohhhh pleaseeee" I moan, reaching up to grab her hair. My other hand gripping onto her nightgown at the center of her chest. "Go ahead, cum for me" I hear and my back arches completely off the bed as I release. My body shaking violently as I try to pull her closer. "That's it... just like that..." she whispers and I shudder in response.

Her words seeming to have more of an effect on me than anything else. As I relax into the bed, I let her go and try to catch my breath. I close my eyes as I begin to calm down, a smile appearing on my face. I open my eyes at feeling of something on my cheek. I look up to see Cordelia smiling down at me, her hand caressing my cheek.

"You're so beautiful" she utters softly, I just stare up at her in awe. Realizing that, no matter the angle, she is the most breathtaking woman I've ever laid eyes on. She smiles wider as she leans down to place a loving kiss on my lips. I struggle to keep my hands to myself but I manage.

"Oh don't tell me you're scared to touch me now" she giggles as she pulls away to look in my eyes. I don't reply, afraid to ruin what little time we might have left together. Just wanting to stay in this moment as long as I possibly can. "Y/n...?" she calls and still I just stare at her, "honey? Talk to me" she mumbles.

My eyes follow her as she moves to lay next to me and I take a deep breath. She lays her head on the pillow and stares back at me. I look away and turn on my back to face the ceiling. As much as I wish to stare into her eyes forever, I know it'll only hurt when she leaves. "What happened?" I hear her ask me, "you happened" I whisper.

"Did you—what does that mean?" she asks, "you haven't left yet..." I mumble ignoring her question. "Do you want me to?" she questions in a whisper and I stay silent. Of course I don't want her to leave; but what if I ask her to stay and she thinks it's pathetic? I just shake my head slowly thinking maybe she won't see.

"Well, good. I don't wanna leave either" she says and I turn back to face her. She smiles at me and scoots closer, bringing me into her arms. I relax into her touch and sighing at her warmth. "I love being with you. Don't let that pretty head tell you otherwise" she states. "Ok" I answer softly, "sweet dreams, my love" I hear her whisper as I fall asleep.

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