Love notes |m.r|

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5.1k words of pretty much pure angst

It's been about three weeks since you and Mildred had broken up. It was painful and left you both feeling beyond repair. You tried your best to move on, continuing to go to work and pushing through the heartache. Your boss could clearly see something was off so even she, the usually stern and ruthless woman, was being gentle. Still, the nights were spent restlessly; wishing a certain redhead was by your side.

The worst part about all of this is that you were just about to celebrate your anniversary together. It was going to mark three years and instead you're having to endure these three weeks of hell. You had all these plans, romantic displays to show the woman just how much she means to you. Now you can only feel foolish for planning such grand gestures.

Mildred wasn't doing much better, thinking of you constantly. A part of her wanted to reach out, but a larger part was afraid that you would reject the olive branch and break her even more. You left a letter on the dresser that she hasn't had the heart to open but, as she lays down for another sleepless night, her curiosity gets the best of her.

Dear Millie,

I can still remember the first day we met like it was only moments ago. Your hair glowed in the sun and I stared with no intent of looking away until you turned around. Luckily I didn't have to wait long to have the air stolen from my lungs. You were and still are the most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.

I recall how we locked eyes and you smiled, sparking a feeling in me that I'd never felt before. Everything about you took me for a spin, your voice especially. Any time I hear it I just melt, my heart being yours for the taking. That's something you'll always have, no matter what, my heart is all yours. You know three is such a special number to me so I've decided to do something to match the sentiment.

Around the house you'll find a little project I've been working on for a few weeks now. I've scattered notes throughout all areas for you to find. Some of them are simply me reminding you how much I love you and others I think you'll certainly appreciate on a cloudy day. If nothing else, just remember I love you more than all the stars in the sky and you'll always have a special place in my heart.

Yours truly

She gently set the paper down, harshly wiping her tears as she sighed shakily. Her habit of biting her lip making an appearance as she nibbles on it anxiously. Over the course of the next week or so, she began to find them everywhere. It's beyond her how she didn't notice them in the prior weeks but in her defense, she wasn't in a clear enough state to be aware of the little details.

I love you, Millie

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I love the way your eyes shimmer when you look at me

I'm proud of you.

These were just a few that the woman found, all of them tucked away in her desk drawer. Each one was painfully bittersweet, bringing a smile to her face as she remembered you but a frown as she thought about what happened. How had she let you slip through her fingers so easily? Some of the notes were hidden in obvious places like on the fridge or in her favorites mugs in the cabinet.

One was tucked between the bread keeper and sugar container and one of the oddest places she found was in a box of cereal that only she ate. It reminded her of the way you grimaced when she bough it, asking why she would ever eat such a thing. She answered that it was healthy and you proudly said that you would rather eat the tasty things—that you were here for a good time, not a long time.

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