Warm cuddles |tammy|

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Today isn't much different from any other, except that we're going to be at Lou's loft. Ever since the heist, we've all moved out to our own places but, once a month we try to get together. At least those of that are still in the country. We typically play games and drink until we can't anymore, then we all have breakfast and go our separate ways.

So I'm quite excited for girls night with them because it's never ordinary. We pull up outside and Tammy dances a little in her seat. I've always loved her childlike heart, it brings me joy. When we moved out together, I thought things might be different but they just got even better. She's even more affectionate, plus, now she can walk around in her underwear and I love that.

We get out and grab our bags, heading in without knocking. "We're here bitches!" I yell and Tammy giggles as I get a range of responses. "Well hey, lovebirds" Lou smirks, "oh please, where's your little boo? Aren't y'all literally fused together" I joke. She shakes her head and pulls me into a tight hug. Pulling away to pull Tammy into one too.

Tam and I take our bags up and put them in the room before heading back down. The festivities soon begin once Daph and Rose arrive and we're consumed in laughter within minutes. As the sun goes down, it starts to get a bit chilly and I begin to shiver slightly. I slip away, surprisingly unnoticed, to try and find a blanket upstairs.

After searching for minutes, and still not finding any, I groan. I'm just getting colder up here so I head to the room. I wrap myself in the covers, hoping to get warm enough to go back down. I hate it how I can be so cold sometimes or so hot and everyone else is fine. Usually, I wear a jacket to combat that but it's typically very warm in here.

I suppose that was when I lived here though, Lou would keep it a little high for me. As I close my eyes and curl up, my body shaking slightly, I hear the door creak open. "Hey, you ok?" Lou's voice rings quietly as she closes the door behind her, "I'm fucking freezing" I mumble. "Oh I'm sorry, love. I forgot to turn it up" she sighs, "I-it's ok" I assure her.

She pulls back the cover and places the back of her hand on my arm. "Fuck, darling. Come here" she says as she climbs into the bed next to me. I scoot closer to her and she pulls me into her arms, nestling the cover around my shoulders. She holds me close, our legs almost intertwined. I take advantage of her warmth and sigh.

"I don't know how you're always so hot" I mumble into her chest, "it's the genes, babe" she jokes and I nudge her. "Seriously though, it's crazy how you get so cold" she mutters, "I know" I sigh as I begin to warm up just a bit. I think about Tammy and how much warmer I'd be if she were here with me. It's not necessarily the body, its just that she's very... warm, in general.

Something about her presence just makes everything better. As my thoughts drift to her, I hear the door creak once more. I lift my head slightly to see her form sliding through the space in the frame. Think of an angel and they will appear. "I'll leave you two be" Lou says, excusing herself and closing the door behind her.

Tammy slides into the bed and pulls me to be almost on top of her. "Are you cold, baby?" she ask softly and I just nod as I cling onto her. "You could've told me..." she whispers, "I didn't want to interrupt you from the fun" I mumble into the crook of her neck. Her fingers find their way under my shirt and run soft trails over my back.

Effectively making my body limp in her hands as I surrender to her. "Honey, you can always tell me things, big or small. Nothing is more important to me, than you. Besides, they would understand if I needed to step away. It's not like we won't see them in the morning" she reasons. "But we seldom get together and I just wanted you to get the most out of it, I guess" I mutter.

"I know how much you love them and you've been excited about this for weeks" I pout, "y/n, I love you. If you don't feel well, I don't feel well. Why do you think I came up here? I could tell something was off when you didn't come back" she voices. The mere sound of her voice soothes me and spreads warmth all over.

"You saw me leave?" I ask suddenly, "of course I did. I figured you just had to use the bathroom but then I saw you go upstairs. Still, I thought maybe you were grabbing something from your bag. Then, when you didn't come back and Lou went up for a while too, I had to come check on you" she explains.

"You're really sweet, Tam. I love you too" I smile softly, "had to make sure she wasn't fucking my girl" she jokes. I giggle softly and she kisses the top of my head. I feel her palms flat in my back, her nails tracing lines on my skin. I don't know how she does it, but every touch is calming. "You're an angel, truly" I mumble as I slide off her a bit.

She adjusts and turns on her side to hold me firmly, placing a kiss on my nose. "Is that so?" she hums, "mhm. You have magic hands" I yawn. "Well I've certainly heard that one before" she teases and soon her laugh echos lightly through the room. I smile widely and snuggle closer to her, letting her sweet whispers send me to sleep.

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