Playing Dangerous |c.g|

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Based on the song by Lana Del Rey
TW: role play, strap, praise, dom/sub
spanking/slapping, overstimulation, degradation

Cordelia has been so busy since she became supreme, that we barely spend any time together. I've been very patient, as I know it's a big job, but I'm beginning to meet my wits end. I'm so sexually frustrated and I don't know how much longer I can do this. I knock on her office door and hear her sweet voice telling me to come in.

I open the door and close it behind me softly. "Oh hi, darling" she utters, a big smile on her face. "Hi, baby... whatcha doin?" I ask quietly as I move to stand behind her. "Paperwork" she groans as I put my hand on her shoulders. "You should take a break... relax a little. It'll still be here later" I remind her.

"I know, honey. I just really want to get it over with" she sighs, "as much as I love your attentiveness in all aspects, I need just a little attention too" I whine. "I know and I'm sorry, sweetie. There's just so much to do" she mumbles, "like me" I whisper in her ear. "Like making sure the lights stay on" she counters, "I suppose that's important too" I grumble.

I walk around the desk so I'm stood in front of her, leaning over the desk on my hands. Her head raises and her gaze immediately settles on my boobs. I made sure to wear her favorite shirt of mine, it shows a lot of cleavage. I didn't used to like it since my boobs are kinda small and I didn't think it looked right.

Then, one day, I desperately needed to do laundry and it was all I had. I'll never forget the look on her face when she saw it. From that day on, I've worn it whenever I need to get her attention. "Baby..." she mutters, "mhm" I hum softly response. "You're distracting me" she mumbles as her gaze lowers to her laptop again.

"You know what else is distracting? This ache between my legs" I mumble, "you like to help, right? I think I need some help with it" I challenge her. "Sweetheart, I'm really busy" she sighs but I ignore it. I walk back around the desk and push her chair back a little. She looks up and glares at me as I grab her hand away from the keyboard.

"Could you just check it out? It won't take more than a minute..." I say as I pull her hand closer. "I'm beginning to think somethings wrong. I've never been so..." I push her hand into my panties and my breathing shudders. "Wet" I whisper and I hear a soft whimper leave her lips.

"Upstairs. Now" she demands, removing her hand from my shorts. "Yes... Mrs.Officer" I mumble as I walk out the door. I run upstairs to the room and lay on the bed with my legs crossed. Within a minute she transmutates into the room and crosses her arms over her chest. "So what was that, hm? You're on thin ice, little girl. Bad behavior will not be rewarded" she states.

"Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer" I pout, "so that little stunt you just pulled? Taking me away from work..." she points out. "No, I wouldn't do a thing like that. That's for sure" I reply innocently, "so you're saying you didn't stick my hand down your pants like a whore?" she asks as she comes closer to me.

"No ma'am, I would never do such a thing" I lie, "and now you're lying? Don't dig yourself in even deeper, my love" she whispers as she caresses my cheek. "I swear I'm not a liar" I stares confidently, "mhm... and how are you feeling? You look a little frightened" she smirks, her hand fiddling with something out of my line of sight.

"Well... I'm a little shaken, but I'm fine, thanks for asking" I mutter, "well that's good to hear" she says as she stand up straighter. Revealing what she's been tinkering with—handcuffs. "I think I know just how to get you to confess" she says as she moves to straddle me. "Tell me, do you always work alone so late?" I ask, ignoring what she said and acting clueless.

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