Period headcanons

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[Disclaimer: I'm actually on my period so I'm not responsible for how out of pocket the 'reader' is right now and also I'm too lazy to add emojis to every little 'chat thread' but I hope you enjoy anyways 😭]

How the characters would react to you asking for pads/tampons

Mildred Ratched

Hey babe can you stop and get me pads before you get home?

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Hey babe can you stop and get me pads before you get home?

What size?


One: what does 'idk' mean, speak correct English. Two: what do you mean you 'don't know'? You don't know the size of your own vulva?

One: you knew exactly what I meant so why'd you ask? Two: I just pick up whatever but shouldn't YOU know what size it is??

I'm coming home with the biggest ones they have. I hope you get chaffing for being mean.

*brings the correct size and cuddles you all night as she feeds you snacks*

"I love you but your menstrual attitude... that's another story"

"But you love all of me, right? Even the bitchy me? I mean it's only a week"

"A week? Honey, you're like this all the time. It's just worse on your cycle"




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Honey... it's shark week

You forgot to buy things again didn't you?


There's pads and tampons under the sink and I made you a smoothie pack before I left in case you can't eat but if you're nauseous there's also crackers and cheese, gingerale is next to the fridge

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