Careful |d.s|

331 14 3

CW: masturbation, overstimulation, choking, degradation, praise, mommy kink

Diane and I have been dating for around a year now and I moved in 2 months ago. I never thought I'd be the clingy girlfriend and yet, here I am. It's like moving in and spending more time with her just makes me crave her presence. I honestly think she's made me this way, I'm never like this with anyone else.

In fact, I much prefer my alone time than being with people constantly. I never thought I'd be able to live with anyone unless I really really loved them; and gosh do I fucking love Diane. I peek my head in the home office where she's been grading papers and making lesson plans for the last two hours.

"Knock knock" I say funnily and she lifts her head momentarily to smile at me before turning back to her computer. "Are you almost done?" I ask softly, "not yet, sweetie. I still have to draft the test for next week and grade a class worth of essays" she answers. I roll my eyes and sigh softly, I know it's important but I can't help myself.

"But you've been going for 2 hours already... can't you at least take a break? I wanna cuddle" I pout, "no, darling. Besides, I know that voice. You want more than just 'cuddling' and I don't have time right now" she chuckles softly. "Fine" I whine, turning around and heading upstairs to our bedroom.

I strip out of my clothes and lay down, she was right, I do want more than cuddles. I lick my lips as my hand glides down my body. Using my other to play with my boobs as I slowly slide a finger through my folds. I brush my clit, not wanting to start off with too much. I eventually build myself up and start circling around it.

I dip a finger down, a soft gasp leaving my lips as I realize how wet I really am. As I dip a finger in my entrance, a shuddered breath escapes my lips. I don't hesitate to add another and begin pumping them inside me. I don't hold back my moans, deep sounds leaving my throat. It's only a matter of minutes before I hear the door hit the wall.

I smirk subtly as I continue, pretending not to hear her. "Oh fuck... Diane" I breathe out softly before she snatches my hand away. My eyes fly open, not having heard her approaching steps. "You little slut" she growls, straddling my hips in the blink of an eye. "Well you wouldn't take care of me, so I had to do it myself" I scoff defiantly and watch as her eyes darken.

Her hand calmly wraps around my neck and I gasp softly. "You know mommy doesn't like it when you touch yourself without permission" she mumbles, leaning closer to my face. My response is trapped in my throat as she grabs my wrist, taking my fingers in her mouth. She sucks my arousal off of them, an almost silent moan leaving her body.

"Your pussy may have just saved you, little one" she smirks and I can't help but whimper in response. "Mommy will take very good care of you now" she whispers while moving down my body. Her tongue takes a long lick through my folds and I whine as my hips buck closer to her. She pins them to the bed, a look of disapproval on her features.

"Be a good girl for mommy, will you?" she mumbles and I nod quickly but she quirks an eyebrow. "Y-yes mommy" I stutter to which a low chuckle sounds from her throat. Her tongue darts out, brushing my clit which causes me to shudder. I feel as though I may have checked out because in a flash her tongue is flicking my clit at rapid speeds.

My body jerks in response but I don't go very far with the hold she has on me. I feel her fingers tease my entrance and I moan in anticipation. "Please mommy—fuck—please" I beg and she moans into me, the vibrations only edging me further. Two of her slim fingers slip into me and I moan loudly.

She speeds up quickly, not wasting time. Her moans almost matching mine as she carries out her torture on my clit. Just as I'm approaching the edge, she slides in another finger and my back arches. I look down to see her looking right back and me and I whimper. "C-can I cum?" I plead and she doesn't reply or give any signal for a while.

I beg her relentlessly with my eyes, strangled words leaving my throat to further show my desperation. She taps my thigh twice and I chuckle in relief, though it just sounds like an airy moan. I can't help but grab her head as I topple over, my fingers digging lightly in her scalp.

My hips buck wildly as I hold onto her for support. I sigh in relief until I realize she hasn't stopped, only slowed her movements. "D-Diane" I mumble and she simply groans in response but I know what she means. "Mommy please" I whine as I try to push her head away, "I told you I'd take care of you, didn't I?" she counters.

"But I-I don't think I can-" I'm cut off by a moan as her thumb moves fiercely against my clit. "P-please mommy... I can't take it" I whine, "color?" I glance at her to see a softer look in her eyes which only brings me closer towards that dangerous edge. "Green" I whisper breathily, "then why am I hearing complaints, hm? This is what you wanted and mommy always gives you what you want, isn't that right?" she grunts as her pace increases and I nod quickly.

"You're so close bunny... I can feel you around my fingers" she smirks and my hips begin to buck wildly as she hits all the spots that make me crumble. I open my eyes as I feel the bed shift and she hovers over me with a soft smile. Her gaze shifts to the nightstand and her pace falters just a bit.

I try to turn to see what she's looking at but I'm stopped by her hand on my chin. My every thought dissipates as I meet her eyes and she smiles wider. "You're so beautiful, baby" she leans down to say, capturing my lips and my lip trembles against her steady ones. My orgasm approaches quickly and I close my eyes, stuttering out my requests.

I'm just about to open my eyes to plead further when I feel her hair brush my cheek. "Cum for me, sweetheart" she whispers and my body doesn't hesitate at her command. My back arches high, breath getting caught in my throat as my body tenses for a second. My legs start shaking and my breathing shudders as I tip over the edge, Diane's name falling off my lips like a chant.

"That's it... good girl" she whispers amongst other sweet praises as she coaxes me down until, finally, my head rests on her chest. My muscles seem to release all at once and my body goes limp against her which prompts her to ask me if I'm ok. "Mhm never better" I whisper funnily, "are you sure, baby?" I nod to let her know I'm fine and she hums.

"Would you like to take a nap first or eat?" she asks softly, "mmm I don't know" I mumble as I move so my face is between her boobs. "I want you to take off your shirt" I say and she eases herself from under me to stand, "I'll clean you up too, alright?" she tells me before walking off and I just watch her as she enters and exits the bathroom.

"You're so beautiful, sweetheart. I'm so honored to call you mine" she whispers as she wipes my thighs and I shudder as I smile shyly. She bites her lip and tosses the rag, taking off her shirt and laying back down beside me. I return my head to her chest and inhale deeply, smiling at her natural scent.

"Happy birthday, baby" she whispers and I raise my head slowly, glancing over to the clock to see its 12:19 am and I smile softly. "Did you think I forgot?" she asks and I shake my head slowly, "I think it's funny you waited until 12 to let me cum?" I giggle. "I mean is it not the perfect way to start the day?" she smirks and I bite my lip as I nod.

"Now sleep. When you wake up I'll make breakfast for us" she mumbles softly, "waffles?" I ask and she nods. "Anything you want" she whispers as she places a kiss on my forehead. I snuggle closer and let the rhythm of her heart send me to sleep, a smile on my face as I anticipate the day to come.

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