Sober thoughts |c.g|

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Today has been a hell of a day; which led to me accepting Madison's invitation to go out for once. I'm not as extroverted as her so I usually decline but I need a fucking drink. "Come on bitch I don't have all day" she complains as I slip on my heels and I groan, opening the door and giving her a sarcastic smile. We all head downstairs and just before we get out the door we're stopped by none other than the reason for my shit day.

"You girls are going out?" she says and I sigh deeply as I close my eyes, hoping for once that Madison says something snarky to get us off. "Yep, wanna come?" Madison teases, "actually I would, thank you for asking. I'll be down in 5" she disappears and I roll my eyes. "Nice going, smartass" I whine and she clicks her tongue, "not my fault she took it literally" and grumbles.

Soon enough we're packed into the car and the ride there is pretty silent other than Madison wasting air by talking shit. I promptly get out as we arrive and go ahead of the group into the bar by myself. I take a seat, sighing as I'm finally alone—well not really alone but at least away from her. "Tequila, neat, make it a double" I tell the bartender and she nods with a smirk.

"Rough night?" she prompts as she sets it in front of me, "hey, I was wondering where you went" Cordelia says and I show a tightlipped smile. "It will be" I answer to the bartender before I down the drink and push the glass forward for another. "Here I am" I say cheerfully as I raise my hands a bit, "you don't usually like to go out..." she says and I nod as I take my second drink and sip it.

"What makes tonight so special?" she asks, "I just changed my mind" I answer simply before tossing the second drink back and asking for more. "Are you sure about that?" Cordelia asks, "I need to use the bathroom" I state abruptly. "I'll come with you—to make sure you're ok" she suggests, "I'll be fine" I say curtly and she goes to check on the other girls instead.

Once I'm sure she's gone, I take a different seat on the other side of the bar where she can't really see. I decide to order shots instead and I neck them back to back. By the time I've realized just how much I drank, it's too late—I'm pissed. "Y/n?!" I turn with a smile to see Zoe, "oh hi Zozo" I pout as I pull her closer. "Good lord, ok it's time for you to go home" she sighs, "no no pleaseee I wanna stay!" I exclaim but she's not having it.

I watch as she makes her way to the blonde headmistress and my eyes widen. I gotta get outta here. I grab my purse and try to stealthily make my way out the door. I think I've almost got it until I get halfway down the block and hear her call my name. I grimace and stop in my tracks, my heels in my hand as I turn around. "And where did you think you were going?" she asks sternly, "uhhh home obviously" I giggle.

"That would be a great idea—if only you were going the right way" she states with her hands on her hips and I realize she's right, "ok well then I'll just-" I start to turn around but she takes my arm. I see her glance around before we're suddenly in the lobby of the academy. My mouth drops open and I stare at her with wide eyes, "that's so freaking cool—oh wait... I've done that before too" I chuckle at myself and she just shakes her head.

Delia's pov
I pick her up to carry her to the second floor, considering she can hardly walk, and surprisingly she doesn't protest. "You make me feel so safe... and warm but on the inside too" she mumbles and I blush, hoping she can't see it, "I'm glad" I decide to answer simply. I get to her bedroom and try to lay her down but she won't let go of me.

"Sweetheart? You have to let go" I chuckle, thinking it's so cute how she clings on like a koala bear. "Mmm I don't wanna" she groans and I accept it because as selfish as it may be, I know she might never do this again and I enjoy having her so close. I close her door and open my own, taking her over to the dresser. "You'll at least need to change your clothes; so tell me what you want and I'll grab it from-" "why can't I wear your clothes?" she interjects and I'm speechless for a moment.

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