One and Only |w.v|

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Based on the song by Adele

I've been working at Kineros for a few months now. I'm only doing part-time right now as I wanted to be able to keep up with my personal life too. The hours are actually really good, they give me just below full-time hours. Not to mention it pays a shitload and I've been able to do even more outside of work.

My friends suggested I try to get out my comfort zone. Do things I've never done before to shake up my life a bit. I typically have the same monotonous days on repeat. My life is pretty boring but I've decided to get out tonight. I wave to everyone I know as I leave work and go down to my car.

I speed home so I can get ready for the bar. Taking a little nap first and then showering before finally getting dressed. Once that's all done, I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I grab my keys and a slip my ID into my phone case, going out to my car. I hate carrying purses especially if I'm going out to a bar.

I tend to lose them because I just hate carrying things. So I wore jeans in order to avoid that whole ordeal. I pull up outside the bar and take a deep breath before getting out. I text my friends and they get out of their cars too so we can walk up together. "How was work, love?" my friend Mahalia asks me, "pretty good but tiring" I reply.

"You better not be too tired to party" my friend Tracy jokes and I chuckle. "I took a nap before coming" I say, "like an old lady" Mahalia giggles. I nudge her and we show the bouncer our IDs before heading in. Once we're inside I look around, the smell of alcohol and smoke hitting my nose immediately.

"You ready?" Tracy asks me, "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be 'ready' for but sure" I chuckle. We go to the bar and grab a few drinks, taking a seat for a little bit. As they start talking about something, my mind drifts slightly. Since being at Kineros I've developed a little crush. I think it's far surpassed a crush in all honesty.

I'm fascinated by my boss, Wilhemina Venable. Something about her just intrigues me and I have a desire to learn more of her. We work so closely together that I typically overhear conversations she has, she's not very quiet. I hear her yelling at people of course, but I also her some of her phone calls.

One day I heard her talk about some medication she needed to pick up. I did a quick google search and found out they were pain killers. No just any painkiller though, they were for nerves. I quickly connected it must be for her back since she does carry a cane. I knew it was stupid but I went up and knocked on her door once she was done.

"Come in" her voice rings through the door and I open it. "Hi, Ms.Venable. I overheard your conversation just now and I wanted to offer some help, if you want it? I'm done with my work for today so I could go grab it really quick" I offer. She narrows her eyes at me and leans back in her chair.

"So you eavesdrop on people's personal phone calls now?" she scoffs, "no ma'am. It's just that I sit right there" I point, "and the walls are quite thin" I add. I wanted to say that she's just loud but I refrain. "I don't need your help" she states, "well of course you don't need it, but it's something I want to do for you" I reply.

"You have so much to do here already and that's just an extra chore when you get off. I know I like to go straight home after work and I don't even do half of what you do" I point out and she rolls her eyes. "Fine. Since you're so adamant about it" she sighs, grabbing two cards out of her purse.

"This is the insurance card, this is my bank card. Do NOT buy anything more than the medication, understand? And be back here in half an hour" she orders, "yes, Ms.Venable" I answer. She shoos me away and I quickly go down to my car to grab it.

We haven't talked much since that day but she also hasn't been on my ass as much. At first she was really hard on me but then she eased up after seeing that I was just trying to help, to do my job. It was so much more than just my job and I think she knows that too. "Helloooo earth to, y/n" my friend yells and my head darts to her.

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