Hostess with the Mostess |b.d.h|

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I pant heavily as I fall back on the bed and hear a breathy chuckle from the blonde beside me. "You're amazing, you know that?" Billie mumbles, "way to make a girl feel special" I joke and she rolls her eyes. "Are you ready for tonight?" she asks and wave my hand in a so-so motion. I've never really been a fan of big parties but Billie is certainly a great host.

She always makes sure I'm comfortable and I know tonight will be no different. "The group should all be here" she says funnily while poking my side and I giggle. "Well that'll be fun" I utter and she nods slowly while leaning towards me. Her lips capture mine and I smile softly as her hand caresses my cheek. I pull away and she sighs softly, laying her head back on the pillow.

After a while of laying there, we get up and I go to get dressed in private. I told her we weren't dressing up, which is why she made it optional for the party. Though, it's Halloween so, of course I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I exit the closet to see her sitting on the bed, fastening the strap on her heels. She glances up, her soft smile morphing into a confused frown.

"You said we weren't getting dressed up" she whines and I chuckle while walking over and straddling her. "Well... you're already dolled up anyway" I point out and she rolls her eyes. "Whatttt? You're a medium... and I'm your ghost" I smirk, her eyes narrowing in response. "That's cheesy" she complains, "but cute" I counter.

"You are kinda cute" she whispers, her grip tightening on my waist. "Easy tiger... we have a party to attend" I remind her, "I suppose I can't be late as the host now, can I?" she mumbles with a sigh. I climb off her and put on my shoes before following her down. Car after car rolls through, people swarming in. Some of them I know, others I'm meeting for the first time.

Again, crowds have never been my thing but it's just a part of being Billie's girlfriend. Honestly, I'd go to a party every week if it meant I get to stay with her. Sure, they may not be the most fun for me but—the blonde certainly makes up for it. Delia and Martina arrive and I feel my excitement rise, finally some truly familiar faces. Then Ally and Tiara and I genuinely feel I can relax.

Billie comes over after managing to get away from a colleague and grabs my waist. "I just have to make the speech and then cake and finally they'll start leaving" she whines, "why do you do this if you don't like it?" I ask bluntly. "Well, it's not that I don't like it. I just... I don't feel like socializing today" she admits and I nod in understanding.

"God I hate them sometimes" she groans, "I know, baby" I sigh while stroking her hair. I lean on my tiptoes and press a gentle kiss to her lips which she deepens. "I think you just cured me" she whispers with a grin, "guess Delia's not the only magical one here" I smirk and the blonde chuckles. I glance over after seeing movement and I catch Ally and Tiara heading upstairs.

I glance back at Billie whose attention was in the same place. She smirks and looks around before taking my hand and pulling me up behind them. "Billie... what are we doing?" I giggle softly, "shhhh just listen" she whispers. Soon I hear soft sounds on the other side of the bathroom door. They slowly turn to whimpers, then soft moans.

"Billie..." I whisper, "shhh" she replies as she places a kiss on my neck. I shiver in response as she leads me over to the armchair. I can still hear them from here since one is getting close. Billie sits me on her lap and rests her hand on my thigh. "Maybe we shouldn't be..." I trail, "oh don't be that way... I know it excites you" and breathes on my ear and I shudder.

"Admit it... you like it" she continues, her hand gripping me tighter. I start to hear different sounds and I can tell this is Ally. She gasps and whimpers, moans and begs... I can't deny what Billie said. "Why don't you go downstairs and wait for me, hm?" Billie instructs as the noises die down and I agree. I'm sure my facial expression when they walk out would give away everything.

I hurriedly but quietly go downstairs and glance around subtly. "You look like you've seen a ghost. What happened?" I hear and spin around to see Delia looking down at me. "Oh nothing... just jitters, you know? I don't like crowds" I stutter, "maybe this'll calm your nerves" she offers while extending her hand with a drink in it.

"Oh I ummm... I really shouldn't. I've already had two glasses of wine" I say, "well what's one more drink? I made it myself..." she insists and my eyes dart from the cup to her before taking it. "Thank you" I mumble, "anytime, sweetheart" she utters. Her eyes are locked on mine and I fear my mouth may betray me so I take a sip of the drink instead.

"What's going on over here?" Martina asks, her head peeking from behind Cordelia. "I just offered her a drink... for the nerves" she smirks, "oh right... yeah I get like that too" the brunette affirms. All of our gazes seem to shift to the stairs as Billie comes down and she makes eye contact with me. Ally and Tiara are right behind her, a blush on the senator's cheeks.

Billie lets them pass her, reaching down to me, so I hand her a utensil. She hits the spoon on the side of the glass, commanding everyone's attention. "Hello everyone. Thank you all for coming tonight, I hope you're enjoying yourselves" she prompts and a few cheers erupt around the room. Delia pulls her girlfriend closer and places a kiss on her lips.

While Ally and hers stare at each other for a moment before directing their gazes back to the medium. "I suppose there's not much to say other than that I'm happy to see so many familiar faces. The cake should be finished being cut soon and then you can all enjoy" she says and almost everyone claps at that. Her eyes lock on mine again and I narrow my eyes playfully at her.

"And so... let me raise a toast, to the girl I love most—in the whole world" she announces, "please don't say my name, please don't say my name" I mumble under my breath. "Darla" she chirps happily and the room erupts in cheers causing me to blush profusely. Ally pulls me closer and allows me to bury my face in her neck.

The toast finally ends and I feel arms wrap around my waist. I turn to face Billie and frown to which she kisses my lips. "I'm not sorry" she mutters, "I know" I rolls my eyes playfully. Soon everyone eats their portion of cake and the house slowly empties. When it's down to just the six of us, Billie smirks widely. The cleaners have arrived as well so we all head upstairs.

She pushes open the double doors of the room and gestures for the others to go inside. "Buzz for Grace to bring up the good stuff" she mumbles and I nod in response. I hit the intercom to the kitchen and hear her agree to have it sent up soon. Afterwards I make my way back to the room to see the 5 getting settled in.

And now the real fun begins...

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