Don't Stop |b.d.h|

475 14 1

TW: cussing, masturbating, phone sex, dom reader, praise, slight orgasm denial, mommy kink

Billie had been away filming for over a week now. As proud of her as I am, I still hate whenever she has to leave. I miss her tremendously and just wish for her swift return. I miss her cuddles and how she kisses my face every morning she's home. I also miss her soft touches, the way she whispers in my ear as she makes me fall apart.

My biggest problem while she's gone is resisting the urge to touch myself. That's one of Billie's only rules for me, that and not cumming without permission. That being said, this past week has been absolute hell. I'm not some sex-crazed person, Billie just does things to me. Not to mention the fact that she denied me sex for a week before she left.

I disobeyed her and she does not take that lightly. So I've literally not had sex for over two weeks. Considering how often Billie and I fuck, I think my 'craziness' is justified. I've been good but I really don't know how much more of this I can take. I'm just gonna call her and ask because I'm over this shit.

*ring ring-*

Hi, baby

Damn that was quick... hi

Language. How are you?

Better now that I'm talking to you. How's your day been, my love?

Oh the usual... anyways. What's up?

What, I can't just call because I miss your voice?

Of course you can, princess. But we both know that's not why you called, now is it?

Her voice dropped to a lower, more seductive register. It's like I could hear the smirk on her face as she spoke. My mind spun with thoughts of her hands on my body. How she teases me just enough, until I'm begging for her to let me cum.

Still there, baby?

Oh uh... yeah. Still here.

Good. Now tell me why you called, darling

I just umm—I wanted to ask you if maybe I could—well I don't wanna break your rule so I thought I should ask for permission

Permission for what, sweetheart?

If I could touch myself

As soon as the words had left my lips I heard her breathing shudder. After a few seconds of silence I heard a soft sound on the other end. A strangled whimper leaving her blush colored lips.

Let me see you

What if I say no, huh?

Let. Me. See. You.

I didn't have to ask again because soon enough my phone was ringing. I quickly answered the FaceTime and was met with the hotel ceiling. Before I could complain I heard rustling and the camera was propped up between her legs. I could clearly see the lust in her eyes as she looked at me. Her chest moving up and down slowly as she took deep breaths.

Usually Billie's the one in charge; though we do flip occasionally, I'm always the one to initiate it. This time, however, I have a feeling I won't even have to establish my dominance. It seems like she's already in the headspace for me to take full control of her. I smirk and quickly remove my shorts, propping my phone up as well.

"Spread your legs wider for me" I demand, she slowly opens them as wide as she can. "Good girl" I mutter, she bites her lip and squirms a bit. "Awww are you wet for me? Let me see" I ask, she slowly reaches her hand down and pulls on her panties.

They ride up slightly and I see the wet patch on the red material. She moans softly as the pull creates friction on her clit. "That's enough" I say and she lets go, her hands resting patiently on her thighs. I push my hands into my own underwear, not having enough willpower to wait any longer.

I put gentle pressure on my clit and rub in small slow circles. The first moan to leave my mouth being quite loud due to my sensitivity. I close my eyes but quickly open them, wanting to see Billie's reaction. She stares at me with her mouth slightly open. I can see her fingers twitching on her thighs.

"Go ahead, baby. You can touch yourself. Take off your underwear too" I instruct. She instantly jumps to action and removes her bra and panties. After getting back in a comfortable position she moves her hand down her body. Slowly making her way to her clit and rubbing it gently.

"That's it... just like that, nice and slow" I groan, "ohhh it feels so good" she mumbles. "I can see that..." I chuckle breathily, I slow down my own speed as I want to cum with her. Once I see her getting a bit worked up I decide to step in. "Ok slow down... I want you to put two fingers in" I order, she whines but obeys.

I watch as her fingers slide right in and she moans, her breathing staggered. She keeps them still, waiting for further direction. I don't think I've ever seen her like this, it just makes me crave her even more. "Go ahead and move them for me, love. Start off slow... but not too slow" I moan as I rub my clit watching her.

She nods and starts thrusting deep but not too fast. "You feel s-so good inside me" she breathes out, "good... god I can't wait to get my hands on you" I mutter. "Me e-either" she moans, "are you close, darling?" I ask with a teasing lilt to my voice. "Shit... yesss" she whimpers, "wait for mommy" I whisper and she moans loudly.

"I c-can't hold it" she breathes out, "just a little while longer, sweetheart. M-mommy's al-most there" I moan. I see her head fall back as she struggles to keep her pace. I speed up my movements a little more as I feel myself right in the edge. "Cum" I whimper out and I release as I hear her groan softly.

Soon enough we both come down and rest as our breathing returns to normal. I get up to wash my hands seeing Billie do the same. Once we're both back to our beds I pick up my phone and she follows. "I miss you" she pouts, "I miss you too, love" I reply. "It's not the same as when you fuck me" she whispers, "same here" I echo.

"Can you stay on the phone tonight? Until I fall asleep..." she asks softly, "of course, princess" I answer and she blushes. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" I say, "mhm... you tell me all the time" she replies as she props the phone up and lays down. "I guess that's why we're a perfect match" she smirks, "flattery will get you nowhere Ms.Howard" I joke.

"Oh it's gotten me... somewhere" she mumbles, "no more dirty thoughts, you're supposed to be my good girl" I mutter as I prop my phone up and lay down too. "But I like being bad for you" she whines, "well now... I want you to be on your best behavior and go to sleep. You have a long day tomorrow, baby" I remind her and she nods closing her eyes.

"I'm coming home to you... so we can cuddle all day" she mumbles, "that's right, darling. Just you and me" I whisper as I see her slip further into sleep. "I love you, baby" she says, "I love you more, angel" I reply.

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