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As the credits roll on the film, my phone buzzes with a text from Diane. I tell Sally and she glances at me nervously as I suggest we head down to get her. "Are you sure about this?" she asks as we get into the elevator. "I mean, how do you know she's not sociopath crazy?" she adds and I chuckle.

"Babe, I know she's not a sociopath. She's too conscious of others and she's kind of a control freak" I giggle, "you got all that from just talking to her?" she questions and I roll my eyes. The elevator dings and we exit, as I see her, I go to run over but Sally stops me. "Babyyy" I whine, "ok so maybe not a sociopath but she could be psychotic" she presumes.

"How about you just meet her? If you don't like her, we never have to see her again" I propose, "y/n, what if she hurts you?" she mutters. "Good thing I can't really die in here" I joke, "not funny" she deadpans. "Darling, I promise you she's not creepy. See for yourself. Diane!" she turns her head and I wave her over.

Sally grips my hand tighter and give her a squeeze of reassurance. "Hey!" Diane exclaims, her face drifting to Sally. "You must be Sally? Y/n couldn't stop talking about you, it's nice to finally put a face with the name" she teases and I see Sally blush. "Nice to meet you too" she mumbles, "do you want a drink before we head up?" I suggest and Diane shakes her head.

"I have to drive back" she pouts, "you could stay—if you want..." Sally mutters and I turn to her surprised. "No, no, I couldn't" Diane sighs, "we wouldn't mind" I shrug. "Well... I suppose I could—if you're sure it's no problem" she stutters, "of course not" I assure her and she smiles softly.

"So... drinks?" I suggest again, "yes, please" Diane giggles. We go to the bar and each order a drink, talking briefly amongst ourselves. Once we get them, we all head up with the elevator ride being very quiet. We enter the room and I gesture for Diane to sit on the bed. I sit a bit away from Sally just to make the brunette more comfortable.

"So... you seem to know a lot about me but I don't know much about you" Sally voices, "well, what would you like to know? I'm a pretty open book" she shrugs. "For starters, what are your hobbies?" Sally asks, "I like gardening... reading, swimming—I'm pretty boring" she giggles. "It's one of the reasons I was surprised y/n took such an interest in me. You're so full of life" she states, her gaze falling on me.

"And this interest... what do you mean by that?" Sally asks, "Sally!" I exclaim and she just shrugs. "Oh no, nothing like that. I obviously think she's very beautiful but it's clear she's head over heels for you" Diane clarifies, "see?" I poke the blonde's side. "Is that why you didn't want me to come over? You were jealous?" Diane teases, seeming a little tipsy at this point.

In her defense, she did say she only drinks wine but the residents prefer harder liquor, so we usually don't carry it. "Jealous, me? No. Y/n knows who she belongs to, I trust her" Sally states and I smile softly as she stares at me, pulling me closer to her. "So it's me you don't trust, hm?" Diane smirks over her glass before taking a sip.

"Well, I just met you. You haven't given me a reason to trust you" Sally reasons and I think about stopping them, but I'm intrigued. "I haven't given you reason not to either" she counters, to which Sally hums in response. "If it's any consolation, I think you're gorgeous too. You know what they say: you can't eat just one" she mumbles with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Do you always flirt when you're drunk?" Sally muses, "oh only sometimes... but I'm not drunk" she replies softly. "Well that was your only way out of this. Now you have no reason to be acting like that" Sally states firmly. I open my mouth to try and diffuse the situation but Diane beats me to it.

"I'm a lesbian and you're attractive... is it so wrong for me to express my appreciation?" she pouts, feigning innocence as she stares into Sally's eyes. It's something I do frequently, so I know the effect it has on her. She grips my waist a bit tighter causing a whimper to leave my lips at the unexpected action.

"Did that make you feel something, Sally?" Diane smirks, setting aside her drink and crawling closer to the blonde. I hear her breathing pick up slightly and my eyes widen. I can't deny how hot this is, the heat between my legs making it evident. "No" Sally retorts, though her tone is lower than usual.

"Really? Because I think it did" the brunette whispers, now only a foot from Sally's face. "What do you think, y/n?" she asks as she turns to face me and I freeze. I get caught staring into her hooded eyes, hypnotized by her gaze. "I think you're just too prideful to admit that it gave you a tingle" Diane continues, "that it made you feel good" she sighs teasingly.

"What are you getting at?" Sally questions, "was it my words? Or the way I looked at you? You seem like the type of girl that likes innocence. You wanna ruin me, Sally?" she whispers seductively and my jaw drops. I can feel my heartbeat between my legs at her sudden behavior. I knew she might like me a little bit but I never expected this.

Let alone for Sally to have such a reaction to it. It's silent for a moment as they're locked in a state. "Yes" Sally mumbles, sounding just as dazed as I am by the brunette's advances. "Mmm, good girl. But I think I'll ruin you first" she smirks and Sally quickly breaks their staring contest to glance at me.

I look back at her to see we're making the same exact face. "Awww are my babies nervous? It's ok, mommy will take good care of you" she utters and I feel like I'm dripping.

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