Welcome to my salon |w.v|

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Today is a Sunday, one of the only days Mina allows herself to be 'lazy'. Our week is always planned out, almost to the last second. However, Sundays are my favorite day because it feels like anything is possible. Currently I'm laying on her lap as she reads a book. There's soft classical music playing in the background as she strokes my hair every so often.

"Hey, Winnie?" I mumble curiously as I turn on my back, "mhm" she hums while moving her book to look down at me instead. "Can I do your hair?" I ask softly and her eyebrows immediately furrow. "What?" she asks quietly, "your hair... I wanna do it" I repeat and she still looks confused. I know this is a big ask and it's very possible she'll say no.

The redhead is very serious about her hair, almost protective of it. She takes very good care of it; as if it's her most prized possession. "Why?" she asks timidly, "I dunno" I shrug. "It's just so pretty and soft and... I really don't know. I guess I just like to touch it" I giggle and she sighs softly. "Sure" she answers hesitantly and I smile widely.

"Yay! Ok ok. Come on, let's go to the bathroom" I say excitedly as I jump up and she shakes her head amused. I wait for her to grab her cane and then we walk together to the bedroom. I put the cover down on the toilet and gesture for her to sit which she does slowly. I grab a brush and comb, also grabbing her little spray bottle.

"Be careful... please" she mumbles and I grab her chin with my hand, gently tilting her head to face me. "I promise" I whisper and she nods in acknowledgment. I have her turn so I can lean against the counter and grab the brush. "Bo-" "bottom to top. I know" I giggle and she sighs softly. I can tell she's nervous so I'm extra cautious.

I spray a little bit of water over her hair, just enough to get it barely damp. As I brush through it, I see the loose curls appear that she keeps at bay with her treatments. I take it section by section, clipping the pieces that I haven't done. Once it's all been properly brushed through, I section it again. This time running the wide-tooth comb through to make sure there's no knots.

I put just the slightest amount of products on it to make her curls a little more pronounced and then I let it all down. I smile to myself as I take a step back to just admire it. "What? What's wrong?" she asks as she starts to turn around, "nothing... nothing at all. Your hair is beautiful" I say as I look in her eyes.

I see a little blush cover her cheeks before she quickly turns back around. "Thank you" she mumbles and I reply as I reach into the drawer to find a ribbon. Luckily she has a purple one here, even though I've never seen her use it. In fact, I don't think it's meant to be a ribbon at all but that's what I'll use it for. I section pieces of hair from the top of her head, gently brushing them back.

I make sure there's none in her face, as I know the strands annoy her. The amount of times I've seen her redo her ponytail because there's pieces loose would be comedic, if it didn't pain me to see her so frustrated. I'm actually surprised she let me do this, since every time I offer to help her during times like that, she declines.

I pull the pieces into a little pony tail and tie the ribbon around them. I tease her hair a bit until I'm satisfied with the curls and then I tap her shoulder. "You're finally done?" she jokes and I nod happily as I gesture to the mirror. She gets up and walks over, her small smile dropping as she looks at it.

"I know it's simple and kind of childish but I'm not exactly a hair stylist" I giggle nervously and she shakes her head

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"I know it's simple and kind of childish but I'm not exactly a hair stylist" I giggle nervously and she shakes her head. I notice a tear fall from her eyes and I pout as I reach out to her. I cautiously bring my hand to her cheek and wipe it away, though more begin to fall after. "I'm sorry... please don't cry" I whisper and she shakes her head more this time.

"It's... I love it" she whispers as a little smile crosses her face before she chuckles. "Really?" I ask timidly and she nods, turning to me and pulling me in her arms. I stay silent as she squeezes me tighter before letting go to look in the mirror again. "Why are you crying?" I ask softly and she sighs deeply as she turns to me once more.

"When I was younger... my mother—she hated my hair. It was curlier than hers and she never really knew what to do with it. So she would cut it or use perms because it was just easier to manage that way. Just before I turned 18 we had an argument and when it was time to cut it..." she pauses, taking a deep and shaky breath and I grab her hand while giving her a reassuring smile.

"The stylist cut it much shorter that time, so short that there were no curls left. Ever since that day I vowed to never cut my hair. Yet the—the need to keep it straight has always stuck with me for some reason. So seeing this... I don't know, I suppose it's—well in a silly way—healed my inner child I guess" she shrugs, glancing up at me shyly.

"Awwww, Winnie" I whisper as I wipe her remaining tears away and continue to caress her cheeks. "I didn't know that. I think you look gorgeous... and your curls are so pretty" I utter softly as I run my fingers through them. "I think... it's also because you were so—you were so gentle. I've never experienced anything like this before" she confesses timidly.

"Well, of course. I know how much your hair means to you... and now I finally understand why" I reply and she smiles softly, pulling me closer by my waist. "Thank you" she whispers before pulling me even closer and placing her lips against mine. I smile into the kiss, holding her body against mine tightly.

As we pull away I run my fingers through her hair again and she leans her forehead against mine. "I made sure not to do too much to it since I know you have work in the morning" I mumble and she smiles widely. "Thank you but... I like I'll wear it like this tomorrow" she decides and I grin goofily which makes her chuckle softly.

"I love you, little one" she whispers breathily, "I love you more" I promise.

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