Let's see |c.g|

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I'm on my way to botany when I bump into Zoe. "Oh hey" I say, "sorry, didn't see you there. On your way to Delia's class?" she asks and I nod. She smiles and walks with me towards the greenhouse. We enter and take our seats next to each other. Talking for a bit while we wait for Cordelia to come in.

"So what have you been up to? We live in the same house but I feel like I never see you" Zoe chuckles, "I knowww. I got into this book recently and I've been reading non-stop" I reply. "Ahhh ok. I figured it was something interesting. Let me read it when you're done?" She ask, "oh absolutely!" I promise.

Just as I'm going to tell her what it's about, the doors open. I turn my head to see the other girls flooding in, Cordelia at the back of the crowd. I watch in awe as she glides across the floor. My eyes running all over her body as she walks gracefully over to the desk. I've never seen her look so... sexy.

Her usual dress or a blouse with pants has been discarded. Instead she wears dark mid-rise jeans and a silk button down. Her shiny blonde hair that's usually down is held by a brown butterfly clip; little pieces hanging out in the front. She turns to me and smiles softly causing me to return it.

"Oh you've got it soooo bad" Madison whispers as she passes by. I glare at her and she laughs loudly before sitting down. "Alright class, settle down. Today we'll be going over some spells that are on the upcoming test" she voices. She receives hums and nods of agreement and she smiles.

She begins talking about what we'll go over but I'm too distracted to listen. My gaze just continues to travel and wander all over her. From her luxurious hair, to her face, down her legs... everything about her is beautiful. "Careful there... you might start drooling" Madison whispers from the table next to us.

I close my mouth realizing it's open and I turn to glare at her. "Oh leave her alone" Zoe scolds quietly, "yeah. Leave me alone" I echo. "Awww the poor little gay is sensitive" Maddie jokes, "shut. Up" I reply firmly. She rolls her eyes and turns to her book opening it up. "You know she is right though..." Zoe giggles.

"Your mouth was open so long I was worried you'd catch flies" she adds as she opens her book. "Not true. What page are we going to?" I ask, "see... you weren't even paying attention" she chuckles. I just roll my eyes and she tells me the page so I can start the work.

As I'm finishing up on the second potion I see Cordelia approaching my table. Madison suddenly needs Zoe's help and since she's in training to be a teacher she goes over. Which leaves me relatively alone with Cordelia. "Hey, y/n... how's it going?" She asks in that soft voice of hers that I love.

I keep my eyes on my work as I see her bend down slightly in my peripheral view. I can smell her perfume from this distance and it almost makes me sigh out loud. How can a person be so... perfect? "Pretty good" I reply quietly, "it looks fantastic. You've been doing a great job lately" she comments.

I do end up sighing this time, fortunately not too loud but I know she heard it due to how close she is. I turn my head slightly to look at her and she looks directly into my eyes. She smiles and the eye contact becomes too much for me so I look down. I try not to make it obvious how much her proximity is driving me crazy.

"I umm... I love your jeans. Where'd you get them?" I blurt out, mentally slapping myself after. The goal was to get her to back up not to engage in conversation, you idiot. "Oh these? I've had them forever" she replies leaning back to stand up straight. She turns to the side a bit and my eyes fly down to her ass unconsciously.

I quickly avert my eyes to her face and luckily she didn't see. "I can't remember where I got them... I'll let you know tonight after I take them off" she replies causally. The images flashing through my mind of her—ok I need to stop. I quickly realize my eyes have widened and my mouth has fallen open and I fix it.

Unfortunately for me, she notices before I can fully correct myself. "Are you alright, sweetie?" She asks placing her hand gently on my shoulder. "Mhm" I hum in response, "hey, y/n? Can you tell me what the last ingredient is for this? I forgot" Zoe asks making me turn to face her.

"Zoe, we do this spell all the time..." Cordelia says before I can reply, "I know. Just—silly brain, you know" Zoe giggles. Cordelia chuckles while shaking her head before walking away. I breathe out in relief once I'm sure she's far enough not to hear me. "Close call" Zoe whispers, "very" I mumble back.

I thank her for saving me and she dismisses it with an understanding smile. We finish our work and since it's the last class of the day, we head out. Going our separate ways until dinner time. After our quick dinner we retire to our rooms. I'm one of the few girls that have my own room since we're older.

As I'm about to slip into bed there's a knock on my door, I sit back up and answer it. I open the door and am met with Cordelia. Her hair slightly damp with a robe lazily draped over her slim frame. "Hey, I checked the jeans and they're from American eagle. Just wanted to let you know I didn't forget" she voices.

"Oh... thanks" I reply softly, "and I wanted to check up on you too. You seemed a little distracted in class, just wanna make sure everything's ok" she mutters. "Yep" I nod, "you sure? You know you can tell me... anything" she says quietly. She takes a few steps closer to me and I lean more on the door to support myself.

"I know..." I whisper, my eyes dropping to her lips accidentally. I look back into her eyes and see a mischievous glint in them. "Oh go on, y/n... I know you want to" she whispers, moving to be right in front of me. "Want to... what?" I ask quietly, making sure to keep my eyes on her own.

"I don't know, sweetheart. You tell me" she smirks, "I'm not s-sure what you mean" I state. "Well you either want to kiss me... or fuck me. I assume it's both" she utters quietly. At this point our chests are almost touching and I can barely hold it together. I bite my lip and keep my gaze on hers as she leans closer.

Her hands come to my waist and she eases me away from the door. I lean into her, sighing upon impact, and she smiles. "Good girl" she mouths and I push our lips together without a second thought. She softly closes the door with her foot and pushes me back until my back hits the mattress.

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