Touch Her Not |m.r|

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The hospital has been buzzing today with various reporters taking pictures and newscasters videoing the area and preparing to do interviews. I'm not entirely sure what this is about, since I don't pay much attention to news or publicity, but it's obviously important. Which is precisely why I'm confused as to what they could possibly want me in this patient's room for.

It's packed full of people; two camermen, spectators, news reporters, even the mayor. "Why am I here?" I ask Doctor Hanover, hoping he can shed some light on this situation. "You are needed for the pictures at the end, after that you may go" he states firmly, never taking his eyes off the mayor. I use all the strength in my body to control my facial expression, infuriated that I'm simply here for image.

However, I can't complain too much if it means I get to be in the same room as Mildred for this long. The redhead is elusive, often seeming like an impossible puzzle to solve. I've managed to figure her out a little through observation and persistence but she still keeps her distance. I watch as she clasps her hands in front of her and explains something, her words being lost to me in the melody of her inflections.

Something about the way she speaks is so sexy to me. Sure it's rigid, concise even, she doesn't speak unless it is of the utmost importance. Still, the way she uses and manipulates words — her pronunciation and precise volume, it fascinates me. How she puts emphasis on words tells a lot about how she thinks of the person. For example, with me she is very flat which would seem negative and at first it did. It made me feel as though she didn't care for any interaction with me.

Then I began to notice the way she talked to others, using emphasis almost to patronize or be condescending. When giving orders she says certain words more firmly or slowly, as if to say the person is too aloof to grasp them had she said it in a normal tone. I came to realize that when she delegated tasks to me, her voice was steady because she trusted I would do exactly as she asked.

Doctor Hanover nudges me and I jump a little bit, completely lost in my head. He nods his head towards where I'm supposed to be and I look up to see Mildred smirking subtly. I assume my distracted state brought her amusement, as I'm not usually like that. I head over to her and stand on the other side of the mayor. I suppose it makes sense I'm here with her, we're the most competent nurses here.

A few of the nurses call me Mildred's protégé or not so nicely her lapdog. It's not my fault we clicked, perhaps if they could follow simple directions she would get along with them too. The mayor sways as if he can't stand up properly on his own and I sigh to myself. Maybe he has a drug problem like Richard. "Please don't put your hand on me like that, thank you" I hear Mildred say and furrow my eyebrows, subtly glancing behind us to see the man's hand creeping towards her butt.

I feel a fury inside me, something that I've fought hard to contain. Men not being able to listen — especially not taking 'no' for an answer, sets me off like a match to dead twigs. He sways again and I realize now that this is the cause of Mildred moving his hand. "Smile" the cameraman says "She asked you not to touch her like that" I state firmly as I smile. "And what exactly are you gonna do about it little lady?" he taunts which causes me to turn to him.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know" I narrow my eyes slightly, still keeping on the smile while whispering to him. "You do realize I could very easily have you fired" he smirks, "do you realize how very easily I could kill you and make it look like an accident?" I counter with a sadistic innocence which seems to silence him. "Eyes on the camera, folks" I give my brightest smile, "that's enough" the mayor says before ushering his people out the room.

I debate on asking the redhead if she's ok but, based on previous experience with her, it might not be the best idea to ask now. I still turn to her to assess her body language but she's already staring at me. "Thank you" she mumbles, "no need" I reply. She smiles lightly, heading off to finish the rest of her duties for today I assume. I feel like we should be compensated for this torture by not having to work the rest of the shift but that's just me.

I finish my list rather quickly, with lunch in between, and before I know it I'm heading to the locker room. I'm so ready for today to be over with, the reporters lingered well after the interview and I hated every second of it. "Hey" I say as I pass Mildred, too tired to fully acknowledge her toned stomach exposed by her momentary lack of a shirt. She doesn't reply and I don't pay much mind to it as I strip and slip on my regular clothes.

I sigh deeply, taking a seat on the metal bench. I hear her hesitantly call my name and I look at her tiredly as I hum for her to continue. "I wanted to thank you again for earlier" she says and I wake up a bit to see how her hands are squeezing together in front of her. "You really didn't even need to thank me the first time. A lady should never be treated that way" I respond without hesitation, "it's nice to know there are still people in the world with manners" she smirks and I chuckle in response.

"Would you... perhaps, let me take you out to dinner? As a gift for your chivalry since you won't let me thank you" she teases and I smile softly, "I'd love that" I whisper. "Ok, good" she states, "can I ask you something?" I mumble and she stares at me for a second without replying. "It depends on what it is" she answers, "how are you always so calm? Well... not calm per se but, I guess how are you so monotone?" I ask.

"What do you mean by that?" she counters, "you just appear so indifferent to things. I mean today with everyone running around for this stupid fucking interview" she giggles as I take a breath and it makes me smile while sitting up straighter. "It exhausted me and you look like you could run a marathon" I complete my thought and her brow creases. Her little expressions make me so happy, any sign of life form Mildred would make a person happy.

"Makeup I guess" she chuckles and now I can hear it in her voice, her eyes even appear to droop a little. "No, not that. It's something about... the way you stand and walk. I would think pretending things don't affect you would make you even more tired but I suppose you're not putting on an act if you do it everyday" I chuckle to myself at my thoughts but she keeps a straight face and I then notice I've struck a nerve.

"Actors pretend every day on stage, on television, it's just like that except real life. Sometimes no reaction is the best reaction" she says as if reading it from a computer, "even the best actors need a break, though. If they live with the character 24/7 without cease, they tend to go a little crazy" I counter. "What is this some sort of psychoanalysis?" she asks defensively, "I like to buy a girl dinner before poking around inside her but whatever pace you like is fine" I joke.

I think only after it's left my mouth that I maybe shouldn't have said that. She blushes heavily and I take back my previous inkling, I definitely went the right way choosing my first thought. "You're right, actually. I don't need to thank you, you can forget the dinner" she quips, "really? But I was already looking forward to it" I pout and she stares at me curiously.

"Since you asked me a question I will ask you one" She states, "that's fine" I agree. "Why do you insist on trying to figure me out? And yes I could tell, I'm not dense" she states and I can't help but giggle. "Is this funny to you?" she asks, "which one of those would you like me to answer?" I jest which causes her to raise one eyebrow in an unamused fashion.

"The inner machinations of your mind are an enigma to me, a puzzle I want to solve" I explain, "and if I don't want you to?" she counters. "Brain wants what it wants, can't help it" I shrug, "for such a smart woman your often simplistic lexicon astounds me" she scoffs and I know she meant it as a partial insult but I make a joke of it anyway. "Aww you think I'm smart?" I pout while giving her puppy eyes and she cracks a smile though she tries to hide it.

"Good night" she says, my name rolling off her tongue shortly after. "Does this mean we can still have dinner?" I ask, she pauses at the open door with her hand still on the knob. "If you're late I'm putting you on night watch for crackhead Larry for a month" she says and I giggle uncontrollably; I would have never expected her to know — let alone use the nicknames the other nurses have for certain patients.

"Deal" I say once I've calmed down, I stand up and walk out behind her after grabbing my things quickly. "Oh and, y/n?" she calls me after I reach my car which happens to be parked next to hers, "yes, Mildred" I reply. She stares at me for a moment with a soft smile on her face, probably because I never use her first name. "Wear that green dress" she says before ducking into her car and starting it up.

My eyes widen and my smile falls to a look of shock. I know exactly what she's talking about but have no clue as to how she knows I own it. Then I remember that one day I saw her in the market, she didn't even glance at me. I didn't approach her because at that time I wasn't even sure she liked me, I didn't want to risk approaching her outside of work. As she drives past she smirks at me and I smile as I shake my head.

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