Hazy Nights |w.v|

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I decided to go out tonight with my friends and as I'm getting ready I turn to see my girlfriend watching me. "You look good" she voices and I smile softly, "thank you, baby" I reply. "Too good. You need to change" she adds, "honey, it's fine. I'll be with my friends and they know how you are, no one will even be able to get close to me" I assure her.

"Mm ok. You're to be home by 2" she states and I giggle softly as I walk over to her. I straddle her lap and lay my arms over her shoulders. "Oh I have a curfew now?" I tease and she sets her book to the side, taking off her glasses to rest them on the nightstand. Her hands find my hips and she soft my digs her nails into them through the thin fabric.

"When you're dress like this, yes" she growls, "you think I look sexy?" I whisper as I lean closer to her. "I think you look ravishing. So much so that—if I hear of anyone getting their hands on you... I'll kill them" she mumbles before her lips press against me. I moan softly as I lean into her and move my hips closer.

"Keep doing that and you're not going anywhere" she breathes out as she bites my lip and pulls me closer. "Ok, ok. I have to go" I whisper reluctantly, she taps my ass making me giggle before she lets go. I stand up and pull down my dress from its previous ridden-up state. "Have a good time, little one" she smiles and I return it, thanking her.

I head outside and get in the car, putting on some music to get me in the mood. I arrive at the little bar about fifteen minutes later and get out, adjusting my dress. I enter and see my friends, going over and immediately taking shots they ordered.

Many many drinks later...

I smile goofily as I stand up, holding onto the table as I lean down to grab my purse. "Alright... it's getting late" I slur a bit, "noooo" one of my friends whines. "You know Wilhelmina, she probably has a curfew" my other friend teases. "Hey! I actually do... how'd you know that?" I ask looking at her funnily, "are you the fbi?" I whisper seriously.

"Girl... go home" she chuckles, "ok ok" I say before taking a deep breath. I manage to stand and I feel much better now that I'm in the mindset that I have to get home. I make it outside and lean against the wall for a little break as I search for my keys. "Hey" I hear and I turn my head quickly which makes me a bit dizzy. I squint my eyes and see my friends face come into view.

"Oh heyyyy" I giggle as I wave at her and she shakes her head for some reason. "I'm making sure you call an Uber—actually just call you girlfriend" she states as she moves to stand next to me. "Why would I do that?" I ask, scrunching my nose in confusion, "because you can't drive...?" she says as if it was obvious. "Sure I can! As soon as I find the car..." I think out loud as I turn to scan the parking lot.

I look around but can't see it anywhere so I push off the wall and start looking. "Oh lord... come back here" my friend calls me but I'm too concentrated in trying to find my car. Just as I'm about to hit the alarm button, she snatches the keys out my hand. "Call Wilhelmina" she says and I sigh loudly, knowing I'll most likely get a lecture for this.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm sure she'd rather you be safe than anything" my friend says and I have to agree with her, unfortunately. "Can't you just take me home? And then I'll wake up early and get the car. She'll never know" I propose, "so your best idea is lying to her?" my friend counters and I whine loudly.

"I can't drive you, anyway. I have to take the other two home and then pick up my girlfriend from work" she reminds me and I pout. "Fineee" I groan as I take out my phone and hit her number since it's on speed dial. I roll my eyes at my friend as it rings and she just chuckles. "Hello?" she answers and I smile widely at the sound of her voice.

"Baby..." she calls and I realize I have yet to respond, her voice making me lose my train of thought. "Oh ummm hi, Mina" I giggle and I hear her sigh on the other side. "Hi, darling. What's going on? I'm assuming it's not bad considering you're laughing" she quips and it makes me giggle more. "Listen, love—sorry to bother but uhhh can you pick me up? I seem to have... difficulties finding the car" I grin as my friend shakes her head.

"Of course... I'll be there soon, is someone with you?" she asks and I hear rustling as she gets up. "Oh yeah uhhh Martina's with me" I tell her and hear her hum. "Ok just stay with her until I arrive" she states and I agree before hanging up.

Next morning

I wake up and groan loudly as I hold my head. The light spilling through the curtains slightly blinds me. I turn away and flashes of last night cross my mind. I remember calling Mina and I gasp, she must be so worried right now. I grab my phone and quickly scrambled to the phone app and hit her name. "Well, good morning" I hear her voice ring out, "good morning, love. Never mind about that ride. I made it home somehow" I tell her quickly.

"I know. I dropped you off, dumbass. I'm downstairs making breakfast" she scoffs and my eyes widen. I burst into a fit of giggles and hear her smack her teeth on the other end. She hangs up the phone and I jump out of bed, regretting it immediately. I push that aside and run downstairs to greet her. I carefully wrap my arms around her waist and she relaxes into my touch.

"Mm, good morning" I whisper, "yes, you said that earlier... literally less than a minute ago" she chuckles. "Yes, but now it's really a good morning because you're here" I tease and lean my head around to see her blush lightly as she rolls her eyes. "It smells heavenly, but not as good as you of course" I continue and she scoffs.

"Is this flattery supposed to make up for the mess you were last night?" she quips, "I thought you liked it when I make a mess" I taunt as I pout jokingly and she turns to fully face me. She opens her mouth to speak but I take her lips in a kiss instead. "I'll be sure to make it up to you later tonight... and in the morning... as many times as you want" I whisper as I continue to peck her lips.

She blushes profusely and I smirk as I turn her around. Sliding her over a bit so I can press her into the counter. "Will that be enough payment or do I have more debt?" I mumble, "that'll be enough" she whispers while staring into my eyes. "Lovely" I echo as I lean in to kiss her deeper and she pulls me into her hips by my waist.

Suddenly the smell of something burnt hits my nose and I pull away. "Shit" she mumbles, turning around and quickly pulling off the pan. "You're lucky this was the last one" she scowls, "oopsies" I smile nervously and raise my shoulders. "I changed my mind. You have to wash the dishes too, I'm not cleaning this" she says pointing at me, "yes, ma'am" I salute funnily.

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