Spring Break |c.g|

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I've been so busy with work recently that I haven't had much time for anything else. I can't lie, it makes me feel bad because I feel like I've been neglecting important relationships in my life. Cordelia for instance, we've always had a really strong friendship but I feel like we talk less and less now. Between her responsibilities with the academy and my work, we barely see each other.

I remember the days when she was only headmistress and I could pop in basically at any given time and talk to her. She was always just a call away and I was the same for her, but things have changed. However, I'm determined to fix that this week. It's spring break and although it's pretty busy at my job around this time, I requested it off a few months back and it was approved.

I know that the girls are out for this week too so I plan on spending as much time with the blonde as possible. I didn't tell Lia I would be off this week, I want to surprise her. When I asked about what she'd be up to she said that she'd probably be alone doing paperwork most likely. She also mentioned that it was time to start up the enrolling process again for new students so that would take a lot of her attention.

I'm thinking that maybe we can have some bonding time over that. I can help balance her work load and we can just catch up like old times. I started by picking up food from her favorite place in town, also grabbing some flowers because that can never hurt. I know she feel doesn't always feel like she's doing enough, even though the students appreciate her immensely, so the flowers are just a little detail as a gift to let her know she's doing better than anyone else could.

I park my car and get out, my smile only widening as I come face to face with the double doors. I look around on my keychain before finding the key, I painted it pink of course—Delia's favorite color. She said I'm the only one other than her and Myrtle to have a key, makes me feel pretty special that she trusts me that much. I do know this place better than my childhood home, having spent numerous days here with her and the girls.

As I unlock the door I think about her even more, that's been a frequent occurrence lately. I used to think about her often before but more recently she just never leaves my mind. I'm not complaining though, I have the great pleasure of calling her my best friend and it's an honor. In fact, we're so close that I know practically everything about her.

Cordelia tends to neglect taking care of herself, especially when the girls aren't home because that's even more free time for her to work. She always puts the school and children first, it's admirable but I have to remind her sometimes that she matters too. Which is exactly why I brought the comfort food, to check in and make sure that she's doing alright if nothing else.

I notice the house is dead silent and my ears perk up. It's partially to be expected considering the mansion is relatively empty but Lia loves to play music when she has the chance. She hates the loud silence, that's why it's a bit odd. The only instances in which she needs quiet like this is when she's overly stressed because I know for sure that she's not sleeping.

"FUCK" I hear her scream and I immediately set the food down, bolting up the stairs. No other thoughts circulate in my mind except for getting to the blonde to make sure she's ok. In the short time it takes me to reach the top, I start thinking about all the possible scenarios. What will I do if it's an intruder? Obviously protect her at all costs but how can I defend us both?

I hear grunts and trace them to her door, taking a very small breath before pushing it open. My jaw drops at the sight and my body freezes up. She's not in any danger, that's for sure. I quickly assess the situation and recognize the other person as none other than Billie Dean Howard. She's told me about her a few times, how they've collaborated together in the past at Hotel Cortez for example.

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