Family Grievances |h.t|

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a/n: this Sarah's character Heather Tate from the movie 'The Other Sister' but context isn't needed <3

CW: mention of homophobia

Heather and I have been dating for over a year and a half now. We recently moved in together and I'm over the moon about it. She's so sweet, it makes me just want to pinch her cheeks and cuddle her all day. I call her my 'little genius' because her writing is impeccable! She definitely doesn't get enough recognition but, I know that will come with time.

My eyes flutter open as I fail to catch her skin underneath my fingertips. I turn my head to the side and see that the bed is empty. It's not a rare thing for me to wake up alone in the middle of the night. It's definitely not a common occurrence either but I still groan and get up. Sometimes, when she has big projects, she'll spend all night in her office if I don't stop her.

Then there are times where she can't sleep and she writes to clear her head. I believe this is one of those times. She hasn't told me about any assignments recently, not major ones that would cause her to be up like this. Trust me, if there was one, I would know. I can't get her to shut up about her big works, not that I'd ever want her to.

The way her eyes light up when she talks about them sends sparks through my chest. Her smile grows so wide that I'm often afraid she'll burst. I peek my head in her office to see her sitting at her desk, exactly as I expected. Her face is in her hands, her hair back in a messy little bun, tapping her pen softly on the crown of her head.

"Darling..." I speak up and she quickly spins around in the chair and sighs, "I'm sorry" she mumbles. I just wave my hand dismissively and approach her slowly, placing my hands on her shoulders. She leans her elbows on the table and sighs as I start giving her a massage. "Whatcha working on?" I ask softly as her muscles begin to relax a little.

"I don't even know" she breathes out and I pout a little, even though she can't see. "You're stressed... why?" I inquire, "when am I not?" she chuckles sadly. "Tell me... what's wrong, baby?" I ask, releasing her shoulders and leaning my butt against the desk. Crossing my arms over my chest to keep my robe closed as I look down at her.

"I just wish... I wish we could have a normal life" she whispers, "what do you mean by that?" I ask confused. "You know... I always imagined my partner coming to family dinners. Meeting my mom and dad and thinking 'geez they're weird' or something like that. It's not fair that just because I love you, a woman, that they treat me—us—like this" she mutters.

"Oh... honey, I'm sorry you feel like that. I know how hard it is... it's not your fault. I'm ok with the way things are—to an extent—but it bothers me that it upsets you. We dream of introducing boys to our parents and then we grow up to like girls and... it's just an entirely different ballgame. But hey, I love you... and that's enough for me" I assure her and she sniffles.

My frown deepens and I take a step closer to her. Carefully rearranging her things on the desk so I can sit in front her. I pull her closer and stroke her hair as she wraps her arms around my waist. Her tears stain my shirt as her head pushes lightly against my belly. "She thinks it's something I'll outgrow o-or like it's disease. She makes this face every time I talk about you and—it really gets to me sometimes" she confesses shakily.

"I know, love. I know..." I mutter as I continue trying to soothe her in any way I can. "Well—if it's worth anything to you—I don't need to meet your mom to know she's weird" I joke and she giggles softly. "However... if I do ever meet her, I'd have something to thank her for" I smile softly, "like what?" she scoffs funnily before sniffling.

"For bringing the love of my life into this world" I whisper and I hear her cries cease. She slowly lifts her head, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "Even if I'm snotty" she pouts jokingly, "even when you're snotty" I giggle as I boop her nose. "You always know how to make me feel better, you know that?" she mumbles, smiling lovingly up at me.

Her hands run up and down my sides and I lean forward to put my hands on her shoulders. "Well I'm glad. I thought I'd have to do a little more tonight... could've taken up the morning too" I smirk and she blushes softly as she chuckles. "We could still do that too..." she whispers, craning her neck upwards in an attempt to meet my lips with hers.

"Mm too late. Offer's off the table" I joke, turning my head away and tilting my head up. "You can't resist me... admit it" she whispers in that tone that makes me weak, "but I'm stubborn" I remind her. "You always soften up for me" she counters, her hands trailing to the hem of my shirt. "Ok but first—" I hop off the desk and back away from her.

She frowns deeply and narrows her eyes at me funnily. "You need to clean yourself up. I've probably already got snot on my robe and—as much as I love you—that's not the kinda body fluid I'm going for" I tease and she chuckles in disbelief. "I'm gonna get you" she warns as she slowly gets out the chair, "baby..." I mumble as I back up.

She just shakes her head with a smirk on her face, "darling? Schnookums? Boo bear?" I utter quieter and quieter each time. I see her spring forward and I dash for the living room, quickly flinging open the back sliding door. I remove my robe like it's on fire and jump feet first into the pool. I smirk as I come up, Heather hates getting in the pool. Unless it's right before she's ready to wash her hair.

She's very serious about it and hates to deal with it if she doesn't absolutely have to. As I look up and see her at the edge, I pump my fists in victory. "One for y/n, zero for Heather" I cheer as I close my eyes, big mistake. I hear the water splash and before I can open my eyes again, water is being flung at me from all sides it seems.

I try to prevent it from going in my mouth, covering my face and trying to turn away. Finally she stops and I take a deep breath, panting as I wipe the water away from my eyes. I eventually open them to see her smirking at me, her hair partially stuck to her face. "I thought for sure I'd one this one" I sigh, "nope" she mumbles.

She comes closer and gives me a long kiss, her grip around my waist making melt into her. She wraps her other arm under my legs and picks me up, setting me down outside the pool. I watch as she carefully takes her hair out the bun, squeezing out as much water as she can. "Look at us... all wet" I joke and she rolls her eyes playfully.

We strip out our clothes at the door, trying to leave a very small amount of water behind. It's really no use though, considering it's literally dripping from everywhere. Heather stops into the kitchen to put on the kettle for tea and I head upstairs since I'm shivering. "I hope you know you're washing my hair by the way!" she yells up to me and I giggle softly.

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