Jealousy, jealousy |c.g|

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I've been at Robichaux's for over a year now and it's been great. Well, except for a little hiccup; that 'hiccup' being Cordelia. I'm not quite sure when I fell in love with her but I remember the day she broke my heart.

"What are you saying, y/n?" she asks softly, "I'm saying that I- that I lo- I like you... a lot" I say. My voice trembles as I spit out the confession in a less than ideal manner. It's silent for a while, she just stares at me in disbelief. I shift on my feet anxiously as I await her response. "No" she voices, "no?" I echo in confusion.

"You can't- we can't. I'm your superior in more ways than one and it's ridiculous" she scoffs. "Y-you didn't say you don't feel the same way though..." I whisper shakily as I take cautious steps towards her. "Well I don't. I don't love you, y/n. I don't even like you, not in that way at least. You may go" she states, dismissing me with a wave of her hand.

It wasn't even supposed to happen like that. Maybe if I had time to come up with something to say, or if I could've done it on my own time.... I can't help but to think that it all just went down wrong. But I can't keep doing that to myself, so I decided to put a stop to the madness. I started going out more and eventually found someone I clicked with.

I began to invite her over and we would just hang out in my room. I noticed Delia kept her distance from me, more than usual. Ever since... that happened, she's been quieter with me. A simple 'hello' or 'good morning' nothing more. Now I don't even get that, but maybe that's a good thing. It's helped me sorta forget about what occurred.

Cassie and I chose to just be friends instead of going any further. We get along really well and I enjoy her company. She knows all about the Cordelia situation and she understands. Even though I'd like to say I was over her, I'm not. I was honest with Cass about that and she supports me in my decision.

So whenever she comes over we mainly just listen to music and talk. She tells me all about her boy and girl problems. When I found out she was bisexual I was shocked to say the least. I know you shouldn't judge based on appearance but she looks like a lesbian I'm just saying.

Regardless, I listen to her constant rants about how shallow the dating pool is. All her tips for me that I could use 'if ever I'm ready'. Today she couldn't stay for long so we just watched a movie and ate snacks in my bed. Once it was over I walked her to the door and gave her a big hug.

I'm not one for much physical contact, but I like Cassie and I'm comfortable with her. She places a kiss on my cheek and waves goodbye as she gets in her Uber. I yell for her to text me when she gets home and she replies with a thumbs up. I shake my head as I chuckle and close the door. Turning around to be met with Delia at the base of the stairs.

She stares at me but doesn't say anything so I head past her and to my room. Offering her a little smile as I squeeze between her body and the banister. I grab the trash and popcorn bowl and head down to the kitchen. I toss the waste and clean the bowl, drying it before placing it back in the cabinet.

I wipe the remaining water on my hands onto a towel and make my way out. As I begin to cross the threshold I bump into someone. I look up to see Cordelia standing there, this is the most I've seen of her in a while. She stares at me blankly again and it's dead quiet around us. I go to move past her but she stops me without a word.

I open my mouth to speak but am left speechless with her next move. She pushes me against the wall and places her lips gently against my own. Quickly growing more desperate as time progresses. I close my eyes and relax into her touch, surrendering to the kiss.

I feel droplets falling on my cheeks and I tilt my head back against the wall. Pulling away from the kiss I look at her to see tears running rapidly down her cheeks. Her eyes flicker open, slightly stuck for a moment as her eyelashes were fused by the tears. I reach for her face and carefully clear her cheeks.

"I love you too" she whispers shakily, I smile softly and pull her into my arms. She grips onto me as if I would disappear and I just hold her firmly . Whispering sweet words as I try to calm her with soothing circles on the small of her back. Once she feels ok I loosen my grip on her and she pulls away.

"What took you so long?" I joke, feeling that it's appropriate to ask but being careful of my tone. "I didn't think you meant it, and then seeing you with that girl... I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry if I've ruined anything I just-" "you didn't ruin anything" I assure her. "You and her..." she mutters, curiosity evident in her voice.

"We're not together" I clarify, "oh... ok. I feel silly now" she giggles shyly. "Don't. I'm glad you kissed me... I've been waiting for it" I tell her and she bites her lip softly. Only when she pulls me closer do I realize our position. Her hands placed on my hips while my own are draped over her shoulder.

I lightly run my fingers through her hair as our foreheads find one another. She smiles widely at me and gives me a peck on the lips. "I love you" she mumbles, "I love you too" I mouth.

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