Besties | tammy

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Tammy and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. Ever since I graduated college and was struggling to make ends meet. I met her and she sorta of just became my bank. It sounds terrible when I say it like that, but she really did just give out money like every day was Christmas; well, for me. I noticed that she was very private with others but always super open with me.

More than I'd ever experienced before and, honestly, it took me off guard. I, myself, am quite a private person, though that could be my insecurities. Tammy does what she wants, when she wants. I admire her a lot for that, I want to be more like her. Then again, I want to be with her more than I want to actually be her.

Which leads us to the current situation I've found myself in. Apparently she went shopping this weekend and now she's putting on a fashion show for me. I love these moments with her, just the two of us, having the most random conversations. "Do you ever think about how much music brings people together? But also separates us?" she asks, her voice floating through the cracked closet door.

"Elaborate" I say, "well there's so many different types of music and, for most people, it often doesn't matter the language. If music is good, it's good, you know? Like how you can listen to a song and know some or none of the words but you just like how it sounds?" she voices and I nod along even though she can't see me.

"Or like how there's British artists that some people have never heard of but they're literally better than most American artists. So I can never go to the damn concerts cause they play in the big cities over there" I grumble, "exactly" she giggles at my frustration. "Then there's all the different genres and sub-genres. Like specific niches of music that when you hear them and someone sees you mouthing the words it's like an instant connection" she continues.

"True. I feel like most people don't know the music I listen to, so it's always nice to meet a kindred spirit. Are you almost done?" I ask impatiently. "Don't rush me. And that's my point! Like people would never guess what music you listen to by looking at you" she mumbles, "umm what's the supposed to mean?" I chuckle.

"No, not like that! I mean... well... you just don't look like what you are?" she says, "Tammy, I'll need you to explain. I'm beginning to think you're insulting me" I utter, faking offense. "Ugh! You're so difficult sometimes. Like... I don't know... you look like you listen to sad songs all the time" she mutters distractedly.

"So you're saying I look depressed? Great" I giggle, I don't hear a response for a moment and then her head peeks out the door. "Shut up" she groans before stepping out and walking to the mirror. I can't even reply as my mind goes completely blank. There she is, standing before me, in skimpy black lingerie.

I struggle to keep my mouth closed as she turns to look at her, quite voluptuous, ass. "So..." she prompts, turning to face me with her arms out to the side. "Yeah" I nod, "yeah? That's it? You hate it, don't you?" she pouts. "No, no. I love it. Just... not what I was expecting" I speak up, "well, what were you expecting?" she giggles.

"For you umm... not to come out the bathroom half-naked" I mumble questioningly, "I'm confused. You act like you've never seen me naked before" she jokes. Well yeah but I knew what was coming. I prepared myself to stay calm. "Right. I'm just surprised is all" I say, trying not to give away that I'm completely panicking.

And then a thought crosses my mind: who'd she buy that for? "Big plans coming up?" I ask and she furrows her eyebrows, "like... who'd you buy it for?" I ask. I try my best to conceal my jealousy with extreme curiosity. "No one, silly" she giggles and now it's my turn to furrow my brows. "It just makes me feel good" she explains, "oh... well you certainly look good" I voice.

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