Can't Lie |b.d.h|

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Billie has a big event coming up and she asked if I would attend as her date. Of course I said yes because I can rarely make it to these things. Despite how confident Billie is, I know she doesn't like to go places alone. So I'm always ready to be alongside her whenever needed.

We're currently in Saks as she looks for a suitable dress to wear. We've gone through so many already, and I've already picked out my suit. "I'm sorry" she sighs from within the dressing room as she changes out of her 8th dress. "It's ok, baby. We can go through a hundred dresses until you find one you like. It's important that you feel as good as you look" I assure her.

"Can you hand me the other one?" She asks softly, I grab it and slide it through the space in the door. She mutters a soft 'thank you' before falling silent. The sound of ruffling and light clinking as the dress slides on her body. I hear the zipper go and she takes a deep breath before she steps out to show me.

I sit and stare at her mesmerized as always but even more so now. "What do you think?" She asks hesitantly, turning around so I can see it from the front. I'm momentarily at a loss for words as I scan her frame. "You can't wear that" I utter absently, "you don't like it?" She questions sadly which breaks me out of my trance.

I get up and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "I love it, you look... fucking sexy. You should get it, but not for the event. No one else sees you in this but me" I whisper and I feel her shiver. "O-ok" she stutters, "get your pretty ass in there and let's get the third one you tried on" I voice.

"You sure? I don't know about that one" she mutters, "trust me. Once you're all dolled up, you'll love it as much as I do" I assure her. "Alright" she smiles, going back in the fitting room to change. She comes out with the two dresses on one arm and the others in her hand.

I take the ones she doesn't want and hang them on the return rack before taking her hand. We pay for them and leave the store.

time skip

I drag my eyes all over her body as we sit in the limo on the way home. "Oh my gosh stop staring at me like that" she chuckles, "like what?" I ask coyly. "Like you've seen me naked, you little pervert" she giggles, "well I have... and I plan to later as well" I whisper.

"Stop... teasing me" she mutters, pulling me by my shirt so I sit even closer to her. "I would never do that, Billie. All I'm trying to do is tell you how gorgeous you look" I voice, my reward being the soft blush that forms on her cheeks. "Thank you, baby" she replies softly, "any time. Now tell your boy to hit it, I love this dress but I wanna see it off" I smirk.

She shakes her head while rolling her eyes at my comment. "I love you, honey" I chuckle, "I love you too" she utters, a soft smile on her face. The kind that makes the little crinkles around her eyes more prominent. I lean over and place loving kiss on her lips. Taking a hold of her hand for the rest of the ride.

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