Speeding down the back street |b.d.h|

352 12 7

CW: mommy kink, praise, overstimulation
WC: 1551

As I pause the film I started, I sigh and stare at the ceiling. I miss Billie. I've been distracting myself all day, trying not to bother her at work. Fuck it though, I can't take this anymore. I pull my phone off the cushion beside me and open up our chat. I smirk as a plot crosses my mind and I start typing.

Hi, baby. How's your day going??

I know it'll take her a bit to respond, so I decide to push her a little. I hurry upstairs and run a bath, stripping myself from my clothes. I slip in and moan at the heat; the smell, along with the bubbles, aiding in my relaxation. My phone dings and I take the towel hanging beside the bath and wipe my hands.

Hey darling. It's alright, I'm on break now

Hmm... does this make it better?

I made sure she couldn't really see anything, in case someone was beside her. You can just see my shoulders and a peek of my boobs, along with my legs bent in the soapy water.

That... certainly helps a bit 🤭

Only a bit? 🤨

No no a LOT 😮‍💨

That's more like it... 😏

The first one was just a warning, so I went a little more with this one. Now she can see my full chest and I spread my legs a bit. She obviously can't see past the bubbles, even with her little spidey senses. I just want her think I'm doing something.

Sweetheart... 🤯

That's not my name and you know it

Oh? Sorry mommy 🫣

Good girl. When will you be home?

I have to go back on set in an hour. We still have a few takes left

Tell them you have to come home

I-I can't do that 🥲


I put my arm between my legs this time, arching my back slightly so my chest pokes out. I know just how to drive her crazy and she knows it.

Babyyy 😩

Baby? Don't make me punish you Ms.Howard

Sorry... mommy please don't do this right now 😞

I'll do whatever I please. Now come home

But I can'ttt 🥺

You're the boss, baby, remember? Come on, be a good girl and come please your mommy...

I- don't make me do this

I'm so wet for you, you should feel it... don't you wanna taste me, Billie? I know you do...

Mommy please

God I want you so bad... it's aching for you

Mommyyy 😰

Come. Home. Now. I need my little slut

Y-yes mommy 🫡

There's my good girl... see you soon, darling

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