Ha Ha Halloween |a.m.r|

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Tonight is very special for Ally and I; it's the first Halloween we won't have Ozzy with us. Don't get me wrong, I love the little dude, but trick or treating? Horrid. I usually suck it up but, luckily, I've been getting to know the moms more this year. I take it they like me considering they offered to take Oz off our hands tonight.

One of his friends is having a little party before trick or treating and then he'll stay the night. I was over the moon when Susan told me this. We've already dropped him off earlier and he was bouncing in his seat. If it weren't for the 'stupid' seatbelt he would've leaped out the car. I walked him to the door and made sure he got in safely and then we returned home to get ready.

Our friend Billie has her annual party tonight and we'll finally get the chance to attend. That's what I'm most excited about actually, since Ally hasn't seen my costume yet. "Babeee" she whines and I peek my head out the closet, raising my eyebrows. "I can't zip this" she says, "turn around" I instruct and she groans but does it.

I quickly scamper over and zip it, hauling ass back to the closet so she can't see my outfit. She turns around and huffs, the sight being enough to make me giggle. She decided to dress as a witch, she has a little cape and all. I think she only did it because she already had all the items.

She had her green velvet cape; she just needed to search for a black dress in her closet. "You have to come out the closet at some point, darling" she teases as she approaches. "Stand back or I'll call Delia" I smirk, "wow. Are you saying I'm not a real witch?" she asks whilst continuing to come closer.

"Ally" I deadpan, "what? I thought you said my fingers were magical..." she smirks widely. "I just want a kiss" she pouts, leaning against the wall and I sigh funnily. I lean my head out, closer to her, and peck her lips. "Uh uh" she hums, grabbing my chin and pulling me back in. I hold onto the wall so I don't fall as her lips makes me dizzy.

"Have fun, sweetheart. Not too much fun though" she taunts before walking off, swaying her hips more than usual. I quickly finish up, pulling on the fishnets and slipping on a robe. I reach the bathroom and see her applying light makeup. I come behind her and wrap my arms around her waist causing her to pull the lipstick away.

"You look gorgeous—bewitching" I whisper while smiling goofily and she shakes her head amused. I lean in and place a gentle kiss on her neck, earning me a whimper in response. I turn her around by her hips and press her into the counter, leaning up to connect our lips. She hums contently as her arms drape over my shoudlers.

"Mm" she moans as I pull her closer before releasing her. Her eyes flutter open and she bites her lip softly. "You've got lipstick... there" she giggles and I smile at the sound. She takes her thumb and wipes it off slowly, her tongue poking out a little. "This needs to hurry and dry" I groan, "just can't resist my lips, huh?" she teases and I pout dramatically.

"Let me see this little outfit and I'll take it off for you" she whispers while pulling at the tie but I smack her hands away. "You won't be taking anything off if you keep this up" I state and she quirks an eyebrow at me. "Excuse me" she challenges, "you heard me" I counter as I move around her. I grab the heating tools and place them on the counter, plugging them in.

"I think you forget who's in charge, baby" she mumbles, digging her nails into my hips as she grabs them. I take a deep breath and meet her gaze through the mirror. "I suppose we'll see, won't we?" I smirk, "we shall" she smirks wider. I do her hair and vice versa before we head back to the bedroom. Ally sits on the bed to put on her shoes, periodically glancing at me.

I go back to the closet to grab my own and take off the robe. "Ready?" I ask her, "I've been ready for the last 2 hours. I was born ready" she replies. "So you were born only two hours ago?" I joke, "get your pretty ass out here" she grumbles. I step out and her jaw drops, quite literally. I slowly walk over to her and she bites her lip while she smiles.

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