Pre-game |c.g|

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As I slip on my outfit, I can hear Mitski playing in the background. Ever since her new song 'my love mine all mine' was released, I've been obsessed with it. At first Delia thought it was sad, the melody not being the best defense. Then, one day, I had her sit down and actually listen to it with me. She finally understood why I played in on repeat.

I remember the way she looked at me when the final note played. Her smile showing in her eyes as she leaned in to kiss me. Now today, as we get dressed for Billie's infamous party, it echos softly through the room. Like a record it slows to a stop before starting up again and I smile widely. I exit the bathroom to see Delia fixing her hair in the mirror.

I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist, swaying gently to the music. "My love is mine all mine. I love my, my, mine" I whisper to her and see her smile softly in the mirror. She turns around and pulls me close to her by my hips making me giggle. "Nothing in this world belongs to me but my love, mine, all mine" she replies softly.

"Now... how am I supposed to let you out the house dressed like this?" she asks, glancing down at my form. We decided to do matching outfits for the party but I never showed her what mine looked like. We're supposed to be doctor/nurse and patient; me being the patient of course. So I got a little creative with it; considering a loose gown isn't the most attractive attire.

I found an old dress of mine, a little cinched at the waist. It has a nice pattern to it that vaguely resembles the ones from pictures I've seen. It's not too long but not too short either, about mid-thigh. I cut some holes on the first layer, not really knowing what I was doing. Then I placed some fake blood on it and figured I was good to go.

"Well, what else makes me worth saving?" I tease as I lean closer and her eyes drop to my cleavage. "Baby... your boobs are fantastic but-" "I meant my heart, perv" I joke and she rolls her eyes playfully. "I don't want people staring at what's mine" she whispers before connecting our lips and I hum in response.

"But you know I'm yours, as you said" I point out, "that doesn't mean they get to look" and counters and I chuckle. Her hands drop to my ass and she squeezes it, causing me to move closer. "You're so cute, I could eat you out" she mumbles, "oops, Freudian slip. I meant up" she smirks. "No you didn't" I giggle, "you're right... I didn't" she whispers and kisses me again.

I moan softly as she bites my lips and her fingers trace shapes on my arms. Her touch is almost feather light and her elicits such reactions from my body, making me shiver. "Babe... we're gonna be late" I mumble against her lips, yet not attempting to pull away. "So what? She can wait" she whispers against my neck.

Her hands wander my body, lingering on the spots she knows I'm most sensitive. I feel her push into me causing me to stumble back. She holding me firmly by my waist until she reach the bed. I fall back onto it and push myself up, crawling back as she approaches me. "Delia..." I mumble, "what? Your irresistible. You won't deprive me of my treasure, will you?" she asks but we both know that's not a question.

I will give her whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. One of her hands caresses my inner thigh while the other skillfully kneads my breast in her hand. I turn to putty at her touches, drowning in the feelings she gives me. "Please, Delia" I beg in a quiet tone, "please what, kitten?" she taunts.

"Touch me..." I plead and I'm lucky she's in a good mood and doesn't push me further. Her slim fingers pull my covering to the side and slowly collect my arousal. As her fingers brush my clit, I whimper and buck my hips. "Someone's eager" she teases, her lips moving against my neck while her breath rises goosebumps on my skin.

Without more words she gently slides a finger in my entrance. I shudder and moan as she leans into me, her body pressing against my own. "Does that feel good, kitten?" she whispers in my ear, biting it gently afterwards. "Y-yes" I stutter, her finger rubbing slow circles on my clit and sending me with the stars.

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